Who is the weakest villain in a Disney film?
Who is the weakest villain in a Disney film?
The consumers that eat up Disney's Shit.
Edgar. He can't do anything right and his plan was retarded to begin with.
Alameda Slim stole five thousand cattle and actually bought up most of the old west. For as dumb as his gimmick was, that's huge.
Ratcliffe at least was able to stoke violence and hatred in his men and align them to his goals.
Edgar was just an ineffective moron.
Post renaissance villains all have some redeeming quality, even it's in a so bad it's fun to watch way. To get the real bad stuff, you need to back to the old films.
It's Edgar from the Aristocats by pretty mich an infinite margin. Dude thought that cats lived nine separate lives one after another.
Hans from Frozen. He sabotages his own plan for 90% of the movie untill he realizes he needs to be a bad guy because movie has no conflict.
The man is built like a brick shithouse, he could fuck up your average person with his bare hands.
Dude survived an avalanche that killed 100 other men.
He's a confirmed badass.
The grasshopper from Bug's Life, because he's a fucking grasshopper
Define "Weakest".
Are we talking physical strength, general prowess, or actual delivery?
Closest thing to a villain the movie has. Doesn't show up until 3/4 of the way through, and is defeated in one scene.
"Savages" is the second best Disney villain song ever, so I'm afraid you're wrong
>Witch who can toe to toe with MERLIN
A villain only really has one job, and that's to entertain the audience. I think weakest in this context is who is the worst at establishing and maintaining a presence.
Dwarf hole!
Diggy-diggy hole!
To be fair. That movie is like missing its third act entirely.
What kind of dumbass taste is that
>pretty mich
>The grasshopper from Bug's Life
"A Bug's Life" - and his name is Hopper
I dunno, not a lot of villains get to fuck up the hero so up-close and personally. Only ratigan and scar got to get more intimately violent with their respective do-gooders
A Bug's Life is just the dumbest disney movie in general so lets grade on a curve here. if he sang a mariachi song in the sombrero cantina about stepping on the ants he would absolutely not be itt.
in a 1v1 the guy from the cow movie would win. he handles cattle, outlaw, and he yodles (strong lungs) the colonizer is just a colonizer. probably not even strong
When the ants change ideologies and seize the means of production
The corners of his mouth look like the world's tiniest Glasgow smile.
This is probably right since he's such a flat character. Even the other shallow villains like McLeach or The Horned King are really fun to watch, but this guy's just a stock meanie.
I cut Edgar some slack because he's entertaining, and he's in a goofy low-stakes movie. If he were involved in a big-scale plot he'd be really lame, but he works for his intended purpose.
I mean King John is way more of a fuckup and only succeeds more because he has a bunch of armed soldiers, but he's still a quality villain because his movie is so goofy.
I know hes one of the most celebrated villains but
>Does practically nothing all film
>Dosent even physically fight jack
>Gets jobbed out in like 10 seconds because of a fucking string.
i would love to know what he did to get outcasted/imprisoned by halloween town in the first place. also isint he in the video game?
You are wrong because "Be prepared" and "Hellfire" exists
Pretty fun Kingdom Hearts boss though
Edgar is the worst. He'd stand to still manage all that fucking money--it's not like all four cats were going to sit on a big pile of it and claw him any time he got near. Dude did EVERYTHING wrong.
Hans at least you can say cocked things up by the end due to overconfidence, but that damn butler was unwilling to tolerate a quad of kitties that by all accounts seemed to be pleasant and well behaved pets. If some old dowager left me all her money and I had to wait a decade or so for the cats to die so I have full control over it, I'd dace a goddamn jig.
I think when this came up before in previous threads some user pointed out that the old lady's lawyer could try to obfuscate shit and claim Edgar was an unreliable caretaker or something to get custody/control of the fortune which led to him acting so rashly, but really all that means is Edgar should have tried to murder the lawyer instead.
None of you even know who this is.
>The Wild
Please, he's an aristocratic creampuff.
Can we talk about how lame the Rhino from James and the Giant Peach was?
That insane wildebeast leader who worship a koala doll from Disney's The Wild. Didn't have to look at the replies to know who this guy is
I mean, he's just the personification of Fear. There's only so much he can do.
That shit gave me nightmares more than anything as a kid so it did it's job.
