Was this any good?
Never seen Yas Forums talk about it.
Was this any good?
Well that's because you missed it, dude. And yes, it's pretty good. Wouldn't call it amazing yet, but I see no reason to think future seasons won't continue the upward trend.
It's story is actually comprehensible and it's animation is superb.
It’s pretty decent. Spiritually sibling to the Last Airbender. Too bad the studio died.
It has it's fans.
I found it to be pretty meh. The first part of the series is a chore to watch because of the animation and the jokes mostly don't work for me. The 'villains' are more interesting then the heroes.
It's a decent show that's a bit frustrating at times.
>future seasons
Are those even happening?
It was a show that defeated itself with an incessant amount of ill-timed quips and comedic relief. Excessive use of sarcasm, and having an overall self-referential attitude about everything taking place in the story, worked together to create a feeling that there were no real stakes, no real danger.
It's a series that makes an attempt to achieve a standard set by Avatar, but fails to reach it, and in its failure attempts to save itself by using woke politics in order to find a new fanbase.
Good show, definitely better than most of the trash that they made nowadays.
Like imagine Disney SW in terms of storytelling and Dragon Prince creators are opposite of that. Between Avatar and this its obvious they know the rules of storytelling and character crafting, so the story is engaging and characters are memorable.
Some people say it looks shity, but i had no problems with graphics at all. It becomes good enough after first 10-15 minutes and becomes better with each new season.
Give it a try.
p.s. the biggest mistake in terms of mass appeal was made when they decided to go with this type of graphics instead of more classic one.
with Avatar visual it would have been another hit.
I think they're finishing the story through a series of graphic novels.
Just finished season 3 yesterday and now craving more.
The animation for season 1 is very choppy and a big reason why I put it off for so long.
The jokes are very hit and miss, or rather meh and miss to be honest, It does pick up after some time and even gets a bit violent at the end, which I find a bit confusing as the earlier violent bits had been very toned down. The lore is interesting, the characters fun and rayla a cute.
Hope they'll get another season since the story isn't over yet.
Did you like the interracial lesbian queens who had a magical buttbaby daughter queen?
They weren't in it for so long, but I would be lying if I wasn't sighing in my head when they were introduced. There were many "woke" or politically correct characters introduced, but it never felt overwhelming.
Like, yeah of course you'll stumble upon a gay guy once in a while. Maybe the queens got their baby butter from strongest males in their kingdom, who knows.
I hated it because it made me fall for a filthy elf
Also generic netflix homo/sjw pandering was awful
It was meh. I can't bring myself to watch the 3rd season. I didn't like the fucking sign language commander and I didn't care for the lesbian queens because it felt too forced. Story wasn't good enough to make it worth watching really past a few annoyances basically.
has no teeth, overly 'nice' writing, too much ~representation~, but worst of all, it was boring. i seemed to remember an interesting subplot with a guy and some magical person through a mirror, which was good, but i highly doubt they'll follow through on it properly.
It's so easy for people like you to compartmentalize your entertainment. You sigh and roll your eyes at egregious shit being shoved down your throat, then in the next instant you've forgotten all about the social engineering you just witnessed, and you have nothing but praise to wave around. I can't stand that attitude.
The more you allow these people to get away with their bizarre progressive grooming, the more they will try to push it on you. And not just on you, but people more inclined to absorb that material and let it influence them.
Avatar Aang really was lightning in a bottle
But was there really that much pandering?
Of course there was pandering every now and then, but they never hit you over the head with it.
A gay couple here, a gay couple there, deaf woman, blind pirate (mostly played for a joke), that really was all.
I liked that they had their different elf races be a certain ethnic/look like a certain ethnic instead of having white/black/asian moonshadow elves and so on.
It's solid. The antagonists are the best part of the show and clearly the writers favorites.
Honestly, the only thing that bothered me was they said they were both queens. That is not how fucking monarchies work even if they allowed gay marriages! The one with the most direct link to the throne would be crowned the actual Queen, and the other would officially be the "Princess Consort" or just "Princess" just like how in real life no one calls Queen Elizabeth's husband the King of englind.
