What ?

What ?

Also next episode when?

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>real life
O yeah, I would be mad if they would talk about the time my mother-witch sent me to the shadow realm after failing to steal magic coins and retrieve it in her volcano lair. Damn.

>ANOTHER cartoon about the writers broadcasting their personal problems
We were unironically healthier as a society when everyone bottled up their issues.

If the next generation can evade their dads bottling up their personal issues to the extent that they're unable to admit any faults at all, that sounds great to me, honestly. Sign me up for the basedboy society where everyone talks about their feelings all the time, I'm all for it.

We are getting an episode every week on Saturday for the next couple weeks

Hasn't that always been a thing? Most of Classic literature is filled with barely disguised euphemism for writers mental problems. Hell Beowolf is probably some Freudian thing about a guy pissed off his mother keeps fucking diffrent people.

This. Why can’t creators talk about issues they personally know about in their work?

Because what would Yas Forums have to complain about then? It's one of the oldest writing staples: Write what you know.

I'm fine with writers writing their own issues into works.
Problem is that writers who used to do that in previous gens actually had education and wisdom so their shit was quality, while the current retards writing their problems are pic related to sum it up.
Funnily enough, the new New Warriors has a villain named Captain Manspreader.

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Don't watch DuckTales, can someone give a rundown

>barely disguised
That's just it, they aren't even trying to disguise it anymore and it comes across as pathetic whining that way

Nah its pretty much the same. Your just sadly smarter so its easier to spot the when you were a kid. Like how many shows are just made to trend chase a surprise popular one.

women really will never be on men's level when it comes to intelligence.

This. I know everyone has issues, but fuck, keep them in perspective. I rant and rave to you guys and my friends about dumb shit, but at the end of the day it's blowing off steam.

Lena is a character introduced in season one as Webby's new best best friend who's a bit of a bad influence on her, but as it turns out she's actually the niece of Magica De Spell who's spirit is living inside of her body and manipulating her to get Scrooge's number one dime and use the magic connected to its sentimental value to return her to life. In the season one finale Lena sacrificed herself to stop her aunt and began following Webby around as a ghost, midway through season 2 Webby and her other new friend Violet manage to bring her back to the world of the living, since then there have been a couple episodes about her dealing with some serious baggage, vis a vis feeling like Magica isn't really gone, being worried that she's going to go down the same path as her, that sort of thing. By the by Magica actually is alive and still trying to manipulate Lena but currently doesn't have any of her magic powers and generally isn't doing a very good job at it.

Whenever I watch new cartoons being way more touchy-feely with characters and plots, I always sense a creepy vibe from them.

Older cartoons seemed to stay away from emotionally connecting to children too much in a more professional manner, I guess. New ones seem to have this overly nice vibe of absolute emotional acceptance that in real life tends to serve as camoflage for creepy perverts.

Magica just needs a good dicking and she will be ok.

i just wanted a comfy slice of life series about sentient ducks

why do current_year show runners keep wanting to turn kids cartoons into drama shows

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You sound underage.

>another cartoon about "women strong, smart and empowered", "men evil, weak and stupid"!
I miss cartoons and comics not being all the same anti men sjw garbage again and again

Ugly artstyle for a shit memeshow.

>magica de spell is male

This is the gayest thing I've read all month and faggots like you are the reason literary criticism is dead.

>where everyone talks about their feelings all the time
How much does someone has to fall down the woke slippery slope to want a society that runs on histrionic personality disorder?

Lena is probably the worst character of the show though. Not funny and very obnoxious. Don't know why any kid would like her.

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ie "Im the only lampshader in this village"

Is there anything portrayed particularly poorly about this plot?

Kafka's body of work is liteally about his personal anxiety towards different aspects of his life and the society he lived in
He had problems with his father but they aren't reduced to "Buh uh my daddy's a meany" in his writing.

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>i just wanted a comfy slice of life series about sentient ducks
Quack Pack.
Ducktales has never really been SOL. Life is like a hurricane in Duckburg you know.


Because it's often pretty disingenuous. The idea that Lena is some realistic portrayal of abuse and trauma is fucking laughable.

I mean, if you want to say, "Lena is emotionally abused by her Aunt", fine. If you want to say, "She's traumatized by events in the past". Fine. But realistic? Nobody ever calls Beowulf a REALISTIC portrayal of an Oedipus complex, only that he has one.

But even then, the way its actually written in the show is so light-hearted and jokey and it doesn't actually seem to weigh on this character until it has to for drama's sake. Whereas Beowulf, it's the entire story and you see his arc. That's why it feels disingenuous to try and use some clickbait, "Look how accurate we're portraying tramua in this children's cartoon, aren't we such good little writers?".

more like "my issues are not something that should affect a fun cartoon for kids"

there's a difference between telling a story based on your experience and literally projecting

When did Beowulf ever have an Oedipys complex? Is that one of Neil Gaiman's dumb ideas?

>Magica was able to create a living being from her shadow, to act as her spy. The shadow took on the form of a young girl named Lena, who took the source of Magica’s power, an amulet she held within the head of her staff and began her mission to free her creator.

