Look dad, i'm sorry I didn't turn out ot be an aibender like you hoped

>Look dad, i'm sorry I didn't turn out ot be an aibender like you hoped...

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Other urls found in this thread:


"It's not that I didn't want to; there was no way for me to physically achieve it."

>Suddenly circumstances change and he's able to airbend in his fucking fifties
>Buckle up
>Train a new martial art from scratch
>Get fit

Absolute chad.

lol did that really happen? holy shit korra is such garbage.

funny how korra did everything they could to make look all the male characters like shit, including the old MC

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>defeats ozai only to become just like him
makes ya think.

Isn't the entire reason that Aang has a chinstrap beard because either Mike or Bryan has one?

>Hope Iroh turned out to be a sly tactician who takes after his namesake and uncle an despite appearances is actually really crafty and good at thinking out of the box.
>He's just a goofy buffoon who lucks his way to victory.

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Why was he shown to be fat ? He was a non bender who trained to comptete with benders since he was a kid. He should be the most physically robust of Aangs kids. He should be a peak human batman

Young Iroh was shitty, too. There's not a single character from ATLA that Korra doesn't drag through the mud, one way or the other.

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tenzin... had a hard life

He was still relatively old, people tend to get fat as they get old if they don't compensate for their slowed down metabolisms. He just suddenly started working out a lot more than usual because he was excited about learning air bending.

Avatar is the Harry Potter of cartoons; a popular and critically acclaimed children’s fantasy series that spawned a fanbase so rabid and obsessive that they refuse to let go of it as adults, while the creators can’t leave a good thing be and keep making their work retroactively worse with excessive retcons and shoehorned in lgbt shit.
Prove me wrong, you can’t.

>be the last airbender
>brings peace to the world
>instead of getting pussy pass to impregnate tons of women to repopulate airbenders he stuck only with katara to raise a dyke, a loser and a clown
>tenzin's powerful seed makes an earthbender descendant pops 3 (possible 4) airbenders
>doesn't dedicate his life to impregnate more women to avoid the extinction of airbenders
you expect me to believe they can go industrial in less than a century but can't for the sake of preservation let a man repopulate an entire bending race?

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Its odd that benders who can extert far less energy are in top shape but a hand to hand fighter is the fat one.

>need a pale of water? Just bend the water into the bucket. The bucket wont be have becuase the water bender can lift the water wieght partially with bending.

Non bender has to carry the bucket. Fill the water and carry the full weight.

>need to get up somewhere high? Just air jump.

Non bender needs to physically climb and look for foot holds. Use all his muscle groups to get up to the same place.

Why want bumi buff ? Even older benders are in great shape. Just lifting stuff with thier minds

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Bending is kung fu. You can't be as good as bending unless you're in top shape. This makes no sense but it's how it works; look at how Iroh had to buff himself up at the end of ATLA to be fighting fit.

*As good AT bending.

ok have some of the retards saying korra fucked over characters watches the show or just saying what the see other say at this point

well if bending requires movements especially with airbenders who are always zooming around, it makes sense being Yas Forums would help. Bumi was pretty slim when he was a general anyways but became fat when he retired.

In his defense Tenzine was the only one airbender out of the three so it makes since that aang would have some serious favoritism towards Tenzine since up until his kids were born Aang was the only air bender left. If boomy had the powers to bend air wen he was born this wouldn't be a problem

why do people keep thinking you need to be some master fighter to bend when was this ever said in the show or anywhere

I had an idea for an Avatar series where the protagonist was kinda like Bumi in Korra. An Earthbender single father with firebending kids. The Avatar couldn't be identified, mostly because the Avatar Cycle was broken by Korra and there are no connections to any past avatars other than her anymore. He'd end up learning firebending from his kids after discovering he can do it too.

Other than technology having advanced significantly from Korra, with a general nature/spirituality vs technology theme, I never fleshed much of the idea out.

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Well, there's the fact that every character who bends is a fighter or has been in the past, and the fact that characters like Iroh train their bodies to fight. It's pretty explicit, even if no one says outright says it.

>because the Avatar Cycle was broken by Korra
retards still think she did this

>there's the fact that every character who bends is a fighter
ok so and no its not explicit

Because ultimately there's still a nebulous physical element to bending through motion, mobility, and discipline. There are a few benders who have styles that completely forego that but for the most part being physically fit is nothing but a boon for benders and since bending is based around martial arts most benders are indirectly competent martial artists.

