Why does he suck while other asshole characters like Master Shake work perfectly?

Why does he suck while other asshole characters like Master Shake work perfectly?

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Because unlike master shake, he isnt funny.

Asshole characters are fun when they're either too stupid to realize their own limitations or saying what we're all thinking. Rick is just an asshole, a know it all with plot armor. That's not fun

But Rick is cool though.
Well, at least early Rick was. He started getting annoying when he became a fan of things that zoomers are supposed to be fans of, not old people.

Rick works fine when he's written well.

Because watching Rick and Morty is like watching an episode of ATHF or South Park where Shake or Cartman gets exactly what they want at the end. It's a terrible way to do things.

Mostly because even though he's in the wrong and obviously the (((bad guy))), everyone (in-universe and out) must still root for him since he's also the (((protagonist)))
He's also an unreliable narrator but since the show is always mostly in his perspective, we're never shown Rick in a truly negative light.

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Newer writers didn't know how to write him and wrote him in a way that is dislikeable and grating, he's better in earlier episodes

Master Shake usually gets his comeuppance

because Master Shake has literally no depth. he's just an asshole. the writers can do whatever they want with him.

Rick tried to have depth, it worked for awhile, but at the end of the day, he's just an asshole. an asshole with depth is still just an asshole. assholes are assholes. go to the biggest mirror you have, spread ya cheeks, look at that thing. it's an asshole. give it a name and a tragic backstory. it's still an asshole, bro.

1. Because the viewer is supposed to sympathize with him and root for him despite him being an asshole, unlike Master Shake
2. Because he is a self-insert Gary Stu for his fedora-tipping retard creator, unlike Master Shake

Is that Dobson?

He's too obnoxious, too cynical and rarely faces consequences.

In the first 2 seasons I liked him but the 3rd season proved how close he was to being unlikable.

He's the same character he was in the first two seasons.

They are both assholes but Shake is a retard who regularly eats shit as a result of his actions but is always way too prideful and stupid to back down, no matter how bad it gets for him which is funny. Rick is an ass-hole who is portrayed as always being right but they constantly try to portray as some sort of sympathetic misunderstood individual, as if him having depression excuses all the shit he regularly pulls. Asshole characters are funny, but don't pull a 180 and try to make people root for them after already establishing that their entire character is being an irredeemable psycho.

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I think they need to humiliate him more... It's the other side of being an arrogant jerk. Show a silly more vulnerable side of him. It seems like they try to this but dont lean into it enough or make it into too much of big deal... Just show me rick fuck up and look stupid and be a goober... Tone the "genius" thing back

I think the Purge episode might be one of the best because they disarm Rick so well and leave him fighting to survive because he got too greedy.
Same with the microverse episode.
I guess Pickle Rick is an okay example of this except that one isn't funny at all.

Shake's a loser that Frylock, Meatwad, and Carl can tell to easily fuck off and quit bothering with them.

Rick's a loser who'll seek to get even with whoever wronged him at any cost even if it's in spite of himself. (freeloading off of Beth and Jerry while Beth consistently takes his side, destroying Morty's universe even while accounting for Morty's selfish desires, Jerry in S3 getting a few over him even when he was right about Jerry in The Whirly Dirly Affair)

Nailed it.

Shake frequently gets what's coming to him. To an audience that's satisfying because life frequently doesn't play out that way
It's like a joke. Set up the punchline, you expect a payoff

Rick is an asshole that makes everyone around him miserable. There is no payoff for the audience. Everyone in the show rides his dick. That's not satisfying

>he is a self-insert Gary Stu for his fedora-tipping retard creator
Explain to me how Rick is like Justin Roiland.

>Rick is literally making Jerry's family miserable
>Jerry man's up and tries to kill the old bastard
>Realizes that would be sinking to his level and saves him last minute
>Rick goes apeshit at him and bars him from seeing his own family
And people still hate Jerry, I don't get it.

He's Dan Harmon's self-insert, a Minecraft playing autist who thinks he's smarter than everybody.

Shake works because he's an inept retard.

Harmon isn't his creator.

because he's a terrible person with enough power to not suffer the consequences of being a terrible person

because he's white

The writing. God damn, these brainless, thoughtless questions are just too much.

>t. never watched the show

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I don't get why Rick's entire character flies over everyone's head.
He's the "smart asshole" character who completely misses out on emotional fulfillment because he addresses everything completely logically. Every other character points out to him something about feelings and he dismisses it with a snarky logical "fuck you" that can't be argued against but the viewer is supposed to understand that Rick, while correct, has basically ZERO emotional intelligence.

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Harmons not even autistic, he's self diagnosed. He just want's the label because he think's being autistic automatically makes you smart.

>They are both assholes but Shake is a retard who regularly eats shit as a result of his actions but is always way too prideful
Rick being a god in season 3 killed the show

there needs to be a kind of chicken or the egg to asshole characters.
as in, are they an asshole because they never win? or do they never win because they're an asshole?

Seems like we all wanna see rick knocked down a peg.

