Yeah get fucked bitch
Yeah get fucked bitch
this is giorno levels of bullshittery
And then this happened.
Pretty gay and cringe
>tony gets beaten, humiliated, and left to make it back to civilization in a depowered suit
>stormin' norman high off of loki-induced crazy rolls into asgard and blows it up
I'll be in my bunk
Fuck Thor, coward never wants to help when it's not his problem. Some hero.
Remind me, was this before or after Sentry tore Ares in half?
Thor had reasons to be irked with Tony. The guy had him cloned, said clone went apeshit and killed Goliath
>Spidey Sense doesn't kick in till the last second
Goliath had it coming, Ragnarok was acting in self defense.
Really, Thor is more of an anti-hero, he's just not "edgy" because he doesn't have knife hands or a gun fetish or fangs so people don't think of him as such.
Might have something to do with what Tony said there...
Tony wins Civil War and tries to impose his regulations on Thor who is recently back from being dead and trying to find the dormant souls of his fellow gods that are residing in various normal humans on Earth (and Loki is running around in Sif's body). Thor isn't having any of whatever Tony is saying and beats him down and tells Tony to leave him alone. Then Secret Invasion happens, Norman takes over and Tony goes on the run. Thor is just chilling on Asgard and staying out of it all. Then Loki pokes Norman's crazy and gets him to launch an assault on Asgard while it's located in America. Ares realizes that things are going too far and sides with the Asgardians. Sentry goes crazy and rips Ares in half.
fuck off, it's incredibly retarded
I think you mixed the two up
He literally says he designed a way to neutralise his spider-sense. Tony’s a competitor for the smartest human in all of Marvel bar writers jacking off to Reed. If fucking Green Goblin found a way to bypass Spider-sense, it’d be downright insulting if Tony couldn’t do that with his eyes closed & hands tied behind his back
Goddamit, Danny. You suck at being edgy.
Also, fuck Millar.
Like when?
More Tony getting BTFO.
>superhuman war breaks out on Earth
>”message” is sent to Reed of an intergalactic battle that doesn’t even come lightyears near their solar system
>Tony calmly explains that Reed never bothered to report the message, so noone had any way of knowing
>”hurr durr I saved the universe, what’ve you ever done faggot?”
All this reveals is that Richard is a more than a little slow
>pointless war that didn't need to happen going on that you helped start
>get warning of a true existential threat
>ignore it
Reed was a fucking faggot
as always.
this post was made by Doomgang
>He literally says he designed a way to neutralise his spider-sense. Tony’s a competitor for the smartest human in all of Marvel bar writers jacking off to Reed. If fucking Green Goblin found a way to bypass Spider-sense, it’d be downright insulting if Tony couldn’t do that with his eyes closed & hands tied behind his back
This was an asspull relying on the fact that Spider-sense never really made sense. It was originally radiowave based (basically he's constantly probing his surroundings with a subconscious version of Radar Sense) and other writers, like here, had it pheromone based (he can detect chemical tells from attackers). But that shit obviously conflicts with each other and with how it's often written, which is just fucking precognition (fuck's sake he's detected shit like lightning strikes or poison with it before).
It was eventually directly explained as his connection to the web of life and destiny. He's literally sensing and changing the future. It's precognition. Which means this Iron Man takedown of Peter no longer makes sense in canon, not that it ever did. They basically just invented a one off weakness for Peter based on a nonsensical explanation of his powers that never took. Because realistically Tony couldn't fucking beat Peter.
Is super science in comics just a form of plot armor? This is on the same level as star trek making up shit to beat their enemy of the week.
Civil War was so awful. I haven't bought or read a single Marvel book since this trainwreck.
I don't get it.
Pretty much. It's arguably worse than straight up magic sometimes
It's distilled "this character is smart, but I can't think of ways to show them being smart, so I'll just say they solved it by being smart".
She's the deadliest woman in the Galaxy.
She's rough in bed.
Which probably makes canon that Nova is better in the sack that Tony. Or at least can handle rougher sex.
Except it clearly made sense back then, when it was just a biological phenomenon. Tony at the time had literally built a more powerful backup of his own brain to serve him when he became brain-damaged, becoming smarter in the process. Mapping out & synthesising a biological function like that would be child’s play - especially when Green Goblin has been able to neutralise it himself since day 1. And don’t pretend like Spider-man is somehow outside Tony’s league, this is the guy who literally built a Dyson Sphere to destroy Earth-1610 against someone who got destroyed by Jack O Lantern & The Jester. Simply Carpet-bombing Peter to avoid the unneccesary sci-fi would’ve just caused too much property damage
I mean they explain how he did it. It's just complete horseshit.
>used scans of Peter's brain to emulate his Spider-sense
>use this emulation of his Spider-sense to figure out what chemicals its reacting to in the air when it triggers
>synthesized the chemical to make false positives and hooked the program up to his suit's sensors to replicate the sense
>Except it clearly made sense back then
Except, to reiterate, it didn't. Remember, it was supposed to be radiowave based originally. Pheremones was a retcon that made even less sense. Time bombs, bullets, and loose bricks don't produce pheremones. Smelling hostility only gets you so far and wouldn't explain 99.99% of how Peter used his sense.
