Meanwhile in the New Yorker

Meanwhile in the New Yorker.

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I want to be a conquistador

Fun word for sexual slavery.

>soicuck bores girl with boring history shit

>Christ what an asshole.

I'd be more apathetic if I weren't so lethargic.

>"So what I'm saying is, one half of your ancestors are savages and the other rapists."
Seriously though, WTF is supposed to be the real point of this, I'm unironically leaning towards

>tfw historian bf

The guy seems a bit too overenthusiasthic about it given the context but otherwise there's nothing wrong with the topic.

My ancestors were circus performers leave me alone

This sounds more like the beginning of a joke rather than a historical factoid

>Actual real events and history is racist and that makes me feel bad

If you are so weak that knowledge of the past can hurt you, then you deserve to be mocked.

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>be high paid editor
>forget to tell the cartoonist to have a joke in his cartoon
I hope he's fired.

"No meat-touching, ma'am."

My ancestors were a bunch of Scottish peasants who were busy getting literally raped by the English from the south and Norsemen from the east. My entire lineage is pretty much nothing but bastard children. Am I supposed to be offended if someone takes an interest in my past and discusses this with me?

They can just re-print this shit today: nothing's changed!

well for what it's worth being a slave to inquisition era spain was apparently preferable, at least their god just wanted money and not cannibalism

>it's a spain episode

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...and the one conquistador says to the other I don't know who got the worse deal. Us for getting more nagging wives or them for getting plague blankets.

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I don't know, most people I know have little interest in history.
Their ethnic history especially.

What a brainlet fucking take.


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I think you got some things mixed up in there.

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I could almost feel insulted except you forgot the part where you explain why I'm wrong and post your own interpretation.


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I tried getting into kafka a few times and while I could see what he was going for, my god, did he ever fucking beat around the bush making his point.

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It's all in the tone and context. The guy is smiling enthusiastically while explaining to this girl he's probably on a 1st date with the tragic history of (presumably) her ancestors, he's not taking interest in her past he's the one talking. The other implication being that he would enjoy a brown sex slave harem, which granted who wouldn't but that's not 1st date talk. Basically he's an autist (and you might be too).

You're wrong because you're implying nobody should ever feel bad about something that happened ever. Fuck's sake if you find out suddenly about massive numbers of people getting killed in torture because some asshole didn't like mondays and you don't feel a little bad for those people, you're a damn sociopath.

Try and caption this week's contest, Yas Forums.

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Aztec "swords" didn't have points, either.

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>I sure hate it when people dump broken industrial coffee machines on our ranch.



>Christ, what an asshole.

I'll just Heathcliff it
>They can't have gone too far.

Me on the left

And additionally it seems somewhat implied that hes whitewashing it with language that is obfuscates how bad the actual events were.

dang, nearly caught those butt plug rustlers

That was wrong. You draw Heathcliff in there and write "He makes a mean americano" for text.

>Spain: the animated series
It's a good show, would recommend. Just stop watching right after Ferdinand VII takes over the writer's room. Talentless hack.

You don't get Heathcliff. You don't point out that he's using a hot air balloon to shop for meat, you point out that he's your best customer.

>canceled in the middle of episode one of the Reconquista arc for islamaphobia

>This is the second best coffee made by a cat I ever drank.

Bonus points for getting the reference.

That too, it's like explaining to the Scottish user about how Scotts were eager to have Englishmen exercize jus primae noctis.

Why do light-skinned hispanic people identify with their cannibalistic savage ancestors instead of the Conquistadors who tamed a savage continent for God and Spain? What lind of cuckold faggot mindset makes you side with the losers?

He’s still going to get laid.

i want to be a village elder

They don’t. This whole thing is an anglo construction.

not really, It needs a guy representing Goverment and some migerants driving the wages even further down

>Why do light-skinned hispanic people identify with their cannibalistic savage ancestors instead of the Conquistadors who tamed a savage continent for God and Spain?
Because eventually Spain fucked them over too.


My wife is a slut.

cow tools


Giving women to foreigners was a tradition between the Nahuas way before the Conquistadores. It was a way to avoid pillage from nomadic tribes, that is how the Aztecs began settling on Mexico's valley.

When the nahuas saw the Spaniards, they thought the were just another foreigner and proceeded to that their traditions (which somewhat worked for them at the end).

It needs a lobbyist stuffing a politicians pockets while the politician turns the wheel on a meatgrinder shaped like a globe with third worlders eating the meat coming out the end

>Blades made of volcanic glass
>Could decapitate a friggen horse in one stroke
>Brittle, but when all your blades are dulled, you still have a wooden club

If my ancestors weren't such assholes and instead united mesoamerica against the Spanish, they could have held them off. Of course, if that happened, my other ancestors wouldn't have lived to make me. Meanwhile, my other ancestors are farming potatoes in Ireland.

The caption would be funnier if it said "Please, no meat touch ma'am".

Interesting, though it wasn't really implied in the OP that this sort of things had happened exclusively with conquistadors, and really that shouldn't make the woman feel much better that women being used as basically ransom was a common occurence.


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Quick, Yas Forums, recommend some good comics about conquistadores españoles:
But being honest, I think spaniards are one of the worst colonizers humanity have met, but they look kinda cool I guess

>not the Japanese

I knew letting my daughter volunteer for the Girl Scouts was a bad idea

Going against PoC would be racist, tho!

Fuck, forgot pic.

True. I totally forgot about those social darwinist retards.

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Spain sucked so much at spreading their language in The Philippines, that even when they let Mexico rule then by proxy, The Philippines ended up with a useless language that is full of Malay words with Spanish and English loan words. France and Belgium at least spread their French to most African places.

Old Political Cartoons were too good. Teddie looked like a slice of life manga

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cowboy tools*

>not the Belgians

Please, no sexual slavery, conquistadors.

>Typically, cappuccino drinks are a shorthand for the out of touch elites because that's the way is was in 1982 and people who draw cartoons for the New Yorker don't understand that the world is different now than it was then
>In this case, however, I've brought you here to make a drink for you because I really value how loyal and compassionate you have been even though I'm not the easiest to work with. This isn't an easy job and I want you to know that I see the effort that you put in to your work and that it's appreciated. Truly, thank you for everything that you do.

>Laughs in Felipe II

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Leopold II was a monster, just like the nips.

Can't be mad at a group of people dragging savages into the modern world.

> I think spaniards are one of the worst colonizers humanity have met
In the long run, they were more humane than the English, the Dutch and the French.

Please, no meat-touching, ma'am!