Thoughts on Earth-1048 Spider-Man?

Thoughts on Earth-1048 Spider-Man?

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Best non comic spidey since spectacular, I have problems with his MJ but on the whole he’s pretty good

zoomer's first Spider-Man game

It’s the best spider-man game as a whole, though I would say that the 64 game had a better story and spider-man 2 had better web swinging

Kinda crazy how close that Earth is to the Ultimate Universe.

Mediocre. Suffers from the same problems that all adaptations of Spider-Man have. New additions to character makes him look like a Poor Man's Superior Spider-Man. I was never interested in his version.

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Pretty damn good adaptation, except for MJ.
The fuck are you even talking about?

Making mj a journalist feels weird but ya know what. Whatever.

Movie Spider-Man is okay

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the character designs are incredibly ugly.
best spiderman game for my money is prollly uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Web Of Shadows

He should butt fuck Earth 616 Spider-Man repeatedly

Theory: Spider-Man takes place in the future. Why? ASSuming Marvel's Avengers shares the same Earth, then that would explain why Tasker Master looks so crude. He's early in his career. In Spider-Man, Task Master states he's faced off with the Avengers.

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spider-man for casuals

____ ____!

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I'm talking about The fact that Peter still does not have his life together and that despite having all of these arbitrary achievements like being a superhero for 8+ years and graduating college and making most of his technology (thats in part created by Doc Ock.), he still has to deal with mundane and useless shit that's supposed to "flesh out" his character like having fucking bills he needs to pay or dealing with the same melodramatic relationship issues. And then I'm supposed to believe that this is him balancing out his life as a superhero. It makes 0 sense for Spider-Man to function to a degree like Superior Spider-Man or any "Modern" Spider-Man in terms of having all of this technology to his disposal yet still fucking deal with unnecessary issues as Peter that's inhibiting his character just so when he then gets over those issues his character develops. If this was literally any other character besides Spider-Man the whole fucking world would be critical of that aspect of his character but because Spider-Man has been driven into the fucking ground for the past 30 years we're praising this Spider-Man as if he's god's gift to the earth.

>Why does Peter Parker have responsibilities?!


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Why can't Peter manage his fucking life correctly? How come if he's one of the smartest people in the MU he can't figure out a way to pay his or his aunt's fucking bills? Why does he need to be written as a incompetent chump that can't manage his life outside of the suit?

I really hate, Earth-1048 it's the woke Marvel world of Kevin Feige and Sony.
Cleavage, leotards and hot women cannot exist.
Women have to be ugly like Doc Oc, or a skeleton like Gwen or a titless like Black Cat, women can't be sexy, curvy and pretty.
Harry Osborn is almost an albino, where is the curly hair?
It's another Earth, but you don't need to change all the characters like that.
And that is the future of Spider Man at Sony, my friends, if you complained about Peter Parker Tony Stark pet and Zendaya, there's something even worse coming.

>started his crimefighting career six years before being recruited by Stark
>bested Falcon and Winter Soldier
>stood his ground against Giant-Man and Captain America
>defeats Vulture without his tech suit
>easily beats the Guardiands of the Galaxy
>defeats Mysterio only with Spider-Sense

"muh iron boy"

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Spider-Sense has a pathetic and mediocre effect on the MCU, I think the effects of Daredevil’s powers will also be garbage

what a shit haircut
where do they find these art editors?

I guarantee you that this Spider-Man isn't going to stand a fucking finger compared to any alternate Spider-Man in the future once better Spider-Men are written in terms of career-management and Parker Luck management and overall character. Just because we have a new Spider-Man game with some new shit after 4 years or so does not in any way mean that this is somehow the best version of Spider-Man, because it isn't. If he's supposed to be so competent inside of the suit and outside give him new fucking issues to deal with that match the scale of that competence. Relying on the same old tricks and problems won't work if you're going out to change Spider-Man into something "new and improved."

The game was pretty blatantly laying out the framework for whatever it is the devs want to actually do in a future sequel. People have already said what's wrong with this game's MJ, rest of the game was moreorless fine.