What kind of person am I exactly and what kind of person does that make you?
This is a show where you have gay characters pop up every now and then. The main cast is mostly white, no one talks about "WOMEN ARE BETTER THAN MEN AT EVERYTHING" no one is pushing any gay agendas, the gays are just there. Two are the leaders of one single minor kingdom we barely see, and some others pop up here and there. That is all.
It's not said outright, but it is something that's shown consistently throughout the series. Most female characters that play a large part in the story display fighting abilities superior to their male counterparts. Ezran's mother is one main instance.
The point I'm making is, the increased instances of gay and racial representation is not something that should be a priority in entertainment. It should be allowed to exist, but not to this extent, and certainly not as lacking in nuance as we see these days. This type of identity pandering is so ubiquitous now, that it feels like these content creators might lose a bet if they slow down their pandering at any point. The more you pretend "it's not that bad" or try to hand wave it away, the more they will see fit to push boundaries further.
rando here, but i think the issue is that it doesn't seem to respect the changes it's making. gay leaders in a classical monarchy, in a classical fantasy setting, that's based heavily on classical understandings of gender roles.
ignoring modern gender politics, the fantasy setting they're going for in the show is heavily based on very classical ideas of societal structures. people were homophobic for a reason, and while you can argue it's a BAD reason, the show doesn't seem to understand nor respect those reasons, in spite of it being the backbone of classical power structures.
in other words, humans cared about gender roles and it heavily played into the classical systems of control/thought that inspired the kind of fantasy that inspired this kind of show.
if you're going to put a twist on it, you need to have a respect for the history behind it, and you might as well come up with a society that reflects that change, rather than retconning the reality of it.
because the show essentially handwaves that issue and pretends it's unimportant, it just comes across as typical neo-liberal feel-good progressivism. 'wow it's so progressive that we have lesbian queens!' without any respect of the genre, history, or human psychology.
i would love to see a fantasy show that actually deconstructs the 'patriarchal' aspect of classical fantasy, but this show sure as shit ain't it and instead completely ignores it for no real reason beyond 'wanting to represent X group'. vapid, shallow, ego-stroking bullshit that i expect from modern liberals. 'just change their race/gender/sexuality! it doesn't matter lol because ~we're all the same right gais~'
It’s a severely flawed show.
The only thing that it does particularly well is making its main characters likeable. They’re very charming and it’s been fun to see them develop over the 3 seasons and they’re really what is keeping the fans coming back.
Other than that though, there’s not a lot going for it. Most obviously, the show’s ugly. The frame rate itself improved after the first season but that only made the show tolerable. It’s still not particularly well animated or directed, the cel-shaded CGI look isn’t appealing and the character and world designs are stuck in a dated, boring mid-2000s fantasy style with nothing unique or noteworthy about them.
Every attempt at worldbuilding has been atrocious. There’s nothing interesting about the setting, it’s as generic a fantasy realm as is conceivable, not only that but the show is so deep in ATLA’s shadow that they aped the world being built around a bunch of elements, except this time it’s not fundamentally built into the plot, it’s just because whatever, so it feels pointless.
The story, particularly when it gets into politics or morality, has some of the worst writing I’ve seen since Korra. It’s full of contrivance and hypocrisy in order to promote the show’s message of peace and reconciliation without showing any understanding of what the complexities of achieving those may be. The showrunners promoted Dragon Prince by saying they were going to explore a grey morality within the show, which is a lie. The good guys are uniformly always right and the bad guys are always evil, even when they both make decisions based on the same logic, it’s frustratingly weak writing.
Rent fucking free
You have a point in that most of the fighters are indeed females. But still, the queen won in a fight against her husband, but that didn't make him change his mind and ended up getting her killed.
And also, I do agree that we nowadays should live in a society where pandering isn't needed anymore, yes. We are all equal.
Which in turn is why, I feel like, you're putting too much thought into it.
If its normal that people of whatever color, straight and gay people are running around, then shouldn't it be normal for shows to feature all such characters?
