Disney is working on a new GF book, didn't even bother to tell Hirsch about it,
New GF book without Hirsch involved
What did he expect when he sold out to the mouse?
I hope Dipper gets cucked by a black guy
He's a fucking dunce for being surprised.
>waghhhh im too lazy to finish the show with a third season
>w-why are they working on content without me
You brought this upon yourself manlet
Imagine if this is the best fucking thing GF has ever made lmao
>book is just canon pin ups of mabel and pacifica
Also i find it funny how hirsch thinks he can detonate canon over an IP he doesnt own
>creator ownership
>in america
Sorry bud, you were born in the wrong country.
Hirshybar will have a meltdown if that happened
this but fucking Disney anyway for this cheap milking
He can, it happens and depends on the experience and company. The example you always here is how Antonucci has creative ownership over EEnE
Hirsch was a fresh face who didn't have power at the time. If he was smart he would have agreed to a third season if they gave him control over the series. He didn't want to play with them despite constant begging so they'll be using his series now
Gravity Falls was never good, it's overrated trash and Alex is a hack
Eh, i want to see a new series or special or something. I never tired of GF content and i think that rushed ending inspired the same feeling in others
Dipper will be a black guy's white girlfriend
Here's the cover for now, it's a book
(((Disney))) is even screwing over fellow jews like Hirsch, just how bad are things at The Mouse ?
Antonucci isn't an American.
Where do you think CN is located
>those obvious bisexual flag stickers
Mable and Pacifica confirmed?
>Disney makes Dipper or Mabel canon bisexual without Hirsch's permission
Holy shit imagine his twitter meltdown
The mouse always dabs on fags
It's true. I can't stand this show and its writing, doesn't help that the latin american dub is obnoxious asf
>Pitch a show to a studio
>Sign several documents where you acknowledge they have full ownership of the property
>Bitch constantly about having to creatively butt heads with Disney
>Want to scram after season 1, gets convinced to stay
>Rush through a season 2 then run out like the building is on fire
>Openly badmouth Disney and how much you had to butt heads with them on podcasts and charity streams
>Do nothing for years
>Come back with a Gravity Falls book because you regret not doing a season 3
>Do nothing
>Get a Netflix deal that contractually locks you down from working with anyone else
>Disney decides to make more Gravity Falls content
Rofl, if it's officially printed, Alex, it's canon. If the book is shitty, it'll drive Alex up the wall to watch his characters get butchered. If it's amazing, it'll drive Alex up the wall that he's not needed to make GF content. Either way, only good things can come out of this.
be happy you fags are getting anything, If it sucks, read Lost Legends again.
if they're doing this, they have more planned.
I'm really fucking happy honestly
Anything to make Hirsch seethe
I hope they make Pac/Dipper canon
Why does hirsch make Yas Forums seethe so much?
I sincerely hope it is
Seeing how the images are screencaps, it's probably either fake or just another episode retelling.
It says "cover not final" at top righ.t
>Cover not final
It's a proof of concept, it's not scheduled to come out for a year
Yas Forums is full of whiney depressed bitches
Get fucked. Hirsch is a piece of shit so this is excellent news.
>it's non-canon cause i didn't work on it
ahahaha, oh precious alex, that's not how it fucking works.
Had it coming.
Legally this dipshit has no say over what's canon for gravity falls.
Holy fuck, I would love it if Disney milked the shit out of Gravity Falls without Hirsch's involvement and just made absolutely terrible content. Watching Alex seethe over how bad the writing is is karma for him shitting out that second half of season 2. Maybe he'll finally understand why the fuck the fans were mad.
>Non canon.
>When he doesn't even own the rights.
Sorry fag, But Disney has the last word on what is canon.
I hope it's better then any of the shit he ever made
They'll make a shitty live action series next
lol, get fucked hirsch!
Why is he a piece of shit? I'm unfamiliar with this.
>implying he'd be mad
Hirsch is completely pozzed, if GF came out today the show would have ended with Wendy and Tambry slamming clams.
just look at his Twitter feed and you'll soon have your answer
and I don't mean this for any dumb Yas Forums reason, like because of whatever cause he's currently supporting, but just because the man is an absolute fucking asshole to everyone
Reminder that he posts here
No you dumb cuck you sold out you don't get to say shit
I hope he's in this thread RIGHT NOW
or seething
He's fucking amazing.
I agree, so many sad and bitter fuckers spreading hate for no valid reasons.
>Wendy and Tambry slamming clams
he tried to get some guy killed tho
As the user in question I'd say you don't even need to look at his twitter, but that helps. All the insiders hate him and if you were a regular at /gfg/ you'd know a lot of other shit as well.
Plus he just coped out of making the final season. An act which he doesn't feel reflects poorly on him as a professional despite it being the precursor to him working on a number of high value projects only to get kicked or for him to leave later.
He's a self-righteous flake without even considering his sordid personal life
Hirsch plz go
Gotta love how "anti-corporate" Yas Forums is now bending over for Mouse cock to "own le cringe Hirsch"
He's just a douche who happened to make a cartoon people like. So he has a lot of people stumbling on his social media finding out he's a total douche. He acts like arguing with people on Twitter is a second job of his, like he has to do it, then uses donating to charity as a "gotcha" to random people on Twitter while posting all the donation receipts to show-off what a generous person he is and how he's "sticking it" to angry Twitter manbabies.
Why do everybody in here hates him? He looks like a good fella, and in more than one occasion he had mentioned this place in a good manner.
>if you HAVE to like hirsch hypocrites
>if you disagree with all entities involved in an event then you can't be pleased when one of them gets fucked over
I think you'll find that we can. Fuck hirsch and I hope he enjoys his just deserts.
Look, I caught one
>the person sharing the screenshot is a tumblrite with a pride flag pfp
Yas Forums is a mixed bag
I want a light novel where dipper and Mabel are just teenagers. Like 14-15 and they go on more mature mystical nonsense, then they start having an overarching story were they try and find some kind of serial kill-
Just realized I want part 4 but with gravity falls.
>donating money doesn't matter if you're an asshole to strangers on the internet
>Every screenshot on Yas Forums is taken by the user posting it
Do you know how an image sharing site works. Do you know how reverse image searching on DesuArchive works showing off how many other times that same screenshot has been shared.
It's douchey to donate money and brag about it.
Please go to his twitter and tell me he isn't an asshole to fans
this isn't a "good" thing but at least it's a cautionary tale for young artists who could be groomed by disney
They have done this since the 1920s
Yas Forums still has an extremely vocal minority of very sad individuals who are still assblasted that Hirsch pulled a savvy social media trick years ago by faking a leaked screencap of the show and tons of Yas Forums users fell for it.
Hirsch later revealed he was behind the leak and it was all a ploy to throw viewers off the scent of the real author of the journals.
Well-adjusted individuals moved on with their lives, but some seething neckbeards have never recovered and now Hirsch lives rent-free in their consciousness forever.
So they spend their nights and weekends looking for opportunities to shit on Hirsch, photoshopping images of him killing himself, Hackposting, stalking him on Twitter, etc.
Free replies:
> Shut up Hirsch! Manlet!
> muh annoying Twitter posts
> more like Mystery HACK!!
> some generic antisemitic sentiment
> poor justifications for why angry thoughts about a content creator occupily so much of my free time
> etc
What if it turns out to be better than the finale of GF?