I hope the inevitable sequel has co-op multiplayer.

Not only does the MCU completely neglect to bring up Uncle Ben in any meaningful way besides having Peter carrying his fucking briefcase, they go out of his way to fucking destroy essentially the last piece of Uncle Ben in an explosion. They couldn't be spitting more in the faces of Comic Book fans. This piece of shit is completely lacking in the character development department
>His suits doing everything for him, including wiping his ass
>Getting saved all the time, completely incompetent
>Vulture and Mysterio are evil because of Tony Stark
>4 out of his 5 suits are given to Peter by Tony Stark or shield, including the only one he's "made" (the homemade one being some shitty scarlet and noir hybrid)
>Motivation turns from vague and directionless urge to help others to trying to impress other Super Heroes (Tony Stark)
Teenage Peter isn't some bright-eyed, naive, shy and some starstruck follower of the Avengers. If anything he's the complete fucking opposite. Resentful, more pessimistic and more introspective which is more accurate to how actually intelligent teenagers are written. Don't even get me started on how much of a lone-wolf he was, having that carry over into Spider-Man and rejecting the majority of the time to be an Avenger or the company of them.
If having Tony Stark shoved into the background every 5 seconds and being tied into every aspect of Peter's life is how he's supposed to crossover with the MCU he shouldn't have been with the MCU in the first place. His portrayal has and for the foreseeable future absolutely destroyed Spider-Man in terms of how he's written.

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>wants the uncle ben story shoved up his ass a third time
>muh deal-with-the-devil manchild peter is best peter

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They're not connected
>he still has to deal with mundane and useless shit that's supposed to "flesh out" his character like having fucking bills he needs to pay
Yeah that's essentially Peter's life, you dumbass

Why do you have to bring up MCU trash in this thread?

>Glosses over the fact that you can't have Peter's character without Uncle Ben's lessons regarding responsibility and that destroying his presence just so he can join the Avengers to die in his third appearance is not in Spider-Man's character and isn't even Spider-Man at that point.
>Wants Peter as a slave to his technology and never grow as a man as long as Daddy Stark is around to imply he's connected with the Disney Universe where manchildren hooked onto their tacticool technology are the role models for this generation.
>Bringing up OMD and pretending as if that's the only version of Spider-Man that's competent despite the MCU being more in-line to do something like OMD than any other Spider-Man
Ngmi faggot. This is why Film is dead along with Entertainment.

Finally some good fucking Spider-Man (before Spencer fixed him in the comics) and one of if not THE best versions of Norman Osborn ever whoever it did have it's flaws. Mary Jane for one she was shit in it I might even go so far as to say that's the single worst version of her I've seen to date. Also Doc Ocks motives make no sense and undermine any idea of him being a tragic villain when you actually examine it, relaying more on assumptions of cliches then what actually happened in his backstory

Otto wasn't meant to be sympathetic though. It was just Peter realizing that man he respected turned out to be a piece of shit

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Not for an alternate universe or an "new" Spider-Man that has him fighting crime for 8+ years and developing the majority of his technology and incredible amounts of intellect, even graduating college and supposedly at the "height of his game" yet still dealing with the same, mundane issues that almost every Peter deals with that supposed to act as the balance to his character but does nothing but undermining a adaptation that centers itself around being new and refreshing and framing him as being competent with his life together.

As a basis of comparison.
Updated Costume with more shit added to it, created by yours truly.

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>Not for an alternate universe or an "new" Spider-Man
Buddy the entire point was the people at Insomniac wanting to create a game/universe that celebrated the entire career of Spider-Man without being bogged down by 616 canon. If you don't like Peter going through everyday headaches, you don't like Spider-Man

Pretty scary how this game predicted the future.