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The only casual reference to people using bending as something different from martial arts are the healer women in the Northern Water tribe, and none of them are even shown on screen IIRC.
There's the people in Korra repurposing stuff like lightning-bending to power machines, but those are still fighting techniques.

its not a bad concept for an avatar i guess. but i never want to see another "its a new avatar in a different time period" spinoff show again. even for any of the canon avatars.

Its worse when you think that 2 of his 3 kids never had children of their own .

You still never see a bender who wasn't fighting trained on screen, so thinking there's a relation between the two is more logical than thinking there isn't.

so you think you need years of extreme training just to list a rock off the ground

I don't blame you. After Korra I wouldn't want Mike or Bryan to touch the series again either.

I barely remember since it's been so long since I saw the show and was pretty eager to forget by the time it was over.

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i would expect bumi be having children everywhere after years of carefree sexual encounters only to accidentally make all these women gave birth to airbenders that is unknown to republic city and tenzin

You can probably move a small rock if you're untrained, just like a child can throw a punch while knowing nothing of martial arts. But to move bigger rocks or do cooler things with them, you do need training.

>I barely remember since it's been so long since I saw the show
how can you forget something like this happening to make you think korra did it

you guys know technology would evolve in this world right not stay how it was and they already had tanks and other shit in the original some of you people are strange as hell

Why would that guy be able to escape if he's bound and cannot move? He needs to move to bend. Wasn't Aang bound sometime and that left him unable to escape as well?

Who are you talking to?


>After Korra I wouldn't want Mike or Bryan to touch the series again either.
its not that I don't want them to make any other series. I just don't want that kind of series anymore. I'd rather have a new story involving the original cast.

His head and legs can still move pretty freely. He doesn't need to bend a lot, just enough to bend the barrel to free himself up to bend more.

I didn't say anything about Avatar technology.

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granted but this time katara ends up with zuko

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puke, you just ruined the thread.

That episode aired SEVEN YEARS AGO. Forgive me for only remembering the link was broken and that dumb cunt was to blame.

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wow would you forget your name if nobody said it

Excuse me for not being so autistic I remember every piece of media I've watched for the last 30 years.

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Korra was weird in the sense a lot of characters were married to their jobs and ended up childless. Considering some of them had "the fate of an entire race" riding on their shoulders especially. It's that weird post-modern bullshit where people think "my life's work of being a wagie fucktard" is worth more than having descendants to take care of you in old age and remember you fondly.

my man its a big part of the plot how can you forget something like that and you seem to remember something to make you think korra did it

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If nobody said my name in years, I'd probably develop some complexes.

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>Considering some of them had "the fate of an entire race" riding on their shoulders especially.
The idea that bending is genetic is in itself stupid and unnecessary. There was nothing that hinted to it in ATLA. "The Last airbender" meant the last of a people and culture that was destroyed. People with the capacity to become airbenders could've easily still exist and the story would not have suffered.

Katara ends up watching.

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But instead they didn't know what they wanted to do and were retarded about it. It would have made the most sense if people could theoretically learn any kind of bending and the bending being more specific like sandbending or swampbending was cultural/knowledge-based. Then the destruction of airbending would have been the result of the burning of their libraries and massacre of their teachers/monks instead of "all these dudes who have some kind of spiritual-genetic capacity for slapping people with their farts are dead". Aang already had the airbender state so it wouldn't matter if someone could theoretically learn the other forms of bending, but I assume it would be explained as "it takes a lifetime to master one form and would be pointless/impossibly difficult to halfass the other forms anyway" and the avatar's advantage would be the spiritual memories of multiple lifetimes of bending.

But in any case Bumi and his sister were fucking useless. And Tenzin was married for like, what, 14 years since Jinora was like 13 or so? He could easily turn his wife into a human termite queen with a dozen kids. It wouldn't even be unrealistic for the era, the writers just didn't have the balls to be like "haha woman can have a dozen kids lol".

>The idea that bending is genetic is in itself stupid and unnecessary.
okay so you prefer its just a random occurance that people are assigned a bending element?
wow the fire nation royal family must have been really lucky.

It would be better if it's either random or something that can be learned with different spiritual attunements.

thats absolutely retarded. so two firebenders should be able to have a waterbending kid?

and if its learned than anyone and everyone is the avatar.

this is what happens when lazy peope have a clear goal just look a fit

>implying Korra had anything good enough to keep full interest
there's your problem there chief

Yes, because spiritual attunement is something easily achieved.
You're an idiot.

>because spiritual attunement is something easily achieved.
lol yeah but you're the one arguing that toddlers should have the ability to do it.

cute little cum sucker