I just want a shelf thread because I want to talk about comics with people. This COVID-19 shit has me wanting to talk about things I like. I plan on picking up some new stuff soon. Probably Abnett and Lanning GotG omnibus, Transmetropolitan, and some other indies.
Don't know where to buy? Try these: amazon.com/ (known to manhandle books with bad packaging) instocktrades.com/ (worldwide shipping, often has sales) mycomicshop.com (worldwide shipping) cheapgraphicnovels.com/ ebay.com/ alibris.com/ (Amazon alternative, it doesn't have the usual fees, it ships worldwide and accepts PayPal) [your local comic shop here]
Reading Kamandi. I'm enjoying it, but I hope it picks up a bit.
Lucas Cook
>Dark empire II >the current run on captain America >the current run on Superman >rereading Grant Morrison JLA >hoxpox >silver age legion of superheroes
Mason Nelson
fuck, idc I'm reposting my last purchase cause it's not like I can buy anything even if I want to.
reading Absolute Promethea Vol 2 and LOVING the whole magic journey through the magical spheres. I love fantasy magic and stuff but really don't believe in real world mysticism but that doesn't shake my enjoyment of what Moore is doing in the slightest. Helps that the art is absolutely stunning X-Factor V3, this is fun as all hell. Starman, such a solid run, really enjoying it so far.
>Industrial Gothic Loved it. Just reinforces that I need to pick up any McKeever books I run across. >Spider-Man Life Story Liked it more than I expected. I'd like to see more stories in this style. >Spider-Man Fever Exactly as wonderful as I expected. >first two volumes of Prophet Read the first one when it was new and just recently got the second. I regret waiting so long to continue and will probably include one of the trades each time I order something from Amazon. >Street Angel Princess of Poverty Really fun. Worth it for the art even if the writing isn't great in parts. Looking forward to getting the new trade with the rest of the stories. >Comic Book History of Comics: Birth of a Medium Meh. I probably won't get volume 2 or even keep this volume for long. Would love any recommendations people have for better comics about the history of comics. >Way's Doom Patrol and Milk Wars I liked it for the most part, but do think I would have gotten much more out of it if I had read Morrison's run first. Or maybe if I had read Morrison's run it would just feel like a poor imitation that I couldn't enjoy. >Claremont's Man-Thing I've got three issues left. It's okay, but nothing great. There's a reason it lasted half as long as Gerber's series.
A lot of reading this week. Along with this there were a dozen or so scattered single issues, with most of it being random issues of LotDK. I'm also finally digging into All-Star Superman. I've used some of this time to clean up my shelves a bit but they are still a mess and I haven't gotten any new books since I last posted, so here's a picture of a poster I got a while back and just put up.
Reminder that the comics industry should have died years ago, and that buying comics in ANY form (floppies, trades, digital) equals supporting a cancerous cesspool of virtue signaling and SJW leftist propaganda. Don't buy comics. Don't show off your collections. Let the medium die as it deserves (which should thankfully be in the next month).
Ian Carter
Reminder that you can kindly neck yourself.
Benjamin Bell
You first.
Nolan Edwards
Nicholas Garcia
Back to your safe space.
Grayson Gomez
I don't understand....where are the books?
Hunter Brooks
Now it's a shelf thread.
I really hope IDW makes it out on the other side, I want more TMNT hardcovers.
Isaac Ortiz
some random 70s Supes, BPRD Hell on Earth 5, old Smurfs, Godland
Aiden Morris
>Or maybe if I had read Morrison's run it would just feel like a poor imitation that I couldn't enjoy.
thats how it turned out for me
Justin Perez
Tarzan of The Apes The Borgias Red Sonja: The Ballad of The Red Goddess Swamp Thing
Angel Collins
I need to grab more of the DB artbooks.
