>Be comic book industry
>be so small they can barely maintain one distributor for their books
>shut down for 3 weeks and already telling their creditors and vendors they won't be able to pay them for at least 5 months

Where were you when the comic book industry finally died?

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Other urls found in this thread:



laughing while spending free time more productive by writing short stories, doing sport and learning new hobbies

E-mail sent to vendors and publishers.



>implying this matters
OP stop being a nazi. The comic book industry will be up and running like normal next month. Marvel is still making comics and your seething won't change that.

>Where were you when the comic book industry finally died?

At home, same as everyone else.

Not if Diamond isn't operating or the big two can't find replacement distributors, you optimistic fuck. There's no guarantee of either.

I want new comics to come out. They just need to distribute digitally in the meantime as a stopgap and worry about the physical market if and when it becomes available again. It's ridiculous how they've bent over backwards by delaying everything indefinitely like this.

Digital doesn't bring in enough income to satisfy the big 2.

Catching up on my comics, books, movies.

DC was going to continue digitally before they got hit with a bunch of retailer backlash. So right there I have good evidence you full of shit. And I'm not talking about a permanent switch either. Just something to keep things coming out.

And what are they going to do in the worst case scenario where Diamond is dead, and so are most comic stores? Shut down all together?

Publishers make half a billion selling their un-returnable trash to the LCS. They barely make $100 million selling straight to customers via digital, and that's been stagnant for years. So no, digital won't be their saviour.

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It means publishers will have to cull the fat and diversify their portfolio.
AKA, what the industry has needed for decades. They just don't want to give up the old toys and upset the power structure.

I'm not claiming it as a savior. I'm promoting it as a temporary measure to keep things going until either the direct market revives(which is highly questionable), or they find a replacement business model(which they should look into, because once again, the future of the direct market's future is highly questionable.).

As alluded to by they need to slash their comic division to the bone. Sell digital books at $1 or offer a subscription service like Shonen Jump with a low entry price for the back catalog. They also go back to the magazine distribution model and ship books to retailers that are cheap and be returnable. DC did start by cutting back the number of books last year, but they should cut it down to 5-10 monthly books.

>going outside

How long until Cates loses it on social media once he's told pencils down?

That's a bit extreme given the size of these publishing companies. It would be better to cut output by around a third and then make about half of the remaining publications other genres to cast a wide net since the new norm is direct purchase.

Marvel ordered pencils down on 1/3rd of their titles. He's probably scared as fuck if he didn't get one or has locked himself away to cry if he has.

It's necessary, especially in Marvel's case as Disney is hemorrhaging money and does not have any income coming in.

I really think you're overreaching. Cutting too much will kill the companies.

He started a yt channel. We might see him have a nervous breakdown on live stream!

>Publishers make half a billion selling their un-returnable trash to the LCS.
Learn what REVENUE is, pro tip, it is NOT profit.

Everyone in the chain takes a cut, which is then subtracted by all the costs involved like salaries, rents, printing, physical distribution costs etc.

What little profit end up existing in this industry is EXTREMELY small, and the smallest part end up in the hands of comic book shops, which is why they are so quick to die.

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Lololol modern Amerimutt comics truly deserve it. Get fucked. Manga is the future.

>One Piece is edging closer and closer to beating Superman and Batman's lifetime sales

Funny thing is that it's nearing that number, and yet Bats and Sups had about 60 year head start. When you take that in to account its fairly easy to argue that One Piece is the most popular comic/manga/whatever ever made.

The system is fucked and needs to be burned to the ground
The LCS distribution is holding comics back and if we want the industry to hold its own, we'll need distribution not limited to a few hobby shops scattered around and propped up by a monopoly

Why do you come to this board again?

>tfw casualgaters keep letting everyone know what a bunch of sociopathic ghouls they are

user, I (use to) love comics but the american distribution model is and always has been fucking awful and has been extremely detrimental to the industry. The faster it and the big two burn down the better, then hopefully we can get a more Japanese or French model.

Diamond: We'll try to pay you what we owe you. Over a 5 month period. Try to stay alive :)

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You say that as if hobby shops are holding floppies from being sold at grocery stores, and that the loss of LCSs would be anything except more money for Barnes & Noble or Amazon.

He Cates, is it true taht your women lets Mateo fuck her while you get the snack tray?

And I agree
I don't want American comics to die, I want them to succeed
But in order to do that, you need to get rid of an archaic and crooked system
Its like tearing down a run down home that's gonna collapse anyways in favor of something that can hold up in today's time

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Excuse my ignorance, I’m familiar with retail business but not the specifics of the comic book retail business, but how the fuck does a wholesale product distributor end up owing money TO retailers?

>COVID-19's dramatic impact on businesses around the globe cannot be understated.


The word you are looking for is 'overstated'.

Both words work, but I would agree that "Overstated" is a better one to use.

Plenty of people read digitally
Just look at all the RCO numbers on Gwenpool
Getting people to PAY for comics is a whole different story

This is about payments to PUBLISHERS.

Why doesnt Disney just integrate the comics to Disney+ ? Would it be hard to price?

Marvel has Marvel unlimited and DC has comics archives as part of DC Universe streaming service. Both are like six months behind what's current because of LCS complaints about competition. The LCSs are fiercely protective of them being the primary distribution method for new material.