Maybe it's just something in your head that makes you think there is some hidden agenda?
>The point I'm making is, the increased instances of gay and racial representation is not something that should be a priority in entertainment.
So, you're saying "I don't want too many black people in my cartoons" ?
This nigga gets it.
>magical buttbaby
One of them probably just fucked a guy.
had a blast
go watch it : ^ )
A show based in our own real history that would introduce gay queens as something normal, then yes, I would agree with you.
But we are talking about a fictional fantasy world we mostly know nothing about. We know humans got kicked out of magic land for being shitty and then had to make a living in non-magic land. They made kingdoms and the kingdoms are lead by kings and queens.
That is all we know.
Sure, we can imply what we know of our own medival history to try and fill the gaps, but we can't go and say "This is how it should be, because it was like that in our world". If the show contradicts something from our own history, then we just shouldn't apply it there.
Other rando here.
You’re right in saying that this isn’t the show for that, but honestly, as someone who’s always disliked it when representation is forced into already existing settings or when fans get angry at fantasy settings for not having enough minorities or gays, I can’t be mad at TDP when they’ve made their own show and their own setting and filled it with what they want.
That all being said, the show not explaining how a hereditary lesbian diarchy even functions isn’t a unique issue with Xadia as a setting. Almost every single aspect of the setting’s worldbuilding and history is severely lacking either explanation or originality. It’s not like the gay stuff is an outlier, it’s just another symptom of the show’s shoddy worldbuilding.
that's just it though, the show is very solidly in the fantasy genre, which is essentially just a fantastical look at our own history. changing something as ever-present as the gender roles of our history 'just because', with no significant changes to the system we see in the show is essentially pretending like those roles weren't important when they were literally foundational in ours (and other fantasy settings). i suspect the writers just don't understand it and aren't really thinking.
if you're going to do a typical fantasy story with a twist of representation, you should at least try to play with how different things might be. i don't believe for one second that their world would so closely resemble ours or any of the typical classical structures. So much of our society is and was about protecting the male lineage, including monarchies and marriage. there's no way in hell an 'equal' society, like the one in the show, would function just like any other patriarchal fantasy society. i even doubt that they'd have marriage, desu. but they imply all of that, essentially unintentionally shooting their own progressive ideology in the foot. while also being really boring.
yeah i would probably be more forgiving of the show if the overall world-building was stronger. that might be why i keyed in so strong on the representation aspect, if only because it makes the world-building issues even more glaringly obvious.
at the end of the day, i genuinely want a greater diversity in characters and stories, and i do like to see it attempted, but i think progressive artists refuse to truly reflect on diversity, since you have to show how they're DIFFERENT too, not just 'the same'. because it's just too risky in today's climate. which is a shame, since it scares off particularly sensitive and mindful writers from exploring the actual diversity the crowds claim to want.
See, I can fully understand why the Kingdoms look like a what flashes through a Californian democrats mind when they cum.
The entire human race was basically trail of tears'd out of 50% of the known world by the magics, so it makes sense that during the massive upheaval everyone became mixed and rootless, a single human race without tribes or racial biases because they were all united by a single thought: Fuck those knife ears.
However personally I'm more concerned about how, well, globalist and anti-human the entire thing is.
We have Kings fucking over their own people, we have a guy that's basically a pro-humanity nationalist as the villain, we have the concept of dark magic (read: Industrialization) as literally evil and irredeemable, we have every tiny hypocrisy by humanity called out loud and proud while the fact the elves pretty much Somalia'd us let slide.
Yeah its adorable.
At least the main couple is straight /COLONIZED/.
>an interesting subplot
You mean fucking boring. It's not original and really too long.
Not him but this show is balanced to be honest. Talk about steven and I'll agree with you, but this is presentation done right : I can ignore it because power play between men and women is not at the center. The cute couple is.
I agree. The elves are op but in what show aren't they ? I loved the fact that they don't judge humans for using the purple magic.
