How would you have handled this situation as the parents?

How would you have handled this situation as the parents?

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Discipline both, DW acts more like a 6yo then a 4yo and should more than know better. Arthur, while justified, and siblings hit each other should have known better too. Binky should get his ass beat and mind his fucking business. Shitty favoritism parenting.

Make DW take care Arthur’s chores for a few weeks while Arthur is grounded for the same amount of time.

Kill them both.

Agreed on the Binky part as well. He had no reason punching Arthur because his big dumb ass got "peer pressured" by his his so called "friends". I feel like Arthur's grandparents would've handled the situation better than the parents.

Beat Arthur's ass for hitting her instead of telling me and hitting his sister in the first place.
Beat DW's ass for being a little brat and picking on him.

Make them apologize to each other before grounding them both for a week.
No games, No TV and no damned toys.
They then get nothing but chores and homework.

This is pretty hard but here goes:

I'd actually say D.W. getting punched is enough of a punishment and probably more than the parents would've done on their own. Also feels shitty to dump another punishment on top of a 4/5-year-old who just got punched by an older sibling. So once she stops freaking out about being hit (weren't they like even rubbing ice on her arm? How hard did he fucking hit her? Maybe it's because I'm not a little kid anymore but I can't imagine it hurting THAT much), give her a lecture about how she should respect Arthur's property and not touch his stuff/go in his room if he's asked her not to. Make sure she gets the point.

For Arthur, I'd say his parents probably should get him a new plane (didn't he even buy it himself the first time?), BUT first he's gotta do stuff to earn it back because he punched his sister. Extra chores, no special privileges, whatever. I don't remember exactly what they did in the episode but that feels pretty fair. Also lecture him about how yeah, D.W. was a little shit and was definitely in the wrong at first, but he should've just gone to them in the first place and they would've handled it.

Also when your kid gets punched randomly by a bully because muh low self-esteem + peer pressure, don't use that as some cheap low-effort lesson/moral for your kid that comes off as more "haha, u had it comin sucker" because that's super shitty. Two separate issues.

take DW into the garage with the belt

Tell DW she deserved it.

Beat Arthur
Fuck DW
Beat Binky then fuck his parents in front of him

Would have sided entirely with Arthur, and would have lectured D.W. on respecting other people's property.

Nine rounds of bare knuckle boxing. If you're not mad enough to bare knuckle box then you're not mad.

Plus, it'd be pretty funny to watch Arthur beat DW's ass.

violence begets violence, they'll learn nothing if you stoop to their level and hit them, they'll just end up thinking that it's okay to hit people if they think they are in the right/more mature lead by example by being mature and dishing out a fair punishment to both of them and explaining that both of them did bad things.

the parents did the wrong thing by ignoring her her parents needed to explain to her that she needs to respect other peoples personal belongings and space and that it's not okay to touch or look though peoples shit without asking, Arthur should have also been punished properly for hitting D.W, letting binky get off Scott free for hitting him because he hit D.W is not the correct punishment to dish out, also Binky should have been punished along with the other bullies who pressured him into doing something bad, peer pressure is not an excuse for bad behavior nor is telling someone "go hit that kid because it's cool" they should of received detention or a suspension

the moral of this episode is bad but the one where D.W has a temper tantrum the entire episode over something stupid and her parents just ignored her was much worse then this, ignoring a problem doesn't make it go away it makes it become worse, sit her down and explain to her that throwing a tantrum isn't going to get her anything and if she continues then ground her, the only time you should ignore a kid is if their doing it to seek attention do not coddle them otherwise they'll never learn, D.W is a perfect example of a coddled child.

Ground Arthur but let him destroy one of DW's toys.

What if the toy he wants to destroy is DW's butthole?

Exactly. In the real world if you touch someone's stuff without asking, you legally deserve to be hit. Though I might have to beat Arthur up myself because I'm pretty sure he wouldn't have hit her if she was male and his size. I don't raise vagina lips.

I don't know. I think if Buster was pulling that shit instead of DW, Arthur would've socked him in the face too.

Amputake DW's arm.

Have sexual relations with D.W.

Please don't breed.

made DW suck arthur's dick

I feel like this is probably what his parents would have done if Arthur didn't get pissy about them telling him to apologize to DW, to the point that he said he was justified in hitting her and he wouldn't apologize. Because it's only at that point--after he refused to apologize and said he was justified in hitting her--that he was "punished" by them, aka no TV for a week.

