>when they told him he doesn't have the right to criticize them without doing their jobs, he took the pen and outdid them all
>when they told him he was too irrelevant to opine with, he had them crawling to his livestream begging for a private call in a shivering voice
>when they told him he was a fool for getting rid of middlemen, he started making hundreds of thousands with his waifu helping him out
>when they were going down like the Titanic, he was still making hundreds of thousands
>when they were talking down on their readers, he was engaging with them with joy and laughter and fun
>when they told him his livestreams and youtube videos were no less of a time waste than them wasting their time on social media suffering from TDS and accusing random Armenians and Poles and Brazilians of being Nazis who are Trump voters for criticizing their idiocy, he was thinking of Stan Lee "wasting" his time interacting with comicbook fans for hours on end in positive fashion
>now he's prevailing, while they are rotting
Why do they hate him so much?
Other urls found in this thread:
Why do control-freaks hate someone they can't control? Gee, I wonder why.
Outragefaggotry can only get you so far
"Leeched" fans that were already close to dropping Big 2 anyway. They hate anything that proves they're ignoring sales. I hate CG like I hate SJWs but some of those CG kickstarters have sapped money the big 2 wish they could have.
The problem is it isn't monthly buyers and it's mostly casuals who wouldn't be able to or want to keep up with CG books if they were monthly like big 2.
The man is a clown peddling his shit to retards. His videos are trash, his views are laughable, his comics are irrelevant.
Lest you forget: this is the man who thinks himself greater and more important to comic books than the women who created Kamal Khan. Think about that. Think about how arrogant and delusional this fucker is.
That is who you adore.
Now fuck off.
>Lest you forget: this is the man who thinks himself greater and more important to comic books than the women who created Kamal Khan
Gr8 b8 m8
>our fans are retards, this man's videos foretelling the future and bringing him positive rep with customers are trash, his views that are making him hundreds of thousands are laughable, his comics making him rich while TDS sufferers are rotting and jobless are irrelevant
>t. someone seething at a role model for success who prefers pandering to customers instead of myself and my big name elitists and corporate shills in the industry
Oh no, he thinks himself better than Corporates and Corporate shill sellouts! What EVIL!
>this is the man who thinks himself greater and more important to comic books than the women who created Kamal Khan.
Ethan is selling his comics and making more money than a lot of the people in the big 2 doing so. G. Willow Wilson and the men she co-created Kamala Khan with are less relevant. Hell, you couldn't even bother to remember her name. Kamala Khan's the only thing notable about her is she's Muslim girl superhero, something Marvel's done before. But Marvel's big on shoving her into everything to make her seem more popular and relevant than she actually is. She's just Marvel patting themselves on the back for being woke.
>Commies mad that man starts his own company to make money and is successful.
His Big Strong Elegant pencil remains up and steady.
What's Kamala Khan's stance on calling herself a follower of a man who fucked a prepubescent, enslaved black people among other races and put a market price on them as beneath all other races in value in the Hadith, and waging wars of city sacking, rape, pillage, and genocide?
thoughts on the Donny calling in to EVS's show last night?
>implying the current troubles with the big 2 have anything to do with the stuff evs complains about.
The shivering voice, it made my peepee hard.
>fucked a prepubescent
>He thinks Muhammed actually fucked Aisha
>He thinks he fucked any of his extra wives and didn't marry them to provide for the families of his dead warlord bros
I thought this faggot went away
>he thinks Muhamamd wasn't just an infertile kiddie fucker
You can safeguard women without marrying them and sleeping in the same bedroom with them bubba.
Yas Forumsmblr is real with the amount of asspain that EVS causes
You faggots shit on the big two constantly but never put your money where your mouth is to support anything else
Donny Cates goes full cuck and stutters when calling evs.
>say hi to comicsgate, Donny
>hello to everyone who loves comics
The retarded comic artists and their SJW gangs who hate on EVS all remind me of Jussie Smollett, Amber Herd, and those like 10 cases by now of SJW retards spraying their job places or homes with Swastikas and not even knowing how to draw it properly and then trying to act like it's some bad Nazis who did it.
All these retards are good theater.
Do you think Donny carries a snack tray when his wife's bull rails her each night?
>EVS is the only alternative
>you demonize all fans when you demonize comic gate
>when you denounce comicsgate you denounce current and potential fans
What the fuck, I feel sorry for Donny Cates now, he sounds literally retarded.