+ cute couple
+ elf/human differences
+ politics
+ the relationship between callum and claudia
+ katawa shoujo amaya
+ a world I'd like to explore
- shit villains. can't empathize.
- zym and bait not developped. Not treated like real characters.
- Weak final act.
I proly forgot some
>+ politics
>+ a world
The politics and the setting are awful. Xadia is the most boring, cookie-cutter MMO fantasy world imaginable and the show's attempts at politics are probably the single worst thing about it, the Star Wars prequels had a better understanding of how the world works.
Shit for furries, like anything with dragons in it
It was bad. There was a lot of nice world-building but it all gets contradicted and retconned by season 3.
The plot has some depth - however the themes of the show overshadow the actual points of the plot. Things will happen and be presented in certain ways but then the plot and characters react in a way according to what the writers want you to think. There's a MAJOR dissidence between what the story actually is and what the writers want you to think about the events.
I tried to watch it, heard it was almost as good as last airbender
The animation is vomit-inducing. Totally unwatchable
>all this text just to say "fags make me feel icky so cartoons shouldn't be allowed to have them
Take your pills and get off Yas Forums grandpa, Matlock's on soon.
It has the best porn comic out there
Dunno but it looks absolutely boring like the rest of netflix animation series.
It was cute, but overall the lack of good porn saddens me.
I need my rayla fix. Also the loli princess.
I got the feeling Viren was most of the crew's favourite with the exception of the Ehasz and Richmond.
>the more they will see fit to push boundaries further.
which is bad because
>should be allowed to exist, but not to this extent,
>This type of identity pandering
and doing it your way is not pandering because?
Main characters and their interractions are pretty cute and fun, the antagonist is pretty cool, but boy is everything and everyone else utterly retarded.
The second season was painful to watch whenever the main characters weren't on screen. Haven't see the third, tho.
>Haven't see the third, tho.
It’s better and worse in every way. The heroes are more fun and the stakes get hype, but the writing’s more retarded than ever.
Holy shit, actuall critical thinking on Yas Forums.
I think it's a problem I sense in a lot of modern cartoons that Dragon Prince really embodies.
There's a desire to introduce diverse representation and progressive attitudes alongside more believable writing and place it on traditional tropes that have historically been exclusive. But it ignores the fact that these tropes where usually built to support the status quo.
In the case of Dragon Prince; societies with monarchies aren't equal. Bonus; monarchies generally have a history of imperialism. Having a character spout off rhetoric against it whilst also embodying it feels really off.
If the show was simpler or more abstract it wouldn't be a hard sell. But this is a world where actions have consequences and a guy getting smashed into a rock can't walk it off. So the threshold for the willing suspension of disbelief is lowered.
Which is doubly painful to see him just ... Wasted. Thrown away. A really promising villain arc suddenly derailed by turning him into a cartoon (heh) caricature. I wonder if what we get with a lot of these 'arc' shows which suddenly go off the rails is a consequence of the uncertain renewal status; you're not sure if you'll get the extra two or three seasons (or episodes, or even run-time in some cases) to really develop your original plan so you end up with a rush job that just blows it.
So is it cancelled?
aaravos is excellent.
counterpoint soren is better than claudia.
>fancy a wingjob?
Felt like a lot of wasted potential, especially with dark magic
The idea of humans needing to resort to dark magic to stand a chance against elves and actually using it for good was great, too bad it needs to corrupt people and turn them into evil monsters
First 2 seasons are good but it takes its time for better or worse, then in season 3 it starts moving at breakneck speeds to try to have some kind of climatic finale before they're cancelled and the show suffers because of it
The writing also gets really terrible whenever politics come up, especially since some of the most powerful people are children
I liked it, but it could've been a lot better. Animation improved inversely to the story. Weird conflicting morality and slow pacing of the plot really dragged it down. It's probably dead now.
this. a lot of stuff with the sun kingdom and in general felt like it was rushed, pulled from an ass or was just happening as part of a list
They said the whole concept of the show was built around the first characters they thought up - "the dark mage and his apprentice."
Viren and Claudia are the stealth main characters