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stop posting twitter drama
Make a fucking E-celeb board please.
It's funny because that style is actually used in many CN shows
/incel/ - Internet Celebrity
Leave, twitter immigrant.
so do you think these nu/co/ shit-heads do this because they're too chickenshit to actually engage on twitter like they so desperately want?
>scroll their account
>plethora of awful woke twitter takes that no one outside of the websites hivemind would agree with
b-but you can't make fun of le based oney! Only he is allowed to make fun of you.. please no make fun of newgrounds It is a good webby site..
No one's saying they can't. The only reason these tweets are being made is because Oney's fans know how to bounce back whilst they can't, hence having to make these quote tweets to try to get the original one over
imagine getting buttblasted because oney is trying to show love to the man who got him, and many many others, started in the first place
a man who never sold out, or hid content behind a paywall, or dumped spyware on his users
who enabled millions of people to connect and be entertained
and he did it all for free
fuck the haters, tom fulp is based
They live for the (You)s. Starve them the old fashioned way, it’s the only way they’ll learn. Sage, hide and report.
I would unironically browse that shit all the time. I love looking at bad Twitter takes.
Chris took it pretty well from what i remember.
You didnt need to make another thread.
>a man who never sold out
Let’s plays are the internet equivalent of selling out.
Kek they're really trying all the bullshit in the book including the classic EXPOSE
chris o'neill
newgrounds animator, letsplayer, now doing music for vidya and tv
i was talking about tom fulp
A cursory glance of this person's Twitter feed confirms they are a basketcase
>close friends with a convicted pedophile
>supporting a furfag
It's supposed to be Shadman, even though as far as I know he has never been jailed over his art.
i assume they're thinking of shadman, who was never convicted.
Also about "dogpiling" smaller accounts, who cares? If they're smearing you and your friends over harmless stuff it doesn't even matter. It's like children online who like to stir up shit and when they're about to get hit back they go NO NO STOP I'M A KID I'M A KID
>Acting like small children
really makes you think.
i think it's referring to the new guy meme
oney called it out as shit and then a bunch of people dogpiled on the author, even though oney didnt call for anything of the sort
what a joke, i bet they're american
fpbp. op is a flaming faggot
>oney getting """""canceled""""" again
I'm sure THIS time it sticks lads
A friend of mine once tried lecturing me on the use of the word "Cunt" being grossly offensive and derogatory.
I told her that other countries didn't seem to have an issue with saying it. But that I was sympathetic enough to stop using it around her because I understood why American women would take particular offense to it.
That ended the discussion pretty quickly.
american women wish they were oppressed, thats how it works, they want to live like they are in saudi arabia,
>Regularly uses slurs
This is such a limpwristed way of describing offensive behaviour. Like it would be one thing if Oney was using them against people to the point of targeted harassment, but he clearly doesn't so the point doesn't make any sense.
Daily reminder those guys only hate Oney because he dared to protect Sr Pelo from Arin holy rightful bullying of justice for making fun of storytime animators(bashing video games like GameGrumps do every single day is okay tho)
When I hear "Newgrounds Style" I always think of the way Johnny Utah draws. For me, he's kind of the go-to Newgrounds artist.
I think he did most of the art that was used for the site when I was most active on it, so that might be why.
>avatar is geno as a transblack womyn with a goth haircut
they want all the benefits of being a victim, without actually having to suffer
I guess thats why I hate white women, cause they see opressed people as objects, its kinda like befriending the semetic looking kid to look PC
Blacks of both genders are way worse about it.
eh not really, the black sjws I met are pretty nice, unless they act super white, then they are cunts, black sjws are pretty nice to you no matter what unless your racist or sexist or whatever ism
I think of this kind of style and sprite animation, shit that is very Flash.
Fuck, the image got eaten.
i think of alien hominid, castle crashers
The sad thing is people on twitter are so god damn stupid they believe this bullshit.
imagine being insecure that you have to words words words every time you get a little criticism or joke at your expense
>gets some criticism
>gets some dished right back
Poor Chris, I hope his feelings weren't hurt too bad by random dude vibing
t. faggit
If by "vibing" you mean "backpedaling" than I agree
Yeah Chris is a huge piece of shit and can't take a joke, got it
>close friends with a convicted pedophile
Most don't even know that Shad has ever been convicted (pic related) for being a pedophile at one point. Trying to associate Oney with factors that few are even aware of to begin with is simply dishonest.
>doesnt think that trans people face oppression in the west
Never said that. He was doubting a trans user who had a history of cancelling others and being a lying manipulative dickhole for using "I'm just being oppressed" in response to Oney calling out her bullshit when she's just being an ass.
>regularly uses slurs
The monster.
>Dogpiles smaller accounts who criticize him
And? Criticism warrants a response. A follower count does not dictate whether or not one should reply. This is a non-problem.
>(a couple times resulting in sexual harassment)
american cartoons/comics are about twitter dramas
Just realized that the first paragraph is worded funny. Of course Shad is a pedo, it's just that "convicted" implies he has actually given in to his desires.
I hope every single tranny kill themselves so they can't stop plaguing this atmosphere with their crass dumbassery.
NOOOO you can't make fun of my hero oney newgrounds stop CENSORING him from saying the faggot word I'm literally shaking :( :( :(
What joke? No one made any joke, someone made an agressive spergout on twitter and then he replied "no u"
Oh pardon me I didn't realize it was illegal to mock unfunny pants shitter Chris O'Neill.
That's good
By mock you mean bitching because that's what the twitter pic is.
Chris owes his career to ripping off egoraptor, why are we defending this hack?
Because he's funny.
I don't get which side they're on. Is the ''people whose entire personality is being rude and abrasive'' referring to newsgrounds artists or the person they're quoting?
No one's saying that but you. Some criticism was dished, Oney dished back and Blockhead backpedaled. This isn't a smarmy gotcha lol
Go back to /trash/ you deviant.
OP is a faggot confirmed!
>I am an ex-convict who was convicted for raping several young women
I feel like this comes off as a joke made in poor taste, is it not?
t. faggit
Sorry your sense of humor sucks, not my problem.
Egoraptor is a Sylvan rip off
This thread just proves that oney was never funny and his impotent fans will say anything to deny the fact that he is a sad washed up nobody just like themselves.
Based coping blockhead
This thread just proved that you are a sjw furfag defending another sjw furfag.
Stop fucking dogs
Oh wow you changed my mind, Chris is actually funny and not a tool.
I don't know anything about oney but this artstyle is making me cringe. What's the funniest video he made?
>this thread proved that Oney is bad because I called him bad 38 times in a row without any actual argument
>more passive aggressive coping
Sit this one out bruh
Snowflake alert