On Black Label and 5G projects
DC Orders "Pencils Down"
Good most of the black label sucked lol. If this spares us imperialistic adam strange it's a win.
And fuck 5G all together so that's a win as well.
Still hoping they hold off digital releases of physical comics past April 30th
'bout damn time
I know that artists can do commissions during this crisis to help ends meet, but are writers fucked?
Oh no!
And I so totally wanted Luke Fox as Batman! And for all the heroes to be replaced by random OCs! Oh the horror!
>That one thread where an user was saying
>"Nobody in the Big Two got a pencilsdown email
The absolute state of copers
5G is Jim Shooters worst idea for Marvel with no one around to stop it
Writers can crowdfund and/or start building audiences in youtube and twitch
Sounds like an arduous task
They should use this time to practice drawing.
Thanks OP, I needed some good news. Fuck 5G and all of the useless feckless Didiots that supported. Let it burn and hopefully take King and Bendis along with it.
Won't pay the bills.
Will all of these artists get unemployment?
Most of them have jobs teaching in addition to their freelance work.
MCUcks rejoice!
if their entire career is nothing but writing comics, yeah, they're pretty boned.
I didn't know that.
That's Ian Flynn.
>5G is done
>Black Label
I guess Sejic and Sean Murphy are free.
??? It was a realistic solution to their problems. It was a snarky remark that maybe they should diversify their talents.
Oh no. I was so looking forward to reading... What the fuck was Black Label and 5G supposed to be?
I guess, but that likely won't save them from their predicament anytime soon.
And "pencils up" for titles in the Kids and Young Adults OGN line because those aren't 100% tied to Diamond
Won't they suffer due to the lack of physical sales?
People can still order from amazon and B&N online. Those bookstores are supplied by Penguin Random House, not Diamond.
And the bleedingcool link at the top mentions that DC has found a different printer (because the Quebec one is currently shutdown via provincial decree)
Can they drop Diamond and go digital only?
>"Pencils Down"
Not without a lot of backlash. Last Monday they had said that the April 1st (wednesday) new titles would be released digitally, then LCS's had a huge bitch fit over that, so they only released the handful of Digital First (like that Batman Adventures book) and digital versions of trades instead.
I still think his shopping through Michaels buying supplies was his best video. Very wholesome EVS demistyfying making comics.
WildStorm comics still dead, fuck DC
No one asked for All-New, All-Different DC
I hope Bendis and Tom King get booted
Can't they just do it anyway? Do they even need LCSs?
Blame them.
digital's only 10% of the market
>I hope Bendis and Tom King get booted
I'd literally cum.
Black Label was suppose to be “Adult DC” but the higher ups got upset over the Bat Penis. So it just became an imprint to publish elseworlds and resell other old comics (like All-Star Superman) with the label.
5G according to Bleedingcool was suppose to be the “The Next Generation” of DC. In which the main superheroes are replaced by successors. The successors being a bunch of random individuals and OCs. Like Luke Fox becoming the new Batman. It was suppose to be like Marvel’s ANAD and Now 2.0.
I'm sad because I was waiting for some more Wonder Woman books.
Nnnoooooo not my heckin strange adventurino nooooo not my heckin summer event nnnnnooooooooooooooo
5G was likely to be cancelled anyway, since nobody knew what the hell it even was.
Not like it's big loss, the only decent idea in there was Wondy being the first proper superhero. And really, that was more of an excuse to have her team up with historical characters.
murphy is doing a kickstarter i think
lol, it's always the casualgaters spamming these threads, go back to Twitter faggot
I was actually looking forward to 5G under the pretense that comics could feasibly progress again like how pre-New 52 had actual legacy heroes, but Black Label is like super whatever. None of the titles put out by the Black Label were good and the only one that was good was Curse of the White Knight and that was only retroactively added.
Starting it with Batman: Damned was not a good call. Azzarello can't write Batman for shit.
no need to worry, this thread is bullshit. Black Label editors are calling the report bullshit
But I like action comics
Assuming they don't reboot, we should still have Wondy as the fist superhero. They already published a few stories with it; Doomsday Clock, Wonder Woman(not just 750 but the story that was running has a villain who is the granddaughter of a golden age foe, and the Jay story in Flash #750, probably was going to mentioned in the Green Lantern Anniversary special's Alan story).
They are starting to do this now. SGM started a youtube channel and has an indiegogo. Donny cates called EVS and talked for a bit on the show. Gail simone started a youtube channel too.
Good. I'll cum while you cry.
Well that's nice at least. It is a legitimately good idea to actually do something with one of their more prominent immortal characters.
Though it's annoying that it's all focused on the past. There's never really stories about Diana in the future. She NEVER appeared in any Legion of Super-Heroes material, for example. Which is just weird.
Wonder Woman as the first superhero is 100% movie synergy. Nothing more nothing less. It's a lazy idea that needlessly ages Diana and makes her a weirdo without any children.
I think Phil Jimenez WW book Historia: The Amazons was going to Black Label.
I mean they can unpause some of this stuff. And the Black Label stuff s more likely to be dusted off. 5G was far in advance in september before this and they can easily use this pandemic as a excuse to cancel it and come up with a new direction.
Still hope we get that JSA book in WWII, or any JSA book really.
Are you gonna post the fucking transcripts? I ain't clicking shit
Cum on me while I cry?
Didn't she have a daughter with Steve Trevor at some point?
Eh, I still like the retcon of Hippolyta as JSA Wondy, it squared that circle to me.
This as well, thinking on it. I see the appeal of Wondy as first hero, but Superman screams it out more to me.
In DC One Million's Wonder Woman issue we see Hippolyta, Artemis and the Amazons are still alive in that era (being immortal) and relocated to Venus. It's also mentioned the Amazon's spent some time exploring deep space before returning the solar systen and settling there.
So I figure it gives them an excuse not be around the earth during the legions time.
Earth 2.
Lyta and Hector Hall (Hawkman's son) made it over after CoIE, but they had to change her parents. So instead of being the daughter of Wonder Woman, she became the daughter of Fury, an OC replacement by Roy Thomas.
If you've ever read Gaiman's Sandman, he uses her (and her son Daniel). He took apart her "happy ending" from Infinity Inc, and turned it into a horror show.
Khouri denies this, and artists like Aaron Campbell (on Hellblazer) says he is still working on his black label work.
Both Lyta and Hector need to be brought back.
>DCucks telling that it is ok after all the shitpost they did for Marvel
That is just sad.
I never said anything company wars related about Marvel, good sir or madam. And I frown on anyone who does.
I just hate the concept of 5G. It just seems like a pathetic attempt at clickbait by the late Dan Didio. It just seemed stupid.