Someone pitches a cartoon idea so good that thousands really want it made

>Someone pitches a cartoon idea so good that thousands really want it made

Would you guys watch it? I actually like it too

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Here's the pics, the wife is interesting

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Why the hell not? This is a fun idea with a lot of supernatural shenanigans just asking to happen.

Feels like one of those shows thatd be too tied to the premise to have much variety. Unless they eventually relent and either side drops the charade. Plus the kids gotta be half demon.

Coupd be she wasn't an Eldritch horror until after she had kids.

Now I want a crossover with Ane Naru Mono\The Sister of the Woods With a Thousand Young

>Would you?
Yes. Yes, I would.

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>Would you guys watch it?
Sure, why not.

I sorta agree.
I think it'd make for a great movie but a whole series? I dunno, it's a tad too specific.

Be neat as a short one-off, I can't see it lasting for 26 episodes.

mah nigga

>nigger and a white woman again

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Not a fan of the wife's anime nose, character design could be less cal arts but general premise looks fine, wouldn't make a difference in my life if it was made or not

Nah, I'm good. pass

>Light mode

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that's lolrandumb shit, nobody backing that shit up think there could be more than one episode.

>"Wife" is a Eldritch creature
>Eldritch creatures are males though

I want this NOW

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Looks like a cute mini series I could watch

Y'know, it's weird how so many of you immediately thought about the premise as a full series. My mind only went to interpreting it as a standalone film idea.

>Eldritch creature is super gay and decides to use a female body to a husband and son to settle down.

I'm loving this more and more

>that 'SOLD?' sign

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Yeah I can see it work for a one episode type thing.
Now that I think about it, I wonder how well a cartoon series that does scfi and horror one offs like the twilight zone or black mirror?

>duuude what if girl, but modern because she yell al lot, and has magic power and TRANSFORM (also bad guy is dad lmao)
We already had star vs


Pretty sure Shubby is a female.

Does it really count as a white woman if the thing isn't human to being with?

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Oh a movie could work.
I'd be game for that.

It’s a fun interesting idea that I could see working for a season and a second very short season

I don't know why, but to me "cartoon" implies a full series.

>the mother is actually a badass haha

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I can relate to this, my mother-in-law is an eldritch horror as well.

every mixed race couple is a black/asian/indian with a white person.

Because two minorities would be weird.

why, because minorities are extremely racist and its unrealistic?

Because you don't watch nearly enough media. Whites are the majority in the media that we watch in this board so it stands to reason that it's likely that they'd be the ones in interracial relationships. Do you watch anime and act surprised that at least one person is Asian?

IIRC Shub is female but uses male avatars exclusively

whites are only like 10% of the world population.

Mist cartoons are tv series but unlike live action we dont usually have a distinctive term between show and movie.

Yeah but they're like 60% of animation

It would be problematic if a minority was secretly an eldritch abomination from the depths of hell

No because whites dont like seeing too many unless they're overbearing liberals.

Yes but often times the media that we focus on this board usually takes place in America or some form of European company of which whites are the majority.

how is the boy not realizing he's part eldritch? how hasn't the husband caught on for like ten + years?

>Do you watch anime and act surprised that at least one person is Asian?
The majority of the characters in anime are Asian

But most media is from predominantly white countries, like how most anime features specifically nips.

He does, He's just a monster fucker and pretends that he doesn't know. Monster pussy is a drug.

That is my point yes.

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>Eldritch horror wife

china and india have sizeable film industries as well. Where are all the black male/chinese female flicks?

Lofe, Death, and Robots was pretty neat. Get rid of the semi-forced nudity and edginess and it'd be good for that.

I don't think it could work as anything other than a short desu

>they know but never found reason to bring it up

Probably not in English and you won't see them discussed on this board most likely.

It's your typical 'parent is unassuming and thinks everything is fine' trope

why does that mean every interracial couple has to involve a white person
its okay to admit it would be weird to see a black person and an indian person together. dont have to make up excuses.

In those films?

I forget about that, I watched some episodes I think.

are there any in existence? i highly doubt it

I'm trying to find some 90s horror short where this guy runs into a terrifying monster eating some people in an alleyway that lets him get away with the promise that he never tell anyone what he saw. Years later he marries and has a child but it turns out his wife was the monster the whole time. When he tells her he saw a monster she starts crying and transforms back into it along with his kid. Then they eat him.

name one

Well, if neither are humans, what's the point of a monster wife?

Because deep down everyone loves white people.

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I wasn't arguing about interracial whatever, just that whites are a large amount of animation, so it makes sense for a lot of animation to involve whites.

> what's the point of a monster wife?
Nigger what kind of question is that? Do you want the show to not have a sexy eldritch milf?

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>unlike live action we dont usually have a distinctive term between show and movie
Yeah, we do. It's show and movie.

Human Male on Monster Female is hot
This is just two non-humans going at it.
Where's the appeal?

but it doesn't make sense for all of the interracial couples to be so predictable. I thought the point of it was to be progressive. If they wanted to be inclusive of minorities why not just make it a completely nonwhite couple. the fact that its always a minority with a white person is pretty ridiculous.

If it gets made, I hope the guy who makes Erma sues them into oblivion.
Fucking plagiarists.

Well, the idea was made by a black dude. So he might just be self-inserting and not trying to be "progressive" unless you count putting your own race in a product as progressive.

>redhead racemixing with a black person

what with this fascination of turning red heds into black people in adaptations, or breeding red heads with black people

Sounds hot.


I dont know, maybe because she's an eldritch abomination and drive man insane if they see their true form?

Satina is more akin to Erma then this.

samefag and probably the "author" of the "idea"

why is it a family cartoon if from the start everything is going to revolve around one person aka the monster mom.