Name an animation studio with more wasted potential.
Name an animation studio with more wasted potential
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Coraline makes it good enough
Coraline was great, the rest I didn't really watch
>Tfw your rich dad will never buy out a company and make you the boss and pump it with cash to fund your dreams for the rest of your life
I'd say they should have stopped after Toy Story 3. After the 2010's the studio went from auteur to let's-prod-them-into-crying, Inside Out-levels of emotional manipulation. It never felt earned, it just felt forced
not wasted potential, just burned out after a while.
They need Henry Selick back, or at least some good writers.
I wouldn't call it "wasted potential". It's just the guy who started Nike doing whatever he wants, and if some of it is enjoyable to other people then that's a bonus.
>art is subjective so nobodys opinion matters except the artist
okay i'm bored of this debate.
I think you need to read that again, user.
Slowly this time.
Is it wasted?
Aardman Animations
I don't see how. The only one I haven't seen on that list was Box Trolls and I adored all of them.
I don't think its wasted potential, I think their promotional marketing team is absolutely abhorrent.
They did okay selling Coraline to people.
But when it came to ParaNorman and The Box Trolls, they sucked.
And when it came to Kubo and the Two Strings, I honestly don't remember seeing a commercial more than 2 times.
The commercials for ParaNorman made the movie seem really gimmicky, stupid, lame, and like a big fart joke.
But ParaNorman was pretty fucking good.
I haven't seen all of The Box Trolls, but what I have seen of it, it was okay. But the commercials made it too seem like some childish hurr ugly trolls that wear boxes meet a kid and dance and fart.
Still haven't seen Kubo though.
Whoever is behind their promotional marketing needs to stop making commercials that make each movie look like gimmicky G rated retarded child movies about farts, because that's not what their movies are like.
Other than Paranorman I liked the rest.
Boxtrolls is creative.
Kubo was fucking great and deserves more love. I like that they basically reverse princess kaguya'd the grandpa by the end.
I haven't seen missing link though, it really didn't look too interesting.
Fuck you I loved Kubo
>wasted potential
i actually really enjoyed kubo. the "my guitar gently weeps" cover was pretty kino too.
This. Their problem is 100% their stories and its such a shame.
Aardman Animations, also Polygon Pictures
Coraline - Masterpiece
Paranorman- Pretty Fun and great
BoxTrolls- Fucking dogshit wow!
Kubo- Eh, It was fun and very pretty
>and its such a shame.
why ain't either of the protagonists of boxtrolls in that image? keep the image consistent at least
that ass was fat
I love Paranorman, it was such a comfy spooky movie and I feel like the jokes landed pretty well
Anima studios
Coraline and Paranorman were great, Coraline is just the better of the two.
Kubo looks nice but thats it. The story and dialogue are kinda bad though.
Boxtrolls sucks but the villain song is catchy.
Missing link also sucks but I enjoy the two human protagonists.
wow you copied something in green, well done
This thread makes me nostalgia for 2012-Tumblr-era paraXpines fandom shota art.
Coraline was great, but only because it was written by Henry Selick and based on a Neil Gaiman book. Their other films are inferior because they were original stories written by other writers
Kubo was such a weak film. It was so clearly a film made by americans, yet it tries to pretend being japanese so badly. The way the characters act and talk is 100% american, which i don't like at all. Doesn't help that it's filled with whitewashing
It sucks man, i can't even afford a wacom to do shitty flash animations
Coraline and paranorman was their best works. They should've stuck with the creepy for kids angle.
Paranorman and Kubo were great though.
>too alternative to work on a licensed product
>too incompetent to actually market their movies
Yeah, I'm disappointed that they stepped away from horror themes in recent years. More power to them for not wanting to be known for one thing as a studio, but the darker creepier atmosphere was a niche that Laika filled that other studios like Pixar and Dreamworks couldn't actually compete with.
Disney is never going to make something like Coraline or Paranorman, so they actually had a chance to stand out. But if you're going to put everything into the comedy or lighthearted adventuring genre, then the majority of the audience is just going to be parents taking their kids to see the latest Pixar movie instead.
God I bet she got cummed on by everyone on the studio
I feel like I'm the only one who kind of tries to defend Boxtrolls.
It's still a weaker film than Coraline and Paranorman, and the actual trolls themselves are pretty lame and interchangeable, but I actually liked the two main kids and villains a lot. The designs are distinct, the performances are good, and the smarmy British style of comedy actually feels like a natural and inherent part of the movie, instead of something that was kind of awkwardly tacked on like it could be in Kubo and Paranorman.
I miss Norgatha
Yeah, I feel like Coraline alone is enough to justify the studio's existence. There's something about the look and feel of the movie that just sticks with me from start to finish. Oh, and the sound. The soundtrack's great.
>Disney is never going to make something like Coraline or Paranorman
They tried and even hired Henry Selick to head a studio dedicated to creepy stop-motion to do Shadow King and a Graveyard Book adaptation, but Frankenweenie shat the bed so hard that they nuked that division from orbit alongside another family horror unit being headed by Guillermo del Toro.
They gave Selick the option to take the half-finished Shadow King to another studio, but Laika turned him down because of priorities with their own stuff and Nike Boy apparently not getting along with Selick.
Shame. I feel like all the respect I had for Disney as a source for film has slowly dwindled down to nothing over the past few years. Their disney channel cartoons are ironically the only thing that have a chance of doing anything vaguely interesting anymore.
So, did the witch tricked Coraline at the end?
Why can't we have an eccentric billionaire fund a 2D animation studio instead of meme shit like claymation.
What is even the point of stop motion in the modern day? It can't do anything CG doesn't do better, more cost efficient and faster, its literally obsolete.
Not to sperg out, but how is it wasted? Have you TRIED making even an AMATEUR short stop-motion film?
stop motion is better off used along live action instead imo
All Laika has to do is adapt The Graveyard Book and they'll be set for the next deacde. Just like how they coasted off Coraline.
puppets and animatronics are better suited to live action
I really don't like how these guys use CGI in their films, along the use of 3D printing to create the puppets. It removes the purity of the stop motion and makes it feel inauthentic imo
Meh, Aardman is better. Wallace and Gromit film and Pirates are better than any Laika film, with the possible exception of Coraline.
That Astro Boy film screwed them up badly
I like how the animation gets choppy sometimes, like a videogame with framerate issues. You can see it around the 22 seconds mark
Maybe it's just weird nitpicky nostalgia, but I think something about stop-motion animation is lost when it's as crystal clear smooth as it was in Kubo.
Maybe it's just the fact that a lot of people couldn't even recognize Kubo's animation for stop-motion, and thought it was purely computer animated.