I mean they're recycling the plot that has been used in The Smurfs. Twice.

I miss the times where writers were more focused in writing interesting conflicts rather than realistic ones

I don't see how that's relevant the the thread's topic but I'll take your word for it.

I was a Beowulf fan at one point and the theory that he has an Oedipus complex is new to me. I've seen people comparing him to Jesus, though

>rather than realistic ones
In what way is asspulled trauma realistic?

Because the legend we have now was written to present him as a Christ-figure, and that was still more subtle than Ducktales

Sure sure, there Longfellow. Please enlighten us poor "gays" on why your understanding of literacy is far superior to hundreds of years of scholarly research and debate.

Reminder this is the show that claims they are being progressive via talking about a disability with Della but treat Donald's voice as a disability and mocks it endlessly to the point he's depressed over it

Do you honestly think Freudian theory is based on anything more than the self-justifying theories of a jewish pervert?

I think some of you might be confused. The OP is just one persons interpretation of events in the show. I don't really get why you are rag on the show but not the rando throwing his baggage on the show.

>Because what would Yas Forums have to complain about then?
There's plenty to complain about in this show, you dumb leftist.

>It's one of the oldest writing staples: Write what you know.
The thing about this staple is that you're supposed to know many things by experience. That's how you grow as a writer. The problem is that these "writers" are emotional children that live in urban bubbles.

men are always portrayed as weaker, less intelligent and less competent then women.
when there is a conflict the women always is in the right and wins, women are assertive and dominate while men are written as submissive and weak.
Mean are played as the butt of every joke while women are always the "tough, badass" ones.
Same sjw shit you see in all modern media these days

I wonder if it's because it's comedy and men and women who act like that are out of the norm and therefore are easy targets.

>men are always portrayed as weaker, less intelligent and less competent then women.
This depends heavily on the genre. In stories where the male is a traditional fight-the-big-bad hero, he's portrayed as resourceful, strong, clever, able to overcome anything while the woman character is often just the helpless damsel love interest who acts as a trophy for the hero in the end.

But then again, you're probably the type of person who ignores stereotypes until it makes you feel like less of a man because power fantasies are all you have in life.

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>Calls him a Jewish pervert but not German.
Hmmm. Very interesting.


Pretty standard comedy trope but your theory doesnt hold much water in other genres.

>my cartoon about talking ducks HAS TO be deep

...god you're just so stupid

Why not make an adult show if they want to do that? Why should they get to have free therapy and have kids suffer for it?

But it’s not. Sure, Lena has a pretty weird life that has made her suffer a bit, but it’s not fucking trauma.
She’s a shadow that was used by a villain to infiltrate the heroes hideout and get something for her. She gained consciousness and wanted to break free from being just a pawn.
After the villains defeat, she becomes a ghost nobody can see until she’s brought back by her friends. That’s it. None of that is realistic or based on any real life mental anguish. It’s cartoony and magical. While the characters take it seriously, it’s not treated dead serious. I don’t know what this article is on about.

Meh, have you seen how much wasted time is dedicated to dumb interpretations of other shows. There is probably days worth of bullshit video essays on how DBZ is about the struggles of immigrants.

Am I old? I grew up with power rangers and Captain Planet and even Masters of The Universe stuff. I distinctly remember all of those shows had pretty obvious aesops and even PSA on the end. Sure some of it was the usual dont bully and recycle stuff but there were also stuff about abuse. Inappropriate touching and drugs. Compared to that stuff ducktales is pretty subtle. Its not like that put a hotline number at the end. They just showed a kid was still afraid of someone who once abused them.

>Sure some of it was the usual dont bully and recycle stuff but there were also stuff about abuse. Inappropriate touching and drugs.
These are all lessons for living life safer and more healthy. Both the right and left can get behind these lessons.

>Compared to that stuff ducktales is pretty subtle.
The Ducktales lessons are divisive and not subtle at all. "WOMEN GOOD MEN BAD." "GAYS GOOD." It's all one-sided in favor of the left and feminists. It's all identity-based.

Having morals and easily digestible lessons for children isn't the same as tumblr writers putting all their issues and angst into characters and letting it fester. They don't even know how to handle their problems, so what makes you think the fictional version of themselves will be able to handle it better? It just ends up with incoherent and incorrect conclusions and delusions, which aren't healthy for children.

You sir are a moron. At no point has anything close to thar been presented on the show. It was worthless of you to have even entered the conversation. Take your leave and honestly get some help.

You're trying way too hard in faking your outrage.
The lesson of the week™ is that you shouldn't cheat and be able to accept failure as something that makes you grow.
You know, bog-standard life lesson stuff.

Examples please. Should be interesting to see the thought process that leads one to such idiotic...sorry interesting conclusions.

The lesson is you should be taking the Cabspill instead

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>the male is a traditional fight-the-big-bad hero, he's portrayed as resourceful, strong, clever, able to overcome anything while the woman character is often just the helpless damsel love interest who acts as a trophy for the hero in the end.
when was the last time this happened?
Not counting animu of course.