Why out of all characters that exist in western media, her lewds make normalfags seethe the most?

Why out of all characters that exist in western media, her lewds make normalfags seethe the most?

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She’s a kid and you guys got no protective fandom bubble like Star vs or SU or Loud House etc to basically act as a counter army.

She's a confirmed Teenage that's why.

The creator is the one that keeps drawing attention to lewds and chimping out online, which in turn only drives people to make even more lewd art of her. Not sure if he's retarded or playing 5d chess.

Countercoomer culture.

Normalfags gotta normalfag

there's thousands of more childish looking adult characters in children's cartoons.

Puberty happens for a reason, Normie

16 is good to go in some places.

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Literally of legal age.
Would fuck her pussy raw and then go reconquer muslim one.

To the contrary, those cartoons served to train these cancel culture armies as they were the most prominent around when twitter/tumblr started to get big. Its not necessarily limited to age of consent normalfaggotry but other bluepilled things as well (muh racism, muh ableism etc) such as the SU artist who made Rose skinny and white and got death threats. Loud House spawned a lot of "Cringe" videos which were literally what we would consider entry level lewdery at worst (ie those SB99 pictures of girls with inflated asses or chubby tummies) and barely even scratched the surface of degeneracy you can find the on internet. I think the point here is, a lot of zoomers who are coming of age are exposed to this shit in large doses immediately and are not ready for it or lash out against it because they are not familiar with lurkmoar, rule 34/63 and other things we who grew up with the early internet had to actively seek out just to find trinket amounts of.

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You tell me.

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>some place
In most places, user

Is that show any good? It looks like a fucking cringefest.

She was originally meant to be an adult, but they rewrote the story to make them teens without actually changing their designs.

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i.e internet 2.0 vs Yas Forums.

Yas Forums of olde, 'we just want to fap'
Yas Forums thus of now 'verbooten, everything is forbidden'

That explains the wide hips.

Blame post-2015 redditors and newfags flooding the board.

It is both good and a cringe fest.
It has great animation and the characters are endearing but they also over use the "gamer" linguo, but is clear the creators do play games and don't just throw words at random.

Because some bitch in twitter twice her age and with half her ass.

>she's a kid
She has a job and she's 14. In Japan 13 is the age of consent.

Honestly I didn't find the gamer lingo to be all that bad after episode 2. Like they use it just enough.

I think it was the other way around. Dan said originally she was 13/14 but Nick asked them to age the characters up a bit.

It's cartoon of the year for sure, like it or not.

>Yas Forumsmblr: Yas Forums is contrarian
>also Yas Forumsmblr: reddit is contrarian

I'm sure her looking like a certain character in her Equestria Girls form doesn't help.

I mean you can age designs up.

Also come on, they clearly changed the cast's ages at the last second. The show makes way more sense if the principle cast are 16-18, y'know, normal age to get your first serious job?

Nice quads. And nice GET, too.
I think EG would have been more accepted by /mlp/ if its characters had wider hips, though.

Women are scared of drawings. They are so insecure about an image of infinite youth that they can't compete. That's why they shout "Paedo". Even if she's not real they will shout "she won't consent". And they will shout "If into a drawing of a little girl it means you're into little girls in real life." Let this be a lesson, women are scared of images and they will call out on anything that will make them feel hurt. As for the guys, they are just NPC's that can't think for themselves and calling anyone a "Paedo".

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you gotta fucking sauce user?

But she is 16. Five is 15. Zahra is 17 I think? But pretty sure it's official both of main characters are 15 and 16. Everything fits. Miko can pass as an adult, but Five has baby face, so he barely looks like 18.

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Miko is 14 and 5 is 16.

If you think this is cropped, it's not.
It should be him.

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>16 is good to go in some places.
this is your mind on McDonalds

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Ok, I was wrong.
>All of that blue
We really need to kill off the remaining green.

She’s fucking driving
They decided the age randomly, if they said she was 18 it would have no effect on the plot. I just find it funny that it’s morally wrong not because of the age but that Nick said she was that age, and because of that she’s supposed to be “off limits” despite a very clear older design

>She has a job and she's 14. In Japan 13 is the age of consent.
See guys satan says it's alright.

All of the green is the third world anyway
i was 19, my gf was 17, felt natural, that was 3 years ago, if I ever lose this relationship, I don't know if I'd go for a 16 year old though, it's kind of looked down upon, plus 16 year olds are extremely stupid, but it would be hot af

I was talking about the USA. Which is why it's retarded that the remaining green should be blue instead.

>I was talking about the USA
did I stutter?

I'm leaning to retarded, he did repost her saying the n-word on his twitter.

>in my country 16 is the age of consent
>but porn is 18+
What is the logic here?

having relationships is healthy and normal
porn is addicting and destructive

You don't seem to understand! I WANT ALL THE STATES TO BE BLUE! FUCK GREEN!

yes and I called USA the third world

Why is her ass so delicious?

>T-third world I have no understanding of real third world countries

>B-being this butthurt!!
lmaoing at your country

Thankfully, it doesn't stop 12 year olds from finding it themselves. And it's not like anyone behaves like MC's perverted friends from anime after watching porn.

Nah you're just seething at us
Usually when you see this underage shit it's unironic communists who think that system could ever work or "S-stalin was right" lmao


She accumulated all the power from sitting in from of the computer/game console all day.

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My advice is to stop reading normalfag posts, you'll feel a lot better

I want her to sit in my face until i die.

You don't need to read their comments on purpose to know that.

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This man needs to look at the pictures before retweeting, fuck.

In any case, insulating yourself from normalfag opinions goes a long way towards improved mental health, that's what I'm saying

Her ass is too fat.

Honestly the only think I wish is people actually discussed the show and not just lewds
But I knew this was coming, she was mentioned as a porn machine months before the show aired

And that's a good thing, she will have healthy babies.

She can still fit through doors, so she hasn't reached "too fat" imo.

i don't care about politics that much
I just always find it hilarious how the great USA has people who are afraid to go to the hospital because of the bills
has people pay $200 monthly for 10 Mbps internet, when I pay $20 for 1 Gbps
has 13% of the population commit 52% of violent crime
the guns freedoms are cool however

Don't have the source but I know what he's talking about. It was that pewdipie meme where he said it and it's just a game screenshot that says something like "no Miko you can't say that on a live stream!"

It will happen when the new bunch of episodes come. For now, there is nothing really to discuss. Corporation bad, Five's dad mystery, Miko's error glitch, why their games glitch in the first place, everything was already discussed in previous threads.

when there is no plot to discuss, lewdfags fill the gaps, same for every show

>I just always find it hilarious how the great USA has people who are afraid to go to the hospital because of the bills
People read into the propaganda for the most part, it is nowhere near as bad. Even Walmart will cover most things for you
>has people pay $200 monthly for 10 Mbps internet, when I pay $20 for 1 Gbps
This is wrong, here you get 1 Gbps for around $80. And note like everything things are more expensive because there's more wealth required to live in those areas. You aren't getting cheap shit in Monaco but I wouldn't call that place shit

And it's funny to see people bitching about lewds from this cartoon. So not only we get new art, we can also get some good laughs.

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Unlike a lot of teenage characters, she's pretty flat and thus breaks Australian porn laws.

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