What has comic Tony been up to these days?
Being an AI "living" inside one of his old armors
Literally nothing in Marvel/DC comics are meant to “make sense”. Iron Man himself has “used transistors” to turn electricity into thrust since his debut, except transistors are a real thing & have nothing to do with that. Doesn’t mean that’s not what happens, it happens and relies on suspension of disbelief, just like evrything else about Peter. And considering all the sci-fi bullshit Reed/Victor/Pym & literally every other smart character in existence pull every time they appear, replicating spider-sense is really fucking tame in comparison
>And don’t pretend like Spider-man is somehow outside Tony’s league
Peter is Tony without a budget. He has outhacked Tony more than once, including during Civil War. He reverse engineered the Iron Spider without even getting a look at the blueprints just so he'd have one lying around in his museum. And he improved on and miniaturized the tech for his MK IV with little effort.
Also his wall cling powers literally let him fry any electronics he wants just by touching them. He's a tech hero's worst nightmare.
>She's rough in bed.
That's it?
Tony found a woman he couldn't satisfy in bed, ALRIGHT?
>replicating spider-sense is really fucking tame in comparison
It's not the replicating I have a problem with. Plenty of characters have put together half-assed Spider-sense knock offs. It's the fooling the sense I have a problem with. This is tachyon levels of asspull. There are actually ways to get around the sense and they aren't fucking fart drones or however the fuck Tony made the pheromone ghosts.
And despite your bullshit, comics are intended to have an internal logic.
And I could similarly pull high-end feats for Tony out my ass all day long. Acknowledging how strong character A is & ignoring all the times character B has done something better doesn’t mean character B’s feats don’t exist. Whoever “wins” depends on who the writer wants to win, and faggots will justify it by pulling up a respect thread to make it seem normal. Literally nothing stops Tony from carpet-bombing Pete at the stadium save for the fact he doesn’t want to. That doesn’t mean he’s not capable of it
You do know Norman has been using regular gas-bombs that shut off Peter’s spider-sense since the Golden age, right? Going by that “internal logic” of a recurring trend in how to shut it off, it still seems pretty mild compared to stopping time, building a machine to heaven, technologically breaking the 4th wall or becoming the beyonder.
oh, now i get it
Finally, sheesh
that's pretty pathetic of him
caring whether the female is satisfied
Which is why he is so popular with women and you're not.
>You do know Norman has been using regular gas-bombs that shut off Peter’s spider-sense since the Golden age, right?
That acts directly on Peter. And as stated there are ways around the sense. Wouldn't have had a problem if Tony did that.
>it still seems pretty mild compared to stopping time, building a machine to heaven, technologically breaking the 4th wall or becoming the beyonder.
No, the sense is precognition tied to the web of life and destiny. The only way you'd be able to create a false positive is to actually fuck with causality itself or directly manipulate the web, which Tony can't even reach and I don't even think he knows the existence of. It'd be a ridiculously high level feat.
>Literally nothing stops Tony from carpet-bombing Pete at the stadium save for the fact he doesn’t want to.
And literally nothing stops Peter from conducting a deal with the devil to wipe Tony from existence.
Except back then it wasn’t tied to the web of life, it was consistently biological. Mysterio, Norman, Jester, so many of Spidey’s rogues have fucked with Peter’s sense using chemicals, & so many times it’s flittered between being “pheromonal” or based on radio-waves. Tony’s literally just creating a contingency based off the pheremonal interpretation of the time, & it’s not exactly the first time pheremones have been used as the explanation either
He's also canonacally emotionally neglectful and egomaniacal which probably has a lot to do with it.
Relying on a shitty interpretation of the powerset isn't really a good excuse. And Mysterio doesn't fuck with Peter's Spider-sense beyond canceling it, same shit as Norman. That's fucking with Peter's brain. Tony's the only person to ever create false positives.
>No, the sense is precognition tied to the web of life and destiny.
Wait, wasn't this Straczynski's gimmick? But didn't Straczynski write the ASM Civil War tie-ins? What the fuck
>neglectful with women
ask me how I know you've only read comics of this millenium
It was one of two major interpretations of the time, both of which make utterly zero sense but are believed because it’s comic books, same as your more modern interpretation about the “web of life”, which is just as bullshit but wasn’t a thing back then. Assuming either interpretation, radio or pheremonal, it’d be easy as fuck for someone of Tony’s caliber to create a false positive when every “genius” in all of marvel regularly does Xeelee shit
>pheromone based
What? How does precognition equal pheromone based?
How does falling into acid = clownface or yellow light = superpowers? It’s comics, don’t break your brain trying to figure out a puzzle with no real answer
Shitty writers up their own asshole following in the steps of other shitty writers up their own asshole when anyone with half a brain had just been treating it as a nebulous unexplained future sense for decades is obviously shitty writing to even the most casual observer.
>MGTOW amirite my fellow chads?
Stow the bluster, kid.
aren't they volcels? someone who fucks but doesn't care doesn't fit the description
>emotionally neglectful
Reading comprehension and he is.
>someone who fucks
That's pretty key here