Who’s the best character from this series?

Who’s the best character from this series?

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Greg Universe

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Ruby and saphire, they actually got arcs and learned a legitimate lesson about relqtionships that related to them specifically. Thats how low the bar is, three episodes of genuine character development


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Pearl. You could tell the writers were struggling to not use her all the time with how much she steals the show.

Zach Callison.
God, I miss his voice and singing.

Hope all is well with him.
Whatever happened to him, his twitter is blacked out.

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Ruby, Jasper, and Pearl are high tier legends

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Gem ranking thread part II!

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Pink diamond

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He was never wrong.

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oh lawd he comin

This but unironically she get a pretty solid arc and character development.

White Diamond; great design and she directly calls out the show’s self indulgent hippie bullshit

>YFW this is what’s inside Steven’s gem youtu.be/Myvuv8Z-yHU


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Anyone have the storyboard with the deleted joke where Amethyst tricks her into eating a 1st birthday cake, them traumatizes her by explaining shapeshifting a digestive system.

the cream pie i gave rebecca sugar

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>Sugar: I want to have Invader Zim in my show and he'll be just like he was in my teenage fanfics
>Cartoon Network: No, lawyers exist.
>Sugar: Okay but what if it was a female Zim, tits and all, and they were taller, so nobody could say it's the same design even if we demand the same type of naisily poindexter voice for the character.
>Cartoon Network: K fine just don't get us fucking sued by Nick.
>Sugar: K
>Also Sugar: Proceeds to make not-Zim be Zim's height as soon as possible, has the character act just like him, and has not-Zim join the friend cast to parallel her Invader Zim fanfics where him and Dib became best butt-buddies.
Wow such an interesting arc, totally not just shoehorning in a character she loved in her teen Hot Topic lol-so-randum phase.

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Three way tie between Steven, Pearl and Amethyst.

She got such a shitty deal in Future. Fuck Sugar.

>First episode is great
>Fragments in top 10 of entire franchise
>Actually ends with a chance at redemption instead of just randomly being nice for no reason or shoved back into the woods
"Shitty deal"

You're retarded, you know that?

Objectivley Pearl.

WHy the fuck would Jasper randomly go to the school after all that's happened lmao. Her character development amounts to "pls be nice" and she fucking does. This is as bad as--if not worse than--Steven NO U-ing WD.

She didn’t.
She’s clearly working in Bismuth’s blacksmith shop, probably because making weapons is the closest useful thing to her desired job.

Garnet before she was reduced to just her components.

Jasper before she was fucked over at the end with no resolution.

White Diamond before CYM ending.

Blue Diamond was alright.

Peridot when she wasn't reduced to a Memelord


Garnet the one woman gang rapist.

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Was the main reason I dropped the show

Pearl: “Rose, REEEEE”
Amethyst: “I HATE MYSELF!”
Garnet: “Love you, Steven! Have a good day with your wif-I mean best friend!”

Truly best mom.

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I think Pearl and Peridot have the best development - well Peridot had a really good arc then she became a parody of herself.
As for most likable - very subjective and depends on which season but I'll stick with Pearl.

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I think both moms and Amethyst win.

Amethyst is shit if you think of her as a mother, but the Future transition of Steven deciding his mother’s creations are his sisters puts Amethyst in a far better light.
She’s not trashbag mom, she’s teenage/young adult older sister. Far from having her shot together but grows up as the show progresses and recognizes some of her earlier season issues in Steven after the Pink Diamond revelation.

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Shocked nobody said Spinel. Unless I missed it.

Nobody unironically likes spinel

I liked her at the end of Future.
Otherwise, solid mid tier. Above Aquamarine but below the Topazes.

can't tell if this is bait or just autism

One usually becomes the other.

Uh oh, is somebody upset their favorite gem got a lower ranking? Make a tier yourself then.

Red Diamond, as the show is entirely about her and the consequences of her antics, duh.

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Have anyone ever actually seen Amethyst as a mom? I mean, sure she's in the mom squad and all, but aside from that.
To me she always seemed like Steven's trashy older sister.

A lot of people did. Like as the mom who never really grew up, gets high, has a boyfriend.

I guess as a person with older sisters in the twenties range I was bound to see her as a sister.
Sadly, mine aren't purple alien shortstacks.

meme goblin
not after Mr Universe
no personality
>the Diamonds
literal plot devices
good choices but not close enough

the real best character is Pearl.

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Kek, no

Confirmed. I grew up as a single child of two single children, but knew plenty of stoner moms of friends. I assumed Amethyst was well-meaning but irresponsible.

I actually thought Peridot was supposed to be like a younger sister. Like the ones that run around obsessed with a cartoon from age 8-14.

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>not after Mr Universe
Rebecca refutes that.

Greg made a good point, but communicated it terribly.

Steven didn’t go to school or doctors because the Crystal Gems were better than humans could ever be at keeping him healthy and educated, Greg thought the kids in town were enough and didn’t think of how they were all older or younger, and the point he was trying to make about the song was that he picked a name that meant a lot to him as a stage name but realized that at some point he had gone by it for so long that when he realized who he was as a man, everyone knew him as that so he had literally made Mr. Universe a name for himself. Plus he did try ti reach out to his parents often, they refused to be part of his or Steven’s lives.

>no personality

They’re basically just him going back in time to see best mom when she was two teenagers, but without leaving the present.

But lets just meet in the middle and say Sardonyx, Opal, and/or Alexandrite. Rule of cool has me say the latter though.

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This has no good characters. If they aren't side-characters or one-shots with no actual screen time, they're mentally sick narcissists and doormats with the personality of a used anime body pillow.

She did nothing wrong

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Wait is that what people hate about Mr Universe? I had thought it was the character assassination that somehow Steven is willing to wreck a car over a song that is important to his dad. When music was one of his three favorite things and the last one that hadn't been specifically shown him having a breakdown on by any of the previous Future episodes.

peridot no contest

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Steven has a mental illness

Every character in the show is mentally ill

Yeah but Steven for the most part


>still using the letters to excuse Greg
keeping the letters says more about them than your "abusive parents" headcanon

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Lapis is like 70% mental illness by volume.

im mentally ill

Lapis is %100 shit