What are the best art books? Yas Forums or otherwise

What are the best art books? Yas Forums or otherwise

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I recently bought the artbooks for Venture Bros. and Adventure Time. Haven't had the time to read them yet though.

Lemme get all my artbooks and take a pic

>delayed until October

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Well at least I have a nice birthday present in November to look forward to. The timeline charts are confirmed to be part of it, so that's cool

Flint and Chert are those two gems from Homeworld Bound that Yellow was fixing

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I kinda want to own the books in my bookshelf, but usually the books are so large that they're hard to read so I prefer digital.

Also, preordered

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My collection. Pretty proud of my rarer finds

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Where were these pages released? Are there more?

Just the one sadly.

Love or hate the movies, the sequel trilogy art books are phenomenal

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>No Palpatine art at all

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>want to pick up an MCU art book
>there are literally dozens of them, often with an insane amount of overlap
>Not only are there individual books for each movie, but also books for each of the phases
>And on top of that there are books for both the "first 10 years" AND the Infinity Saga which are technically the same thing but apparently different enough to get seperate books
>Not to mention books like "Road to Endgame" which compiles content from everything before Endgame, basically making it another Infinity Saga book

Liteterally where the fuck do I start. I have no clue which ones to even consider getting

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>900 dollars


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Have that one coming in the mail this week


If anyone is interested I have found the artbook online on e-hentai org of all places. /g/1236074/b48c6d2afd/

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e-hentai and sadpanda are always a great way to store artbooks because they are easily accessible and in sadpandas case, ignored by the copyright holders

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Art of Epic Mickey is the best.

You aren't wrong

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Waiting to see if the limited edition drops in price before I grab this

The Rango art book fucking rules.

I also love the Megamind art book. It has a shitton of great creative designs; it's definitely a widely overlooked gem.

That's awesome

Does anyone know if scans of this exist anywhere? Scalpers ask $300 for it and I doubt it will ever be reprinted.

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These guys will know

Some good resources there, thanks. It's not on any of their lists but hopefully someone responds to my post there eventually.

Good luck getting the ones you would want for a good price anyway

The Endless Legend Artbook
The game itself is already filled to the brim with beautiful artwork, which add to the flavour of the game and sets it apart from other games
And the artbook gives even more depth and better quality images
And free for anyone who has the game
The Endless Space artbook is neat too, but not as captivating

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>it's another /BookImEyeballingSuddenlyGoesOutOfPrintAndDoublesInPrice/ episode

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I know bro. I know.

Old-ish photo, but here's the bulk of my artbooks.

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Even worse if they're Japanese ones. they tend to spike up like 3-400%

Holy fuck that final fantasy one is thick

Nah, it's a case with several books in it. Same with the Metal Gear one.

Yeah I'm so sad about missing out on this one. I was really hoping it'd get a reprint after the award show spike in popularity, but nope.


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I passed it up because I hadnt seen the movie yet. Now I feel like a fucking idiot.

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For me, collecting art books for the girls is a dangerously slippery slope into just collecting porn

What is Harem Gold anyway?

I saw it on ebay for 30 bucks with a buy it now option and by the time I was trying to pay for it it was already sold out. I still think it's fucking idiotic how they did a limited run for Klaus' artbook of all movies. The movie has been known about and admired for years within the artist/animation community because of just how beautiful it is. Of course the exact type of people who collect art books are gonna want one for this movie. They could've made way more and they still would've sold out even if the movie didn't do that well.

>steven rapeverse

I think it would have been risky on their part. The book probably started printing before the movie was even out and they didn't want to take a risk for a movie that was no doubt going to be niche.

Maybe a reprint this Christmas if we are lucky. It

Print out of four elements trainer on high gloss.

Epic one, fellow Yas Forums memer. However the first SU book is one of the best deep dives into the modern cartoon industry ever printed. This new one is worth looking forward to even if it's half as good as the first. Regardless of whether or not you are a fan

It's one of the art books for To-Love Ru.
It's an ecchi harem series about an alien princess. Its sequel series, To-Love Ru Darkness, has a ton more fanservice and the artist for it became more infamous by hiding pussy and dicks in reflections.


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>or otherwise
MS Era which isn't a traditional artbook per se. Rather it was done by the artists of Gundam 0080 and 0083 as an in-universe photographic collection of the One Year War and the events that led up to it using all original art pieces. If you've watched 0080 a lot of the pictures in the ED are from that book.

In a sense it's the Gundam version of Marvels.

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That's really cool. Would you recommend it to a non-gundam fan?


Definitely. You can find it on sadpanda of all places and a translation of the captions here: mediafire.com/folder/blfwq9vvcvqmd//misc

Wakfu's was pretty good.

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Hey Arnold! Artbook when?

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wish i had that valve one

Raising the Bar? Yeah man thats probably one of my favorites. I recommend every half life fan reads it at least digitally

Unless you mean The Sacrifice, which I think is actually still in print. It's not really an art book though, just a comic compilation

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I'd buy it. Does Nick even do art books though?

>didn't include katara or toph in the swimsuit section

fuck these fucking pieces of shit, I hate them so much

Semi-related: Does anyone remember these comics that occasionally get story timed on here about a Fairy/Girl the size of a Fairy. I can't remember the plot but it was grimdark despite the cheerful artwork and setting. Towards the end the girl gets an eyepatch and goes on a vengeance quest.

I've been wanting to reread it for awhile now and see if the author has done any other work.

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