Dr. Sivana appreciation thread
Dr. Sivana appreciation thread
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Remember when he was an Iraq war profitier?
People who dont know of his name are boobs
alas, the only person batman cant beat
Captain Marvel goes missing and Dr Sivan decides to go straight up shoot cops in the face.
also has several kids and a smoking hot wife, he is a Chad
Post more Georgia.
Black Adam wrecks all the heroes but a group of evil geniuses take him down with ease.
He deserves bigger.
DC just has a monopoly on based and petty villains.
Pretty much the DC universe equivalent of youtube.com
What's with them and the planet Venus in particular?
jesus fucking christ
On like three occasions Sivana tried to murder Billy in his sleep.
You mean doctor fauci?
Sivana invented Space Travel before America and landed on the fifth planet, discored there was land and conequered it. He pretty much took Beautia and Magnificus and made them frontier's men!
Wait, doesn't this imply Sivana is a better boss than Luthor and the Joker?
Well, he is.
Sivana is the best at everything user. He's best dad, best boss, and best scientist.
Can't get enough of this magnificent bastard.
It's official, Sivana is the hero 52 needed but doesn't deserve. Sivana going full Taken is too good for DC
There is some grain of truth to this. A lot of criminals killed their way to the most wanted list. Sivana is implied to be more of a mob boss with his own crime families, but the comic highlight his ruthless gunning down and terrorism
What makes Sivana so dangerous is that he's not a Bonnie and Clyde, John Dillinger, or Al Capone criminal. He's a terrorist with dreams of becoming a dictator
>Thugs robbing some place.
>Sivana shows up.
>They shit themselves.
I'm still mad this was only for one issue.
J Edgar Hoover and FDR are afraid of Sivana. That's how scary he is
The Marvel Family are kids with the powers of Greek Gods. DC can't draw Junior growing a Full Mast Boner the size of a pillar in a fit of puberty
Wait, does this mean that Sivana made the Civil War longer and empowered the Confederates to keep fighting?
I was thinking of Sivanna's kids having marvel-like powers.
I love this guy, he's just so determined to get shit done.
What are some good stories with Dr Sivana? I'd like to know some recommended reading.
>These helmets are Mad Hatter design, practically medieval
I can feel that diss
52 for starters
No wonder Sivana wants this kid dead
>The criminal underworld has its own newspaper
Anything precrisis with Sivana is pretty much guaranteed gold.
Everybody remembers the wrong bald evil genius as the icon. Sivana did Golden Age evil better then anybody.
Listen to Sivana kids. Captain Marvel is full of shit.
Sivana is great. Such a shame he doesn't really interact with the other DC heroes
There is some grain of truth. Organized Crime was mostly a family business and a large organization invented by Italy. The Union was invented by the Mafia to get their kickbacks from protection rackets. Sivana is so tough that be scares the Mafia
Sivana is lying. He made inventions to commit crime so that police can't use forensic evidence to try and give him the death penalty. It's never stated why but implied that Police are scared to slap handcuffs on him