Attached: IT WAS ME THE RIDDLER.jpg (740x370, 23.96K)

Is that a JOJO reference?!

Attached: jojo batman.jpg (1280x1554, 311.89K)


Attached: riddle me this.jpg (602x339, 51.07K)

Eh, it’s not like Hush was ever a good idea anyways.

IT WAS ME, BRUCE! I killed your parents!

BATMAN! If you wish to save Catwoman, you must answer my riddle! If it takes me 1 hour to cook a batch of cookies, and I have 15 ovens working 24 hours a day, every day for 5 years, how long does it take me to make 6,000,000 cookies?

Attached: Hush_Riddling.png (846x655, 275.94K)

Tommy elliot is dead haven't you seen batwoman?

Has anybody seen Batwoman?

I hate this recent fascination DC has with etching a question mark on the Riddler. It's just as bad as Joker having "HAHAHAHA" tattooed on him. Fucking trust your audience to know who people are via context, don't spell it out.

The Brave and the Bold/Scooby-Doo movie that came out the year before did this twist better.

No, he's just in Arkham.

>Draw a random character
>Throw a question mark on it


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What's with this blad Riddler shit? JLA had it,this movie had it,The Harley Quinn show has it...

If anything, it’s in character for Nigma. The riddle is “who is the new supervillain,” which if anything is a cool idea. Sadly the idea was wasted on a shitty movie in a shitty animated movie series that won’t die.

Agreed. Literally just give Edward a specific facial feature and let the dialogue confirm it.
It’s like when the live action Bullseye has an actual Bullseye on his head.

He's been bald since the 90's. Maybe even earlier, but I know it really took off in the B:TAS redesign.

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No, but this is.

Attached: oh youre approaching me are you.jpg (391x601, 49.2K)

Here's Gerard Way's Riddler. But knowing Gerard Way, he probably stole it from someone.

Attached: riddler.jpg (1023x677, 116.75K)

>normalfags keep shoving jojo into everything

It's because Frank Gorshin kept his hair really short.
He took The Question and added a question mark on the face.

i like him better as the private eye/celebrity

That’s what symbols are for. You expected him to dress up as a giant question mark like some retarded sports mascot?

It brings focus to his noggin.

Can't say it's a bad thing considering how much trouble artists have balancing his color scheme.

>It's because Frank Gorshin kept his hair really short.

It reflected the character at the time. Super slicked back.

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Hush was Riddler in that new Hush cartoon?

Am I the only one who prefers Red Head Riddler?
At least it's cleaned up. Unlike pic related

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>It’s like when the live action Bullseye has an actual Bullseye on his head.
to be fair, he has a bullseye on his costume and that also looks retarded

I expect Riddler to have more defining character traits across different interpretations other than, "Has a question mark somewhere".

No. The red hair adds more pop to the character and gives him different color than the tired "green and purple".

The problem is that artists never really run with it to make it interesting.

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I always hated Jim Carrey's haircut in that film. His hair was much better when it was long.

That's the kind of superficial trope that's only scene in origin stories and high school fan fics like Gotham High and other Baby Looney Toons-esque media. At least in the image you posted the Riddler was smart, cunning, and told riddles. It's his quality. Not like Joker who can be anyone as long as they have a red smile

Yeah, my favorite run of him as a character was the post-Infinite Crisis stage where he was still a smug asshole, but was working as a PI, so he could still try to outsmart Batman by figuring out the mystery first, just with much less risk of getting bat-punched in teh Riddler-face.

That's because red and green are complimentary colours. Same reason why in BTAS the Riddler also had red hair.

Even better is the red hair and mutton chops

Attached: riddler-batgirl-header.jpg (1400x700, 160.63K)

where is this from?

I liked this movie way better than the comic (and it was my first Batman comic). Unfortunately it makes unavailable for future appearances.

Yeah, me too. Riddler has had the question mark on his face, his chest, and as a mohawk. All lame.

Why did they even adapt this shit for an animated movie. Hush wasn't anything special


Holy confession Batman! What does he mean?!?

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It's a huge seller because its' a basic entry-level "look at Batman fight his iconic villains in a row" Loeb plot with Jim Lee art.

He does. In fact, he has two iconic suits that anyone can recognize as riddler.

In about 1/4th or 1/5th of the designs that have been used for him over the years have not featured his suit or green spandex but some other form of clothing with question marks thrown all over it. There's several designs in this very thread where he's not wearing his iconic clothing and has some randomly drawn head with no features similar across previous incarnations.

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It makes "Hush" unavailable for future appearances.

Hush, the animated movie where the screenshot is from.

It also brings up a lot of things from Batman's past and gives them context for new readers. The hunchback was really stupid, but back then I didn't know about Jason Todd.

And yet you still know he's the Riddler. I don't see the problem really.

Riddler is just a random white dude who likes riddles. Sometimes bald, sometimes with red hair.

Hush is a shit villain so it doesn't matter.

Did the Joker shave his head, then draw a question mark in pizza grease on it?

nobody liked that twist

How was this a twist? It's like if Penguin revealed that he was Two Face the whole time. Who gives a fuck?

Hey, at least people care about Penguin and Two-Face.

I will never understand Paul Dini's fascination with Hush.

Dini was just interested in redeeming a shallow character and played up the evil surgeon hook since that was new.

How much is a batch?

He had a memorable storyline that was a big deal in the early to mid 2000's, that made Batman fight pretty much all of his villains, and those types of stories always seem to be memorable, just like Knightfall. And then immediately after, Under the Hood happened.

Yes. It's a complete ass pull that happens in the movie, which tries to be different than the comic, revealing the Riddler became roided up and becomes even smarter than ever to the point where he knows that Batman is Bruce Wayne after he survives brain cancer, which leaves a giant question mark scar on his forehead from the brain surgery.

Why question mark? It would've made more sense if he himself made it after going bonkers

That telltale sports jacket with a hood looks so dumb.

>How was this a twist?

I knew absolutely nothing about the movie before hand and figured it would be a straight up adaptation of the comic character, so I actually liked and disliked the twist, I liked that Hush wasn't Thomas Elliott, but I hated that once again the Riddler, one of my favorite characters, was written very poorly.

Unironically the Riddler is a high IQ character that should only be written by the most intelligent and well educated writers DC has, there should be some sort of a test they have to pass to write for the character to avoid rediculous mischaracterizations like this

Oh my lord when he went around with the Question Mark Scythe and called himself death I knew that episode would be the worst molestation of my favourite characters never before seen. (This was before Birds of Prey and Suicide Skwad). Which is a shame because the way they handled Two Face was amazing. But thinking back Vicki Vale and Penguin were equally shit. You know what? This whole series sucks.

There are three men in a boat with four cigarettes but no matches, how do they manage to smoke?

They threw one cigarette overboard and made the boat a cigarette lighter.

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Whoever greenlit the change doesnt get why Riddler hasn't found out Batman's identity
>its a writer wants to tell a story, can't get it approved , and has to piggy back off a previous story this making both stories shit
The same thing happened with the killing joke movie with Batgirl. Frank Miller is the only one who got out unscathed if you don't count BvS