Just let it die, please

Just let it die, please.

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>90% of the memorable Simpsons scenes and quotes you enjoyed were from the Whacking Day episode in season 4.

The green drop off coincides with Phil Hartman’s death.

>most of the new episodes are above a 5 out of 10
so the show is still alright?


Woah what episode was the 3.9?

Huh. I would’ve thought there’d be more episodes.

Lisa Goes Gaga

Also, the more recent garbage episode was the one where Bart becomes a feminist.

Their 650 or something episodes are more than double that of the cartoon with the second most episodes.
Unless you count the multiple Bugs Bunny shows as one, which you shouldn't.

Lisa Goes Gaga. It is, without a doubt, the worst etc etc

Attached: 192280-comic_book_guy_13018.jpg (320x320, 12.16K)

Lisa goes gaga

Is it really THAT bad compared to other episodes from the later seasons? Or do people just think the premise is particularly stupid?

This would probably have a better charting of scores if there were a cleaner green-yellow-red color scheme and it wasn't just simple arbitrary Great/Good/Bad categories.

Was it really that bad?

The episodes were poorly written and had a bad premise, amazing isn't it

Can someone help me. Never seen a simpsons episode in my life but want to get into it. What season should I start and end at before it goes to shit? Thanks

It's bad but the hate snowball got rolling hard

Watch seasons 2-8.

>imdb ratings
fuck offfff faggot, its still better than Bojack, Bob's Burgers, South park and your anime

Thanks amigo

>your anime
Your Name?

>the girl that can't have friends is friends with a celebrity

What about anime or other countries? Does anything get nearly as long?

2-9 I think is the best. 10 had it moments but it's downhill after.

It's a 24min Gaga commercial.


They did tell us the plan...

What was the 4.6?

We know you should be taken seriously because you write offfff instead of off and your mastery of the English language.

>Season 6, episode 3
>Season 9, episode 11
What were wrong with these two episodes? Isn't these part of the "golden age"?

Attached: source.gif (480x362, 1.78M)

The sad thing is
6.6 is still really fucking high. That's higher than most new shows and shows that have ran for years.

>nostalgia: the infographic

>The very highest rated episode (Season 8, Episode 23) is Homer's Enemy
Blessed. So glad people saw the episode as the true peak of The Simpsons.

>Season 6, episode 3
It's a clip show
>Season 9, episode 11
another clip show

>Another Simpsons Clip Show
>All Singing, All Dancing

basically recap episodes.

Those are flashback episodes.

i think that's the same episode with the kesha """"couch gag""""

After you're done with that, I suggest going back and watching S1, it's rough around the edges, but it has a lot of heart.

I liked the one where all the democrats sing about defeating zognald in 2020. Truly the Sneedsons know what is best for me.

>moe gag at the end was funny

Attached: 1585623768023.jpg (616x467, 136.74K)

What a fucking terrible color choice.

>tfw when I thought the Kesha couch gag was epic as a kid

fucking end me i wish that harry potter spell where you could rip memories out of your head was real

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 9.76K)

Numbers just look smaller in a grid format.

>as a kid
>tfw episode out in 2010
>tfw you could have been 10 in 2010 and 20 now

Where does time fly bros

That's not how a rating out of 10 works

What did go wrong after s9?

I like how people say the first 10 seasons are genius but looking at this chart, it seems like each season only has a select few great episodes with a couple of the early seasons even having a shit one.

>born in 2000

Filthy post millennium scum.

I'm 21 so yes

Except that's wrong you fucking moron.
>10 = The best
>0 = The worst
>5 = Middling
If you're going by the false notion that 7/10 is the "passable" rating, you're a retard.

>6 years since the "every sneedsons ever" marathon
>was in my early 20s
>now almost 30

Where indeed

Seasons 3-9 had a really high great to good ratio compared to the rest of the entire series.

Bart vs. Itchy & Scratchy. Bart literally joins a feminist gang of girls who go around vandalizing to spread their political message. Parodies Pussy Riot. Yeah, it's a pretty shit one.

It's okay I did too

Fire Conan O'Brien from late night television and hire him along with the rest of the remaining original writers.

First thing that comes to mind is One Piece which has over 900 episodes.
I know there are longer anime that have gone beyond the 1,000 episode mark though.

Ignore the faggots saying skip season 1. Watch from seasons 1 episode 1 all the way until you’ve seen season 9 episode 1. That’s Simpson’s Roasting On An Open Fire - The City of New York vs Homer Simpson.

>Fire Conan O'Brien from late night television
Why though? He is the ONLY good late night television host.

Well it should be.

It wasn't judgmental or anytihng like that, I just feel...old

It's really difficult to have a show in which EVERY episode is between 7 and 9, just every episode for 8 seasons, that's around 160 episodes, and you've only got 1 episode that's considered subpar, only because it's a clip show. I think it's impressive how consistent the quality is.

I like that this chart confirms my belief that Season 9 is generally still a good season, and simply just doesn't have enough highs to put it on the same level as the seasons prior.

Season 11 episode 05

Anpanman started in 1988 and is still going, it's almost 1500 episodes long.

>late night talk show

Choose one.

That's precisely why Conan O'Brian is a treasure. He is both. Something thought to be impossible.

Why would you even bother having a rating system if you are never going to give something a 0-5. Most things that receive that are just properties that offend peoples sensibilities on a personal level, considering that most of what people say is “passable” still get 5 or above, because they recognize that it at least had a passionate animation staff or some other thing. By this standard literally the only thing that could even get below a 5 would be shitty school projects and and actual shitposts. Works for marketing blowhards, but not for anyone trying to actually find quality content.

Start with the most recent season and work your way backward.

Watch seasons 1-9 in their entirety, and then from 10 onwards, continue until you feel you're no longer enjoying the show as much.

what is the green episode in season 13?

>Why would you even bother having a rating system if you are never going to give something a 0-5.
Except the rating system implies that 0-4 are on a spectrum of bad, same as 6-10 is a spectrum of GOOD. Are you one of these pretentious fucks that consider nothing to be "bad" because "art is subjective"?

>season 13
season 12
also i just googled it and it is

Season 12, actually, and its Trilogy of Error

Season 8 Episode 11 a flashback episode was that big of a drop compared to everything else?

It would be interesting to take the most recent episodes that have 7 and upwards ratings (which are not many) and seeing how they fare when compared with similarly rated episodes from the earlier seasons.

I think they'd probably be trash, since the ratings are most likely adjusted to the current level of quality of the show. A current episode rated 6 might have been a 3 in earlier seasons.

slow...then fast