I don't understand how people think his dad is implying that he had it coming, though? His dad was pointing out that how Arthur was feeling (scared and powerless because someone bigger and stronger hit him) was how DW was feeling when Arthur hit her (scared and powerless because someone bigger and stronger hit her). He was teaching Arthur to feel empathy.

>weren't they like even rubbing ice on her arm? How hard did he fucking hit her? Maybe it's because I'm not a little kid anymore but I can't imagine it hurting THAT much
Little kids react more to the shock of getting hurt than to the actual pain. Going overboard in "treating" it is a psycological cure for the shock itself. Ice and cold water also have a slight anesthetic effect that helps the kid take their mind off the fact that they're hurt, which helps as well.

The discipline should never be physical, except for Binky. He's a bully who threatens and used violence, although vastly toned down over the years.

by letting the punch be punishment you're teaching her violence is okay to solve problems. That disciplinary authority should be with the parent, not the child.
Parental favoritism fucks people up in many ways. My mom favored my sister, openly didn't really ever want either of us to be born, and played us against each other for her our sick ammusment. Now we're adults, mental wrecks, avoid the sadistic bitch, and kind of quietly accept that the fist fights and torture were brought on by favoritism from her. We don't talk much, but it's a shakey "been there - endured that" relationship.

Damn it. Now I'm gonna have to kill the kids. Get me your deer rifle, Bob.

>violence begets violence, they'll learn nothing if you stoop to their level and hit them
Incorrect. Like all social mammals, humans are organized in a hierarchy, and the hierarchy is reinforced by acts of physical domination. This hardwired into us, instinctive. You punish your kids for hitting not because hitting is wrong, but because they are not the ones who hit.

And it's important to note that this is not "violence" in any real way. This isn't giving your wife a black eye or belting your kid until he bleeds. When wolves quarrel amongst themselves, they bare their teeth and mouth each other, but they don't mangle one another, it's a restrained and purposeful simulation of violence which serves a necessary role in group bonding.

I was raised with violence. It starts small, like spanking, then escalates into being forced to stand outside in your underwear because you didn't clean the toilet fast enough. Arthur's punch eventually escalates into drag out fights in high school because hurt begats hurt. Hurt people hurt people. There is no rock bottom with violence.
>they are not the ones who hit
No one should hit anyone. Violence is wrong, discipline is not.

you had a traumatic childhood, discipline is different from violence, but spanking etc is more about reinforcement than physical/psychological abuse.
if your parents escalated spanking into standing outside in your underwear that's pathological. i don't think anyone here would advocate for that as a form of discipline.

this isn't comics

also as an aside "violence begets violence" is a buddhist precept which i'm sure you're aware of, but buddhists used violence as a reinforcement method for meditation.

sage because unrelated

For what it's worth I wasn't saying the parents should be like "Arthur hitting you was your punishment"/"you got what you deserved" (that's essentially what they did with him and Binky and that sucked).

More just that they should look it like she's already suffered enough, and that getting lectured/told why what she did was still wrong, even though Arthur was also wrong for hitting her, is her punishment.

Also what I was sort of thinking of but didn't mention: I kinda feel like D.W.'s young enough that Arthur hitting her for messing with his stuff, though wrong on his part, is possibly going to have a stronger impact on her learning that not respecting people's property can have consequences than a parent's explanation would at that age. Again, they shouldn't say that TO her, but I think she already kinda learned her lesson. Whereas Arthur is older and so should be more able to realize/think critically about the fact that he shouldn't resort to violence against his family member who's half his age.

I just kinda feel like the way Arthur's dad said "well isn't that how D.W. felt" when Arthur's talking about what happened, like literally cutting him off when he's trying to describe what he went through, almost feels like trivializing what happened to him because it happens to be sort of similar to something that he did for completely different reasons. Like trying to teach empathy is one thing, but I don't think right after your son got hit is the time or place (almost feels like literally adding insult to injury). Maybe later, if at all, though the idea still rubs me the wrong way.

