What's her secret?
What's her secret?
I farted
Appealing to sexist coomers probably.
She's the same as her audience, but female.
Who else is going to watch the live stream
massive amounts of coomposting of course, especially letting it grow and ferment
W-whats in the box?
Can some drawfag make a follow up with other girls bullying that nerd?
OSP Red is better looking.
I probably will, though I'll probably bail after a while since the chat will in all likelyhood be really fast and Jaiden will most likely not respond to the chat (though I hope she does)
What is this and why do I keep seeing it?
autist shilling their comic
>it's this autist again
Reminder that Jaiden has anorexia and she deserves it for being asian (which means she is responsible for corona) and a centrist possibly alt right leaning normie.
Jaiden ain't no puppy murderer though. She has a pet dog
We already know what her secret is gonna be! I'll give you a guest it's crinkly and white
her secret is she's a half white, half asian girl. and simps drool all over her. the secret is simps. simps are the reason she's so popular.
>draws herself to look white
Why do Asians do that?
She draws herself in a very simple art style. White people and Asians look very similar once you simplify them, the double eyelids are a small detail/ are too complex that are ignored when you're stylising a character to have dots for eyes
Westerners seem draw Asians with squinty eyes and yellow skin whilst Japanese give their white characters blonde hair and blue eyes (and often with long noses when they go more cartoony)
she wears diapers
wow her face is very chubby
She looks happa.
I hope you die in a fire
Recovering bulimics are usually puffy as fuck after they start eating again.
It's two ovals in a circle with a mouth how is that a race?
Jaiden is a fuckin' cutie and I'd take her on dates if I could. :^(
You know how internet creators are getting shows now, if she were to ever get a show I'd think she'd work well as a talk show host.
she was legitimately molested by a friend of the family as a child for 4-5 years starting at the age of 2
Yes. Gimme Jaiden. She a qt.
[citation needed]
Secret to/of what?
American here, sensible keks. This guy can pass for my coworker.
I am black, Japan draws us like Onis
Bullshit, I saw Precious. Sexual predators go after girls when they are 13.
Only Tony Alamo was a toddler con who stuck his dick into infants
wait maybe its true tho one of the super poplar story time chicks I forget which some creep did some sleuthing with usernames and old forums/posts
Thousand bucks says lesbo or bisexual
or she's pregnant or something, who knows.
No I think her and odd1sout are fwb secretly.
They really do seem like they enjoy each other's company
She's opening an onlyfans account. Not her IRL though, just the cartoon persona.
ngl that'd be kinda cute.
>Low effort
>Horny Teenagers
Her secret is she's a Posadist and she's been jilling off to the rising case total every day since the beginning of March, praising the apocalypse as it washes over the Western world and sows the seeds for widespread chaos. Finally, humanity will evolve once again.
That would kill most of her audience.
That'd be great. Cute lesbians are the best.
probably an unyielding sense of positivity and light subject matter.
she drew all the porn
Even the diaper porn?
>zero results
You know is true and james too but he owns a fur suit
Nah, if she states anything then she will alienate part of her audience. Everyone knows that, so she will only say introvert stories and shit like that so nobody will be mad.
>schizoposting this hard
I seriously would like some proofs my dude.
I would like proofs my dude, or at least some reasoning behind this