Probably would be more to manage.
I mean you'd have to program smart TV remotes to be able to navigate comics, as well as touch phones and computer keyboards. Maybe even videogame controllers (I don't remember if they have it as apps on Xbox or Playstation).

>The LCSs are fiercely protective of them being the primary distribution method for new material.
Obviously, since if they're not, they go out of business.

The reason the comic publishers go along with them is because without overshipping, variant covers shenanigans and price hiking they won't make any money. You can't overship with digital, and digital comic pricing can't be anywhere near that of floppies.

I am still allowed to go outside in my country

>LCS are fiercely protective of being the primary distribution method for new material
I mean they have to be. They aren't for trades when people will come in and look at what they'll later buy on Amazon.
And within the day everything new will be pirated so they've got to focus on collectors and people who actually read comics and are nice enough to pay more to not wait for trade or digital.

They're going out of business anyway, thanks to corona-chan. The direct market was already slowly dyeing but corona has accelerated situation immensely.

The publishers need to find new models to produce and distribute content. The publishers cling to and support the current model not because it works but because it's safer than trying out new ones.

The complacency of fools will destroy them.

You seem to be basically trying to make the argument that the direct market system is the only way that american comics can be produced and distributed, which is frankly bullshit.

>It's a me, Geppi! You want'a ya money ? Well, fuck'a you!

No problem, IDW will just live off their $26 million loss they made in 2019

explain why getting a nice lungful of clean air in a big park is bad

>You seem to be basically trying to make the argument that the direct market system is the only way that american comics can be produced and distributed
Of course not, but the money needed to sustain Marvel, DC, and even many smaller publishers can't be made through digital sales.

The market has gotten too small to survive on the small margins you get through digital, not to mention that a LOT of people who actually buy floppies simply won't pay for digital, they will just pirate it.

It would take a MASSIVE downscale of the big two and many of the smaller publishers to be able to live off digital sales, and I seriously doubt Disney/Warner are interested in running businesses with such small profits, particularly with the terrible financial states they are currently in.

att has internet and cell phones to keep money flowing in. disney is the one is bigger trouble.

>hundreds of thousands of fans
More like dozens of thousands (at best).

I'll screencap this post but I'm gonna need you to put a tripcode on so I can laugh at you harder when you're wrong.

>He started a yt channel.

Of course he did. Him and Gail Simone are going to be rolling in subscribers I'm sure. That was sarcasm, by the way. Every Marvelshitter will become a youtuber at this rate. What a fucking joke.

>The comic book industry will be up and running like normal next month

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Which I guess could bring us to the the discussion, what kind of model can and should they work towards?

For example suggests comics could be incorporated as a feature of one of the companies streaming services. How much new material do you think either DC or Marvel could produce for say, the budget of one streaming series season? Do you think this could be a workable suggestion?

DC is actually slightly better off as they have the walmart/target giants, and YA OGN lines, though the YA OGNs tend to be too elseworld-ish to replace standard releases. The Giants are good for what they are.

And let's address the material and stories that were in the pipeline, lets say this shutdown continues in a prolonged state. At what point do DC and Marvel realize the direct market is dead, and release material, and how?

>Which I guess could bring us to the the discussion, what kind of model can and should they work towards?
Well, once all the comic book shops die, which will be the case unless this shutdown ends within a month or two, the only model left is digital.

This means that the majority of publishers will need to go REALLY small scale or die, at this point it's very likely Disney and Warner pull the plug on Marvel and DC and just license their IP to 3rd party partners.

We'll see an upswing in crowdfunded stuff as comic creators are being laid off from publishers, perhaps they could merge into some new publishing company/community, who knows.

Image is creator owned, so they might be able to weather this shutdown.

Will need to see the equivalent letter to retailers. If they're also operating under extended terms, then these steps are reasonable. That said, nothing in this is guaranteed if the East and West coasts extend shutdown due to second wave infections, which China is experiencing right now.

>So no, digital won't be their saviour.
First, just because digital cannot supplant print is not a good argument against doing digital right now. If you're supremely confident that print readers will stick to print, then the digital strategy shouldn't matter to you.
Second, I feel this data isn't a solid argument against digital overall. It may just mean they just haven't found the right combination of product and strategy. (For example, online music services have overtaken individual album and single sales.) We also have to acknowledge that current comics are made for a physical form factor. That's an inherent advantage that may disappear when compared to comics that are completely digital.

I'm not against digital, but people act like it'll save the comic book industry. It won't and the current industry is in stage 4 and going terminal.

Look. We're in uncharted territory. It's not just the comic industry. Many industries and the entire economy is experiencing something unprecedented. Never in modern history have we seen a global shutdown like this. You'd have to go back 500 years or so to see a plague that shut down commerce like this. Even pandemics of the last 200 years can't compare because of how connected the world is now.

You can't get blood from a stone. People are staying home to protect their health and the health of people in society at large. Even the great depression and rationing during WWIII cannot compare.

There has to be some kind of empathy with these businesses like comics during the shutdown. Banks and those owed money by these companies have to understand this is a global shut down for the safety of all mankind.

We have to have hope that people can be decent. We have to have hope that there is understanding for these companies and their employees who had to stop working for the safety of all.

Oh boy, another comics are dying screencap thread! Haven't had one of those for an hour!