why did she order broccoli pizza if she didn't like it?
Why did she order broccoli pizza if she didn't like it?
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the government asks media companies in Hollywood to make sure children are indoctrinated into hating healthy foods as young as possible, so that their brains don't develop as well & they fail school, making them military pawns. A culture that's unhealthy and retarded makes them easier to control.
She probably ordered "the special" or something like that.
I would order broccoli pizza solely so I could watch it fly out of the cashier's hand as I smash her dyke face in
Pick one
It was one of those "One wacky topping a day" places.
Mozzarella, bread and broccoli isn't even weird
I meant cultivating unhealthy eating habits to retard the growth of the brain, not any body muscle. Brainless soldiers are what the American government needs to hold up quarantines in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Watch as it’s surprising good.
>no tomato sauce
Not a pizza. It's just a cheese focaccia.
Why do you think Finnish, Swedish, Japanese and South Korean test takers regularly outperform all other countries on any sort of academic exam? Their culture promotes the consumption of organic fruits and vegetables, which are superfoods for the brain. Eliminate those, and children become quite dull. Easier to control.
It's a White Pizza
There is literally nothing wrong with brocolli on pizza
>today topings: broccoli
>tomorrow: potasium benzoate
>weekend: out of business
it's a sin equivalent to pineapple on pizza
But the protein in meat helps with brain development. You need to eat vegetables at a young age so that your body gets used to their toxins plants produce and is able to digest them later on in life without freaking out and giving you IBS.
Fuck you
>Finnish, Swedish, Japanese and South Korean
>literally semen drinkers and midgets
>outperforming at anything
I would have believed what you said if you had told me russians, iraq or turks, you know, people who have actually gone to war, not training and parades
Because she is insane.
>Broccoli bad
>Kids have to hate broccoli
Why do cartoons always push this?
I'd say that's a waste but I would enjoy seeing you beg on LIVE PD that it was only a prank bro and then try to explain how a Pixar film made you do it
Actually, the importance of meat is overemphasized. The only proteins that are correlated with promoting brain development are those that contain omega-3 acids, like eggs or fish. Eating too much shit like bacon or steak lead to higher chances of developing heart complications and high blood pressure.
A healthy variety of greens and other vegetables rapidly accelerate brain function, memory and concentration because of how nutrient-dense they are. The fact that this is not emphasized in our culture, which is shown by your lack of emphasis, proves that the plan the government's plan to retard our society is in full swing.
so contrarians will think "wtf why the media tries to make me hate broccoli!? I LOVE BROCCOLI NOW!" then the broccoli will become a new an revolutionary ingredient like avocados.
whos the girl?
>superfoods for the brain
>consumption of organic fruits and vegetables
By that logic tacos are the smartest people in the earth, average tacos can't eat meat because is expensive, they only eat organic food (no money for fertilizers)
That reaction pic was created by a Japanese artist. You cannot deny a country's power if they are able to produce art and culture on a scale so big that an average Joe like you can use it.
Also, the fact that you equate people blindly going into war with any sort of competence for intelligence shows just how typically American you are. Go back to pledge your allegiance off to the flag. xD
The best organic food are made with high quality fertilizer, so you just painted yourself into a corner there
Nobody "has to" hate broccoli, you're hearing things nobody is saying. That character hates broccoli. That's it.
>using the word cringe unironically
lurk moar
This. If it's not "the special," it's probably their "signature pizza," "specialty," or "pizza-of-the-day."
This trope is typical in American children's media. This is to enforce unhealthy eating habits the slow down the growth of children's brains. By conditioning them to dislike nutrient-dense vegetables like broccoli, their brains don't develop the critical neural connections and plasticity needed to perform well academically. They then become average performers or fall out of school, making them the perfect fit for military control and training. American society is the government's mass farm factory for pawn soldiers.
Are you talking about the same military that is now subject to the 41% meme?
Is that why South Korea was caught up in a political scandal where a death cult had full control of a president?
I can't really speak on the others but I know for a fact that the japanese have some fucked up culture. The family image is more important than the individual's happyness, so I wouldn't put it past them to fuck cramming super hard to make their family look good. Like family is so important to the japanese that the police torture confessions out of citizens they arrest by tying them to a chair and then forcefully making them stomp on pictures of their family by lifting their legs up and down. They also tell the person in the cell that their mother/father called and that they're very ashamed of them and that they want them to confess. They're THAT family focused that that shit works.
But to be fair, they do have a nice well balanced diet, generally. They also put a monetary insentive to keep people thin, as if you have fatty working for you then you have to pay a fat tax (I'm not joking, it's real). The fat tax causes employers to set aside exercise breaks for their employees every day.
Meats are actually very nutrient dense too friend. You just need to incorperate the right ones into your diet. Fish and eggs like you said, but also organ meats like the liver. Liver is a super food. It was fed to chemotherapy patients along with cabbage, another super food, to help speed up their recovery.
>which is shown by your lack of emphasis
But I did put emphasis on them. I said you needed to eat them at a young age so your body doesn't end up rejecting them later. There are plenty of nutrients you can't get from even the best meats that plants solve, like vitamin C from cabbage. You need both to stay healthy.
>tfw you're trying to make use of a react image folder on your desktop that you've cultivated and curated for a sad amount of time
I assume it’s like Cheeseboard Pizza, a famous Bay Area pizzeria near Emeryville where they only serve one kind of pizza each day so if you don’t like what they’ve got on the menu you’re plumb fucked out of luck.
Anime has jokes about vegetables that kids hate to eat, too. It's usually green peppers or carrots.
That New Animator Project thing they did for a couple years even produced a whole short about a girl who hated to eat carrots, peppers, and milk.
>death cult
Also, America ended up with Donald Trump, so if your trump card for proving this point wrong is an example incompetent leadership, you don't exactly have much of an argument
cuz she's a bitch
unironically this. Also Inside Out was a terrible movie that everyone pretended was good for a year and then forgot about.
>someone sharing a screen capture of an anime character, during the age of information, demonstrates Japan's modern superiority.
Trump is kicking ass and making world leaders in the EU, Canada and China look like fools. What exactly is your problem with bad orangeman drumphkins, user?
Looks good desu
Oh man, you need to read up about the sinking of MV Sewol and President Park Geun-hye. It's fucking crazy, like here's some starter stuff but seriously look into it.
>americans think pizza is healthy
>But I did put emphasis on them
fair, you did. Liver is also an example of a nutrient-dense meat. Varied diet is important, but my main gripe was with children's media putting down the importance of vegetables.
unironically kill yourself.
The endless summer truly has begun. I hope you degenerates get the rona, you fucking hipsters.
broccoli pizza is quite good. much better than that abomination of pineapple pizza.
Summer doesn't exist.
>japanese police torture confessions out of citizens they arrest by tying them to a chair and then forcefully making them stomp on pictures of their family by lifting their legs up and down. >They also tell the person in the cell that their mother/father called and that they're very ashamed of them and that they want them to confess.
>fat tax
desu I was gonna ask for source but Japan honestly is so fucked up that I'm not surprised if this is true
Even the nips know of summer, faggot.
Italians also think pizza is healthy
It doesn't exist, Moot confirmed traffic barely rises during this time. In fact, with the Wuhan Clan virus, your imaginary "summer" should have started about two weeks ago considering all the work and school closures.
Moot fucking died and now we're stuck with Hiroshimoot. Look around and lie to me, tell me the degenerates aren't more active than before. I fucking dare you. Just like every summer.
Imagine eating pizza and thinking the vegetarian option makes it more healthy.
nigger if you're eating pizza either go all out or don't eat pizza.