Hawkworld, Calvin & Hobbes, working my way through Cheval Noir and Heavy Metal
/shelf/, i'm looking for SciFi recommendations. i already read a lot of stuff, like
Valerian and Laureline Akira Lazarus Ghost in the shell Battle Angel Alita Southern Cross Metabarons The Incal Martha Washington Nikopol Trilogy Airtight Garage Planetes some Green Lantern Sillage Shakara tiny bit of Judge Dredd Prophet Yoko Tsuno The Forever War RASL Habitat
ordered Blame!, thinking about Fear Agent. What SciFi books do you like? I'm not that interested in Big 2-in-continuity stuff.
Grayson Williams
>Universal War One and Two >Orbiter >Orbital (ya kinda confusing) >Cloud 99 >Retroworld >Planetary >The Nikopol Trilogy
I'm done ordering any books from Amazon. Todays delivery was about the fifth return in a row. They literally throw the book in a box with a coyple big bubbles and let it knock around. Crushed corners and knicks allover. Are they fucking retarded?
Asher Sanders
Oh, look it's THAT fucking faggot again. You finally came back from your mother's basement.
Jack Johnson
>Are they fucking retarded? >fifth return in a row I think you're the retard, friendo.
Nathaniel Ross
I've heard similar sentiment before. There were certainly parts that felt like they were trying to be weird out of an obligation to make Doom Patrol weird rather than drawing on anything in particular like Grant has said he did with Dada.
Josiah Gutierrez
Just finished Batman Tales of the Demon. Not sure what Ill start next. Either continue Carey's Lucifer, start Uncanny X-Force, or continue Stray Bullets Sunshine and Roses
Nolan James
Seconding orbiter
Also there is a good comic adaptation of forever war that's pretty enjoyable
Jayden Morales
What's the best way to collect Prophet?
Ian Kelly
There's only two ways. >singles >trades There will never be HC's
> Either continue Carey's Lucifer, a good idea > start Uncanny X-Force, also a good idea, and likely a shorter experience depending on how far you are into Lucifer >continue Stray Bullets Sunshine and Roses Maybe when Lapham feels like continuing it.
Jaxon Robinson
Transmetropolitan if you want something fairly long. Starlight, even if you aren't a Millar fan. Green Lantern Earth One definitely leans more into the sci-fi than the mainline stuff usually does. 2001 Nights. The Adventures of Luther Arkwright.
Isaac Garcia
Yeah I think Ill wait on Stray Bullets just because I dont want there to be no more
Blake Foster
Relevant, even 12 years later and a different series
beside the usual suspects? Acriborea Gregor Ka (german series, i doubt it ever got translated into English) Cryozone (bit on the horror side of things) Le Cycle de Cyann (The Cyann Saga, don't know if translated) Les Naufragés du temps (the castaways of time) Simon du Fleuve
Dylan Fisher
and Storm by Don Lawrence, if you like a bit (well, more than a bit) fantasy thrown in
Christopher Anderson
>no u Obliterated.
Ryder Fisher
oh, and if you can get your hands on Gigantik by Cardona and Mora (spaniards) buy it
Connor Hall
Only new book I'll be seeing for a while as of the troubles
Still reading my Thor Epic Collections, up to 18 now. I was kinda ehh on the DeFalco run at first, but it's really become everything I imagine Jack Kirby would've wanted to do but lacked the storytelling ability to make happen. Seeing a Celestial be born was dope.
Jack Anderson
Opinions on King City?
Ryan Hall
I remember when the author and his wife were dogpiled by Twitter thanks to a MtF trans furry finding a post on his personal Facebook page that indicated they were pro-life.
Who says the internet wasn't a mistake?
Liam Ramirez
Try to find 2001 Nights if you can, it's just 3 volumes. Half the volumes of Tezuka's Phoenix (2, half of 3, 5, 6, parts of 9 and 11) are all pretty great sci-fi. Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind is set in a future where everything in nature has evolved to a new form and humanity has been left behind, no longer fit to live. The Puma Blues is definitely sci-fi even if the characters spend all their time in a national park. Pluto by Naoki Urasawa is a great thriller set in a future full of robots