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He still doesn't have much in the way of motive.
I mean let's look back at what happened when they made Mister Negative Norman and Otto conduct an experiment, Otto isn't caught by surprise/trying to stop it in the usual scientist cliche way of "No We can't do this... we aren't ready. etc" Instead AFTER the experiment fails he goes all "my god Norman what have you done!" as if he wasn't involved every step of the way and then he himself decides he wants out of the company. He isn't kicked out or anything (eventhough the rest of the game treats it like that). Honestly the "Otto wasn't meant to be sympathetic" Line just comes off as an excuse for the weakest written villain in the game especially considering how the game keeps trying to frame him as a tragic figure with it's sound/cinematography. I mean Norman is framed in very much the same way and he's WITHOUT A DOUBT meant to be a sympathetic villain. I think the reason he's written so shitly is because he's likely the character Slott was most involved with Out of the games three (two if you don't count Norman since he's mostly set up for sequel) antagonists he's the weakest by far

kek you just want peter to be a self insert incel

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>No PS1

I think you missed the entire point of Otto's arc. He hated Osborn because he stole most of Otto's work, and the company they both started. While Otto was scraping by, Norman was a billionaire and mayor of NY. He was planning The Raft breakout and pandemic MONTHS before the events of the game. The neural network didn't change Otto's personality, it merely made him more aggressive and sloppy. He was always a piece of shit.

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>He hated Osborn because he stole most of Otto's work
Except he didn't Otto retardedly moralfaged out of nowhere and quit the company.
Otto did it all to himself he wasn't "screwed and kicked out of the company" he had a tantrum after the experiment and quit.
Sure ok the neural network degradation didn't make him a villain THAT JUST MAKES HIM STUPIDER because the brain decay at least explains why he's so assblassted about something HE DID TO HIMSELF.

>Except he didn't
Yes, he did. Osborn's lawyers made sure Otto couldn't claim ANY of the work he did while at the company. He fucked Otto out of years of research and patents.

I think you're just using this as an excuse to attack Slott, who honestly had next to nothing to do with this game. I hate Slott too but cmon

>Spider-Man is motivated by guilt
implying MCU Spider-Man doesn't have plenty to feel guilty about.
FFH had everyone guilt tripping Peter into doing what they wanted. it's played out.

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Otto sued the company and quit it was his dumbass decision from the start the inventions were obviously patented to Oscorp do you think if Steve Jobs quit Apple he could just start making Iphones for whoever he worked for next? I refuse to believe that Otto was that much of a moron that he expected to keep the patents he made for the company.

>it's played out
It's the basis of the character, the entire reason why he's a hero is because he failed to stop one guy and his father figure ended up dying because of it.

Faggot no one is saying we needed to see Uncle Ben die a third time. All we wanted was Ben Parker to matter, and be the driving force of what makes Peter Spider-Man. Looking up to Mr. Stark? Fuck that.
Norman wrestled all control of Otto's shares with his lawyers. In most circumstances Otto WOULD be entitled to some of the research he created, but it didn't pan out like that. Also it's kind of already stated that Otto is a petty prick who was more concerned about besting Norman than helping people, which kind of plays into what the character always is; what Peter could have been had he misused his own intellect

>Norman wrestled all control of Otto's shares with his lawyers
OTTO SUED THE COMPANY. What the fuck was he expecting?!?
>Also it's kind of already stated that Otto is a petty prick who was more concerned about besting Norman than helping people
I know it's why his moralfagging about what happened to Mr. Negative doesn't make sense. Honestly they should've had Norman use Ock as the fall guy for the whole thing/have him blackmail Ock with it to get him to leave it would make his character far more comprehensible

AFTER Norman insured he would get nothing. What's your issue here? You're mad that the bad guy had petty reasons and was a piece of shit? HE'S A VILLAIN

It makes me wish they chose Betty brant instead honestly. But having MJ be career oriented and having that be the reason they’re not together is a pretty solid turn. Though I do prefer the original MJ and think that she is a strong enough character in her own right to not need to be reduced to the dollar store lois lane that bendis made her into in ultimate

Yet another shitty attempt to make a MCU Spider-Man that's not really MCU. Same melodrama, same wannabe realism, same impotent Peter who can't do shit without whimpering constantly about how life keeps fucking him over. And who the fuck cares about fucking Mr. Negative?! We should have been getting the full Sinister Six as soon as the second act started.