As a kid I always thought the rhinoceroses was a lie concocted by Spike and Sponge who murdered his parents to get custody of James and their fortune.
Then I rewatched it as an adult and that wasn't even hinted at. Did I invent an entire motivation out of thin air, or did anyone else think that?
This faggot, the only reason he's memorable at all is because of some random twist at the very end.
Maybe it was hinted at in the book?
Do you think that i am stupid?
Do I look stupid to you?
That's because the real villain in Frozen is supposed to be Elsa.
>born with strange, terrifying powers.
>rejected by her parents, grew up a recluse.
>feared by the ignorant, superstitious peasants she ruled.
>Only wanted to be accepted, but was hounded out as a witch.
Seriously, if ANY Disney character had the perfect villainous backstory, it was Elsa. The moment she finished singing "Let It Go" she should've been laughing maniacally and bringing down the Fimbulwinter upon those fools down in Arendelle.
I don't think so, Spike and Sponge are very minor characters killed off in the first third of the book
Didn't the grasshopper say Rhinos were herbivores? I felt like it was IMPLIED that S&S weren't on the level.
In the book, a rhino broke out of the zoo and ate his parents and James ran home only to find it was being sold to a new family (....because word travels fast, I suppose?) I'm not sure if there's such a thing as "dark whimsy" but this IS Roald Dahl we're talking about.
George's Marvelous medicine has some kid try to make a monster concoction drug in an effort to make his grandmother a nicer person, and the story refuses to address that poor George, in his innocence, doesn't realize this amounts to him trying to poison her.
(...funny, true story, though: when my 2nd grade class read this book, the teacher/class kept track of all the shit George loaded the medicine with. When attempting to make the second, failed batch, it turns out that it had everything the original did EXCEPT for anti-freeze.)
They need their forced dyke stronk woman falseflag fake popular marketing fuck up to be a good guy.
Even throw the entire movie under the bus to do so.
Also, Frozen 2 bombed.
>Killed off
I was freaked out for a moment there but then I remembered how fucked up Dahl books can be so that sounds about right.
if you think about it her whole life got wrecked by 8 weeks old puppies
>Gets jobbed out in like 10 seconds because of a fucking string.
Never forget that this guy lost because he left in the middle of his plan to go play with some feet
I agree Aron Ra is a week Villain even in terms of fedora lords
Awful film. Just awful
I dunno man. If it wasn't using her fortune to legally and illegally acquire dozens upon dozens of puppies with the intent of skinning them for a fucking wardrobe (I mean... soft puppy fur or no, I wasn't aware dog hair made for good clothing) god only knows what kinda human-centipede meets Miss Havisham snuff dungeon shit she'd be getting into.
What I'm saying is Cruella seems intrinsically self-destructive. Maybe in another life she'd have died with *all* the drugs showing in her system after some fashion world part scandal or something.
In the book it's just an ordinary rhino. The movie version is an improvement and gives James more of an arc of overcoming his fear, which culminates in him standing up to Spiker and Sponge at the end. The book has Spiker and Sponge crushed flat by the peach as it leaves the house, and the conflict at the end is simply the crowd in New York being terrified of the bugs.
This guy had a good yodel song
I hated Pocahontas 2 because it fucked up so many morals and themes of the first movie, but it DID make Ratcliffe an infinitely better villain because we saw him on HIS home turf as an aristocratic manipulator.
Elsa was going to be the villain in early drafts. It wasn't until Let It Go was recorded that the writers realized it was more empowering than villainous, plus Elsa was running away specifically to avoid hurting others, unaware that she froze the kingdom when she left.
see how i glitter
Hans was a great villain exploiting character in that movie:
>Exploited Anna's loneliness/naivete
>Exploited Elsa's fear/naivete
>Exploited the people of Arendelle looking for a leader
Then telling a desperate girl, who he knows has no self-esteem and is now dying from a wound she got by believing in her sister, that she's doomed because there isn't anyone that loves her.
He should've killed Anna when he had the chance, though.
He really should've waited until Anna died instead of leaving her alive and unchecked, with only a locked door preventing her from leaving and ruining everything. His cockyness got the better of him
He was definitely a manipulative bastard who uses charm to his advantage, plus he's also skilled at playing mind games, like when he tells Anna that she's no match for her sister