ITT: unironically well written female characters

ITT: unironically well written female characters

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That’s too easy. Give me IRONICALLY well-written female characters

Anything in SU

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Helga Pataki.


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Toph from Avatar?

>bodyguard/companion to a princess
>achieves stuff under her own right
>concerned about her duties and honour
>goes on quests under her own right
>keeps vigil for her lover and eventually saves his soul
>love arc shows courting all the way through to motherhood
>marries out of love rather than convinience

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>having a sliver of agency= good

She was the writer's pet favorite. So even when she was doing horrible things it never came back to haunt her. Piece of shit. And you are furry piece of shit and posts like this don't help furry mommy shit tier bastard.

What the hell does that even mean?

unironiclly yes i do.

Unironically I think she is a "Black and white evil" character done right.

>Tot ruined her in season 3
>Tot ruins everything

I'm pretty sure that is the textbook definition of a wife

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>Meanwhile she literally dates 3 kids in a trench coat.

How so, user?

What are you talking about. That never happened.

>tfw no mature mommy catgirl gf
Why are we still here? Just to suffer?

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When the hell did that happen?

Bertie more than tuca, but both are still pretty good.

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I sincerely hope VR tech becomes ungodly real in like the next 20 years while I still have a sex drive.

I mean fuck it just do viagra and coke through an IV if you don't, who cares long term anymore

>tuca actually get character development
>lol series dead after first season

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That is what you get for being union fags.

Has anyone ever done a study on the long term effects of masterbation? I'm curious what effects the coomer generation might get.


Let's start with shitty spelling.

she is not evil :(

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I mean I'm sure someone has but I don't know those studies off the top of my head. Its associated with most forms of exercise so I guess loss of sensation if you do it religiously every day for years?


As a whole the characters in the show stand well above anything else western animation has ever produced. She's a great character in a show where there are no weak characters.

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>no weak characters.

Esther is mostly static.

I think he's talking shit about Vincent Adultman.

Carolyn is trash but is the best.

That's a claim that'll need some backing up. She isn't "static" at all, she just hasn't learned to stick up for herself.

A standard everyone should aspire to

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She's just confused

I've only watched BoJack Horseman once all the way through, but I feel like I would remember that. Quit making shit up.

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That's clearly Vince Adultman user. Not '3 Children in a Trenchcoat'

I would imagine its a female character whose quality comes as a surprise

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weird, i didn't know he had a son

All of them, but especially Hello Nurse. I love a brilliant woman not hard to look at either!

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What does Vincent's son have to do with anything?

That's just a regular girl with bpd


She got the most unnecessarily miserable ending of all the characters.

Do hard working women who can't catch a break just get a free pass for being well written? I wonder how many viewers can instantly emphasize and relate with the unappreciated spinster.

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I still haven't finished Bojack even though I've been a fan since season 1. I didn't watch this year's or last year's just because I thought it became too exhausting and overdone to enjoy. I think Princess Carolyn is definitely an interesting character, and the scene where they fight in the restaurant is one of the best episodes of the show.

Best of all time is pic related, but it might be cheating to use a book character.

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>horseface show
>well written

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As a Canadian, she is still the best character this country ever made.

because she is 14 and will be locked up in a straight jacket alone for the rest of her life?

>that moment I realized a character being well written and real makes me not want to fuck them
Well I can’t say the normal words didn’t teach me anything

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>the kids in the trench coat, Mason!

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I just want her to be miserable in her shitty job forever.

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>I just want her to be miserable in her shitty job forever.
You know she will, user. It's in her writing.

And Deet

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Eva is one of the worst characters on the show

I want to have sex with her

It's not enough to know, I need to see it and might get to in the new season. Hopefully it'll be good. While I did enjoy half the Junior Woodchuck premiere Quackpack felt very lackluster even with Black Donald, Goofy, and magical Urkel.