Mostly I guess because the weird fourth-grade hazing thing Binky "had" to do seems fucked up for that age ("lol hit the next person you see with no explanation or you're a mega pussy"), and I feel that in any circumstance other than it conveniently sort of resembling a less weird previous conflict between siblings, it'd be something that'd probably disturb and/or piss off most parents. Like call the school or talk to Binky's family or something; I agree it's not the exact intention but it sorta feels like rubbing it in Arthur's face when he's down and I think that's why so many dislike it.

Rape both Arthur and DW.

Tell DW she deserved it and that she needs to be more considerate of people if she doesn't want to get punched again later in life.

Ground Arthur for a week anyway for losing his temper and caring too much about his stupid model. I ain't raising no wife beater. He gets that bent out of shape about a $20 wooden plane motherfucker's going to kill himself when he wrecks his first car.

>wife beater
As long as you don't punch your wife in the face or stomach, domestic abuse is okay.


Then let him.

Only logical solutions ITT.

>I like how her voice changed lol
>From sounding like a scared mom to, " You musta lost yo got dayum mind! "

>switches to a stereotypical black mama's voice

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demand they pipe down, i'm watchin TV over here.

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Explaining why something is wrong often isn’t enough for kids to stop doing something in my experience. They just see it as a ‘get out of jail free card, I’ll just not do it when x is around or threaten to beat up y if she tells d and even if she does tell d I’ll know it was her so I’ll beat her up after that anyways’. Kids often. know why something is morally wrong but they choose to do it anyways because it makes them feel good and they get more selfish ‘benefits’ out of being bad than good.

On what?

>domestic abuse is okay.

D.W. has to get her brother a new modeling kit or she must repair the damage to the plane depending on the extent of the break, Arthur is grounded over the next weekend and has to perform some manual tasks- I have a lot of rage shit and I could talk through coping strategies (like manual labor- it helps me cool off) with him while we split logs.
Letting things get this far would be partially my fault, DW adores her brother but can't find an appropriate way to get his attention and that's why she's such a little shit, hopefully one could find some ways for them to amicably spend time together- maybe something related to model kits, she's a bit young to assemble anything but she could help choose kits/pop shit out and sand the little seams off/paint/set up display dioramas.

See my mom would drop all her shit and we'd leave the store immediately when my little sister pulled this shit as a toddler.
At dinner my father would be told about what a little shit she'd been and he'd express his disgust and disappointment.
It must work pretty well because I stopped acting out before I was able to remember this happening to me and my sister only did it once or twice to my recollection.

>In Zen Buddhism, the keisaku is a flat wooden stick or slat used during periods of meditation to remedy sleepiness or lapses of concentration. This is accomplished through a strike or series of strikes, usually administered on the meditator's back and shoulders in the muscular area between the shoulder and the spine. The keisaku itself is thin and somewhat flexible; strikes with it, though they may cause momentary sting if performed vigorously, are not injurious.

>Beat Binky then fuck his parents in front of him

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Rape both?

Discipline both because they were both being little shits.

My parents did the same thing when I was like 9 or 10 and my brother wouldn't stop fucking teasing and taunting me, and I just got so fucking pissed that I punched his bedroom door so hard that I broke a hole in it. (really old house with frail-ass wooden doors)

Yeah I got in trouble for breaking a door, but he got in trouble too for being the reason why I got that pissed.

20$ is a lot in an 8 year olds mind though. Its like losing a flat screen tv

lmao what the fuck were your parents on user.
If they "escalated" your punishment into being outside and shit, I don't think discipline was on their mind, they just hated you...
and I'm sorry for that.

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>then escalates into being forced to stand outside in your underwear because you didn't clean the toilet fast enough
You're literally just projecting your own childhood abuse, but I wonder how many anti-spanking people are just abuse victims themselves. And I don't mean to advocate corporal punishment, but most time I see someone arguing against it, it's just pure hysteria without much connection with reality.

Are spankings the best form of punishment or does that go to groundings?

I wouldn't object to seeing DW be made to stand outside in her underwear if whe was aged 10-15 years But yeah, that shit in real life isn't OK

Take one of DWs toys to show her what it feels like. Beat Arthurs ass to show violence leads to more violence then get him two new planes and help him build one and leave the other for him to enjoy cause i know he likes his alone time to show him I'm his father and even though I whooped his ass I still love him

Give him a gun to use next time do starts acting up

What did he say to you fat boy?

>Beat Arthurs ass to show violence leads to more violence
Then he will become even more violent.