The PS1 Spidey games have still never been topped. It knew what people wanted in a Spider-Man comic and embraced it wholeheartedly.

I like a Spider-Man with his shit together, like you know Renew your Vows and facing new challenges that don't relate to him fucking dealing with MJ or some other mundane bullshit if he's supposed to be one of the best out there.
Whatever you say Zoomer.

you'll get your regurgitated uncle ben story by the third movie. you will also get a Peter who isn't emotionally stunted and gets over his uncle's death and moves on with his life so you better bite on a pillow and deal with it.

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>AFTER Norman insured he would get nothing
That's not how that sequence of events works! Norman wasn't the one to kick Otto out of the company Otto sued and quit! Norman used lawyers to cover his ass and make sure Otto couldn't get anything as a counter measure which anyone above fish IQ could've seen coming

>So what if his motives don't make sense HE'S A VILLAIN
>It's Magic You Don't Have To Explain It

>Yet another shitty attempt to make a MCU Spider-Man that's not really MCU.
You didn't play the fucking game.
The only annoying part of the game was MJ, and at least she admitted to being a whiny bitch. Still doesn't make up for the shit Lois Lane knockoff.

The fuck do you mean that shit is played out? It's essential to his character. What part of that don't you get you retard? If you want a Spider-Man without Uncle Ben or who doesn't go through any changes go back to Miles Morales.

What kind of fucking autism do you have? Let me try and break this down SLOWLY for you
>Otto doesn't agree with the disregarded safety measures Norman is doing in search of a cure for Harry
>He tries to leave the company, and take his fair share
>Norman fucks him over with his lawyers to ensure Otto can't rat him out, and keep all the resources to find a cure
>Otto sues
>It doesn't pan out
Otto remains a petty prick seeking revenge instead of just moving on with his life to better the world with his intellect. How is that hard to follow?

>you'll get your regurgitated uncle ben story by the third movie.

That's kinda bad when you think about it.

I did. If not for the fact that you have to control Spidey, it would pretty much be another MCU movie.

No, the game is mediocre and has more problems to it than just fucking MJ. And even if the only "problem" was MJ how do you think the rest of the game is going to be affected if she had such an important role within the game? How do you think Peter's character is going to get bogged the fuck down if this is the case?

Hell, like I said earlier if this was any other character this game would not be getting the reception that it's generated through Zoomer fanboys and would probably be called fucking bland.

>it would pretty much be another MCU movie.
Bullshit. MCU Peter is fucking trash, constantly seeking validation from Tony Stark, Uncle Ben might as well not exist, and his supporting cast is fucking gone. Insomniac Spider-Man's only real issue is a shitty take on Mary Jane. That's it.

Yas Forumsntrarian at its finest. The game was developed by Spidey fanboys who came to SONY asking to do it, and yet that still not good enough for you.

the fact that we already know the uncle ben story means that the MCU can have Peter not be a sadsack and have his character arc be about growing up. adult married Peter doesn't have a character arc because he's already an adult and married so he has nothing to look forward or strive for outside of being Spider-Man.

Dealing with guilt isn't being emotionally stunted.
I've had this conversation before and every time the retards saying this shit were baiting or they don't read comics, so fuck this shit I'm out.

>the fact that we already know the uncle ben story means that the MCU can have Peter not be a sadsack and have his character arc be about growing up
He's already a fucking sadsack because apparently Tony Stark dying means more than Uncle Ben, which is just plain wrong.

That’s what made mayday such a good addition to the lore, let pete meet the challenges as a parent and have that growth be his new arc

Spoken like a true casual.

No,this was made by Insomniac. All of the "creative" decisions were made by Insomniac, even if Sony bought them out. The only part that Sony essentially had with this entire project was that they made this piece of shit exclusive to it's consoles because they wanna become another Disney abomination, buying out studios to have an monopoly under the guise that they're in line with their goals as a company. Fuck them and this piece of shit game.