All of these people and more are basically reaching the same point, in that the main thing you have to do with an asshole character for your audience to like them is have them constantly have this fact thrown back in their face. When they eat shit regularly, it takes away that sense of superiority they give off to the viewer and brings them down to a more human level. You can then humanize them or try and redeem them or what have you after the fact.

The Gang in It's Always Sunny is a good example of this; you set a foundation of them being shit people and can then play around with their characters in less malicious or even generally endearing ways after that (Mac's dance, Charlie and Dee going out and just being normal people for an episode, any instance of The Gang just winning), since you're so used to the universe hating them that you don't really feel the want or need to hate them too. This is why, when Master Shake sacrifices himself to save Meatwad out of unconditional compassion for him, it's a good moment.

I don't think Rick sucks in general -I like him in the other three seasons, since he's much more fun and has nice moments (come here ya little goofball!!)- but the reason he sucks so much dick in S3 is due to how they both ramp up his cuntiness and because the season treats him just as great as he now treats himself. Every instance of Rick losing is so menial and forgettable in S3 that it never brings him down from that podium (therapist gives him a speech that he clearly did not register on any meaningful level, he was sad to himself for a minute after the Unity episode?). He just gets to make stupid fucking god-complex speeches and spew pseudo-intellectual garbage about morality and Jerry being a predator and shit. They fixed this in S4 by essentially reverting him back to his more likable S1/2 self, and also having him get shat on in the toilet episode to make dues.

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He starts of feeling like an insane outsider who's smart to a science chad. Nobody wants that.

Number of episodes that Harmon wrote for:
Season 1 - 1
Season 2 - 2
Season 3 - 2
First half of Season 4 - 0

>Realizes that would be sinking to his level and saves him last minute
Uh, no that's not the reason why Jerry saved Rick last minute in that episode. He saved Rick because Rick was having a good time at the resort and said he might put in a good word for Jerry to help him get back with Beth.

Assholes aren't funny if they have some modicum of power, then it's just a shallow power fantasy. That isn't funny to watch, in fact it comes across as egotistical.

Shake has no power, in fact; his comeuppance for being a massive asshole is usually the punchline of the episode.
Carl is the same way, but he's an asshole in different ways than Shake. You don't feel pity when you see Carl hurt.

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This. Rick said he'd help Jerry patch things up with Beth.

Early Rick was funny because he wasn't supposed to be a cool guy who liked cool things. He's been flanderized to the point where the drunk asshole Rick is now just a sideshow to his character.

I always wondered why Yas Forums sucks roiland's dick.

I will argue that Shake and Cartman do get what they want some of the time; but it's always petty, insignificant victories.

How is Rick a cool guy now?
You people are just making up reasons to hate the show now.

From outsider to endlessly cool smartguy.

he's made a good amount of good cartoons on his own, Rick and Morty was the first that got picked up for serialization. He doesn't try to pretend that his cartoons are high art or deep, he just makes people laugh.

I was going to make some sarcastic jab about how you're currently speeding to burn down another McDonalds again for sauce, but then I realized you may be serious.

In a show where Nihilism is king, nu-Rick is basically Jesus. He's not supposed to be this way, he's supposed to be taken down a peg by the fact that he's ultimately a loser who got none of what he wanted and is still super depressed at the end.
But that's the thing with Flanderized characters. The thing that makes them tick isn't their shallow surface traits, it's what you can do with them when you break them. When you just have the shallow "LOOK I'M A PICKLE MORTY" shit that's printed on T-Shirts, you have not just a boring character but an absolutely obnoxious one that's going to be around for-fucking-ever.

It's not even real nihilism, it's an agnsty teens view on it.


I think its funny how you think what you believe the character is suppose to be like is somehow more correct than what the person who fucking created the character believes he's suppose to be like. It's almost like that's just your fucking opinion and you don't like the character so you're acting like your opinion is fact. Like a fucking brainlet.

I liked his podcast

>Carl is the same way, but he's an asshole in different ways than Shake. You don't feel pity when you see Carl hurt.
I always felt sorry for Carl. You’d be an asshole too if you had to live next to the aqua teens also he had a rough childhood.

Characters like Shake have comeuppance. They're too busy trying to make Rick cool to have him fall flat on his face.

Because Rick and Morty is popular and no one has ever really given a shit about Aqua Teen. Just admit that you validate yourself by convincing yourself that you're unique. By hating popular things, you've got an effort-free way of convincing yourself the common man is dumb, so by having different opinions on trivial shit you can believe that you're above most people.


>more enjoyable than R&M
Peak contrarian

Anyone who uses that word is a moron.


rick gets wanked to

There are episodes of South Park where Cartman gets what he wants. Regardless, what kind of retard do you have to be to need every single show to follow the exact same formula? Rick is a protagonist and yes, shockingly he ends up winning against antagonists. The show makes it blatantly clear that Rick does not get what he truly wants and never will.

That's exactly what a moron would say.

>They fixed this in S4 by essentially reverting him back to his more likable S1/2 self
Haven't seen Season 4, what did they change?

Oh so you do think ATHF is on the se level of quality as R&M? And you don't want to be called a contrarian?

Just hilarious.