He's friends with bootleg prints Tim. Of course he's retarded.
>John Layman unironically uses elementary school insults
This guy is supposed to be a qualified writer and letterer?
Doesn't he work at image currently?
I would say the only thing worse than Yas Forumsmblr are the fence sitters like and who "hate both sides" but never provide any viable alternatives. They hate comicsgate for having the audacity to speak up against draconian progressives. But they never speak up against progressives. Only comicsgate. They would rather choose to side with the people ruining comics.
dumb asshole thought it was a good idea to bring back Hal and Barry
EVS killed DC comics and wants the entire industry to die
I hate that fatfuck so much
Idk man. Maybe he'll really try to chill out and make peace, but what other choice does he and all those other twitter blues have? Their jobs are on the line and they're gonna need all the support they can get. They might even stop dying their hair.
Ok shill
>You can only side with one group of retarded extremists or another group of retarded extremists. Normal people don't exist, only us culture war retards.
Kylefags need to get the rope.
>when they told him he doesn't have the right to criticize them without doing their jobs, he took the pen and outdid them all
This was where I figured out this was a joke post
>Making hundreds of thousands
Halfags need to stop being nostalgic incels
His current campaign is close to $500K
Is this a retarded comicsgate thing
>Is this a retarded comicsgate thing
War Campaigners (Ethan's shill force) trying to spam him. We get pro EVS threads on Yas Forums every now and then when the WCers have a sperg out.
>4000 backers
What do you have against it?
Why do racists always try to hide and coat their opinions? Is it to trick people into supporting them? Why can't these people just be honest and say "I hate niggers and gooks in my industry!" and "women should STFU and suck my dick" instead of all this weird doubletalk?
Why do you post stupid shit?
There's no way there isn't money laundering involved with a ridiculous ratio like that.
We provide more than enough alternatives, but every time you "one side or the other" fuckers scream "i-irelevant" or "d-d-doesn't count" when we bring up the litany of companies outside of the big 2 and Image producing comics that you supposedly think don't exist anymore.
>Normal people
You mean ComicsGate, people who went independent and want to draw big tits and ass without some parody of McCarthy era Puritan bible humpers in the form of SJW retards trying to pull cancel culture crusades about how drawing sexy women magically makes you go outside and rape bitches left and right and create a patriarchal rape culture boogeyman.
It could be money laundering.
Or it could be Muslim oil princes and Latino cartel barons both of whom hate Amerishart SJW culture and love seeing sexy ladies in comics and good art. Maybe some Slavic oligarchs as well, or Chinese oligarchs, etc.
If there's one thing that gets the multiculture together which isn't represented by Amerimutt SJWs, it's sexualization, masculization, sex, violence, all the good stuff defined under entertainment.
are you a poor fag or something? that's around $100 per person. hardly anything strange especially when all the good rewards cost a good chunk of money.
Hey Jussie Smollett, how about them accusations mate?
>ruining comics
Ain't ruined yet bub
White incels have a lot of money to spend. $100 a head isn't that much. The funny thing is that even catering to that group he's only managed to sucker in 4000 of them worldwide.
One thing that isnt uncommon is for creators to dumb a bunch of their own money into it. It lowers the actual amount game but can be used to bypass requirements around how much is met. Thay would throw the ratio off pretty hard.
It's movement claiming to want politics and toxic behavior out of comics, but then its creators and biggest spokespeople turn around and engage in the same behavior. Also their tunnel-vision when it comes to true expansiveness of the medium whenever the say the classic "AlL cUMEEks r ShEIt" really showing they never understood the medium to begin with and only see it as a place for purely cape escapist fantasy. Which funny enough this lack of exploration in types of characters and genres is what truly holds back the medium more than any SJW has or ever will.
>White incels have a lot of money to spend.
Most of his followers have brown skin bubba. Is that inconvenient to your corporate shill ass by any chance?
>this this this
The comic gate people are actually the kind of people responsible for comics existing in ghetto and getting no respect.
>but then its creators and biggest spokespeople turn around and engage in the same behavior
What behavior?
Talking down on their own customers?
Trying to cancel someone because they drew titties a bit bigger?
Being corporate shills and then acting like they are anti-1% afterwards?
My favorite comicsgate moment was ya boi zack telling all his readers to ignore Valiant like the plague and then ripping off ninjak for jawbreakers
He made 10K selling the orignal art piece of one of his comic covers. He also has a $200 tier that offers a metal box to hold the comics.