What made this show so great?

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the villain

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Characterization, lore, a solid power system, good villains, and a general adventure feel that allowed characters to actually grow without feeling rushed. It was a good action cartoon for the time.

wow yeah this sums it up really

I don't know, man, maybe you should think about it yourself instead of having others do your homework for you?

Plagiarizing a lot of far better animes.


Low standards from the audience.


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i bet this isn't nearly as good as you're pretending it is.

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stay in your bubble and believe whatever you want.

Nothing specific, it's literally just good quality. The creators actually gave a shit.

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That's not Ozai

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Character development and good animation.


Ozai isn't a good villain. he's one note and evil for no reason.

sometimes people can be evil and just be evil while still being entertaining, if anything i'm tired of how complex every villain needs to be now. every single animated movie (also common with shows) has some kind of twist villain at the end, either that or theyre incredibly tragic for no reason. just give me evil for evil, for the sake of power or destruction. they're ironically usually more likable

Aaron Ehasz and all the staff writers

thats fine and all but Ozai still isn't a good villain.

well, i liked him but respect your opinion to say otherwise

i don't respect yours

that doesnt bother me because my opinions are my own and i dont need other people to validate them by agreeing with me online


You like him because he's OTT mean to Zuko Stu, not because he's entertaining or anything

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how come people like azula for being evil for no reason though

i honestly enjoyed azula as a character but we both know the answer is waifufags

i genuinely have no idea what this means

>a solid power system
Nothing in avatar power wise makes sense when you think about it. Like how can toph stop the drill mech by herself, why are earth benders not the most powerful type by being in their natural element 24/7, how can water tribe lose to fire tribe in the damn poles, how can airbenders lose in the damn sky, how does combustion man work, etc.

maybe because she isn't

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zukofags think ozai is a good villain because he bullies their self insert. other than that he does nothing.

i think ozai is a good villain because i think the fire nation is cool and i enjoy the aesthetic. ozai is literally just the evil emperor trope and thats ok because hes cool

>people like azula for being evil for no reason though

imagine thinking thats why we like Azula

Ozai cucks trying to defend the indefensible once again.

>Just a basic Monomyth with Asian themes

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Understatement. It's the best action adventure cartoon Western animation has ever created.

its just a cartoon chill out

You are what you eat.

im not eating cartoons thats silly they arent physical lol

yes she is and you know it
thats not why you like her I know that but I still have no idea why the evil girl archtype( azula, toga, mileena, juri) thing is even so popular. They all suck

Why do you care then.

i literally do not care that hard im just sharing my opinion on an anonymous imageboard

no she literally isn't.

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She isn't you stupid piece of shit

Why do you care is a cartoon why are you talking with strangers on the internet and then getting mad when they think different you cuck. You big retard.

>thats not why you like her I know that but I still have no idea why the evil girl archtype( azula, toga, mileena, juri) thing is even so popular. They all suck
i dont know who the fuck those other three are. i like Azula because she isn't a cardboard cutout of a character like Ozai. She is sympathetic and funny and all the other girls in the series are mary sues or toph.

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im not getting mad i have done nothing but say ozai is cool because i think he is cool, you are reading too deep into this

yes she is
no she isn't

no she isn't what you stupid faggot?

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We go through this every thread. She is a victim in it just like Zuko was

every time

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There is nothing cool about ozai and if you think there is you clearly care little to nothing about atla, hence why you are trying to play the "is just a cartoon!!!" card.
You are defending a weak character because you are "tired of complex villians", which only makes sense if you are tired of using your brain.

Shes a spoiled brat that was evil for no reason and I'm supposed to sympathize because she got btfo by katara and cried about it? Shes nothing like zuko

are you seriously this delusional over the fact that people have different opinions than you. there is no grand scheme here dude. u seriously need to chill out

its always the defensive zukofags. why do you even bring him up in this context other than to reveal how insecure you are for no reason

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Ursa neglected her until Ozai was the only influence she had. Try rewatching the series again before you talk about something you know nothing about

this is an autism board you need to play along or fuck off.

Im just responding to what you said. You keep ignoring everything with another "is just X chill my opinion" tier response though, so i'll just ignore you now.

i literally do not care