I mean, I’m not staying otherwise, but what exactly has he done to make him bonkers? He looks crazy, sure, REALLY FUCKING CRAZY, and I know he just despises the comics industry.
Why do people think Alan Moore is crazy?
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He's got radical political views and that polarizes the people who like him/ don't like him. He's a good writer, but he's not judged for that as much on Yas Forums.
He became a magician when he turned 40 and has his own cave. Also, he made Lost Girls.
because he didn't suck corporate capeshit cock and beg Hollywood for attention like Morrison, Johns and Bendis
Honestly I think a fair amount of it is just people upset that he talks about how he hates Rorschach fans and shit like that. People don’t like that he disrespects the fan’s opinions and that he’s a curmudgeon about the industry, and they take that combined with his whole wizard thing and cast him as some strange Alistair Crowley figure that only emerges from a Northampton hillside every third full moon to drink the blood of goats, when in reality he’s a relatively well-humored guy with pretty reasonable opinions on the comics industry.
I don't think he's crazy. I think he's a bitter holier-than-thou dirty-old-man who's only talent is regurgitating tired ideas in a somewhat clever way.
The first two League of Extraordinary Gentlemen books are mildly entertaining. The Black Dossier is incomprehensible gibberish.
Watchmen is about 1/3rd as deep as it thinks it is, but I'd probably like it better if it wasn't treated like holy writ.
He's a man who's had people telling him how smart he is for too goddamn long, and it's rotted his brain.
How was deconstructing superheroes tired by the time he was doing it?
>hates Rorschach fans
I would actually be fine with him hating Rorschach fans if his reasons didn't seem so disingenuous. It seems like he's misunderstanding why the character is compelling on purpose. But I thought Rorschach was the only sympathetic character out of the main cast in Watchmen and I wanted Silk Spectre and Night Owl to fall into a meat grinder by the end, so take what I say with a grain of salt.
>his whole wizard thing
I started to read an essay of his about magic, but I don't think you can honestly try to justify and explain your interest in the mystic and occult, while in the same dismissing characterizing YHWH as a "Volcano God with a temper problem".
It reeks of egoism. "My spirituality is deeper and more sincere than yours!"
Perhaps Exodus 22:18 "Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live" offends him personally.
It's because he's bitter. It makes all the freaky druid shit he does seem like a bunch of double hogwash, since it doesn't seem to bring him any peace of mind about old comic book business.
People think Grant Morrison is crazy too, but they don't hold it against him because he doesn't seem too chuffed about anything.
Oh I'm not talking about that aspect. More that his ideas about politics, psychology, society, evolution, determinism etc. all seemed very boilerplate and shallow to me.
To be honest, I would have to care a great deal more about superheros to find their deconstruction at all interesting, so I was much more interested in the political and social ideas of Watchmen.
>It makes all the freaky druid shit he does seem like a bunch of double hogwash, since it doesn't seem to bring him any peace of mind about old comic book business.
Yes. That's a good point. A genuinely spiritual person would find all that stuff a bit beneath them, wouldn't they? I mean, you could be mildly annoyed by it, but a genuine "big picture" attitude would put it all in perspective wouldn't it?
I know my own religious ideas have severely dampened my ability to get worked up about the entertainment industry. It all just seems very ephemeral after a bit of thinking.
he's more sane than the average person. he's weird and not right about everything, but he's got a solid understanding of human nature and art. i particularly respect and agree with his views on magic.
Morrison and all his fans are assholes
>pedo goes mad
who could predict this radical turn of events
To be fair, it ain't Alan's fault people are freaking out over his political views and "magic." The Holy Synod keeps accusing Alan of immoral and evil practices because of his fascination with the occult.
In fact, most criticisms levied at Alan Moore are from politicians and journalists who wanted to smear the Romanov's family dynasty and to force the tsar to give up his absolute political power. Not to mention the guy was frequently seeing Alexi and using his black magic to make him feel better, but everyone just thinks he's fucking the poor kid. The clusterfuck that was WW1 put Russia into a severe famine and depression, so I guess some people just want to find a scapegoat, and Alan's dabbling in the occult just made him a weird enough guy to blame.
Because he said once he performs magic and most of his stuff is hellboy-chtulu tier.
People assume he believes in chtulu.
He doesn't hate people who like Rorschach, he hates the brainlets that think Rorschach is some super cool anti-hero that did nothing wrong and completely miss the message he was trying to tell. So basically, people like Zack Snyder.
Is this pasta?
He isn't crazy. A bunch of contrarians who feel like Moore is insulting them get mad whenever he says anything. Moore "hating comics" didn't happen forever ago. It happened about 14 years ago. And ever since then he has been doing his own projects and has been pretty content.
The issue is 100% this:
>He is content doing his own projects.
>People keep seeking him out going "WHAT DO YOU THINK OF THIS???"
>He gives cranky old man answers to get them to fuck off.
>Internet contrarians get all mad at answers and feel insulted.
>Alan Moore is too genuinely friendly to take issue with that mention of the movie.
I met him ages ago and got all my stuff signed and he was lovely.
Yas Forums is corporate stooges general. I fully believe that if Jack Kirby were still alive today moaning about the MCU then all his supporters would dry up and people would attack him.
Moore is one of the best writers in Comics worldwide, but Americans just love the taste of corporate cock
Because he wrote lots of shit for corporate companies who told him specifically they owned anything he wrote for them.
He dod this for years and never learned he didbt own his works.
The sign of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.
He was fine doing shit like Swamp Thing and Constantine on a for hire basis, what pissed him off was the bullshit DC pulled to keep the rights to Watchmen since as long as they keep it in print they still own everything. Then when he told them to fuck off he got fucked again years later when Wildstorm got bought out by DC.
Didn’t he dress up like a baboon and act like a dictator in some performance art thing?
One of Moore's friends was going to write the novelisation of the movie Watchmen. Moore was fine with it. This friend had a brother with a terminal disease. They threatened Moore. The friend got the job taken from him.
>in reality he’s a relatively well-humored guy with pretty reasonable opinions on the comics industry.
Exactly this.
Also people haven't read his warm and human comics like Tom Strong and Top 10, which are proof that he's not as cranky as he pretends to be for fun and that he loves comics.
In my experience, Rorschach fans are not the ones who misunderstand the comic most, those who misinterpret it are precisely the ones who believe that Rorschach is fascist or that fascism or even conservatism is somehow an important axis of this work or an important message (starting with the scriptwriter of the netflix or amazon series or whatever)
he worships his own personal snake god
i think that's pretty crazy, myself
it's a meme, you watch any interviews with him and he's extremely well spoken and clear about his ideas and besides magic, they are all pretty normal ideas.
I won’t say he’s the deepest guy in the world, but he’s not shallow. Certainly he’s at least a formal master, which deserves some praise.
I don’t know guy, maybe literal fascism isn’t an axis of the work but it’s pretty clear that he’s critiquing authority by painting a bunch of superheroes as incompetent.
I would absolutely say that the retards that unironically think vigilante justice is awesome or holding on to a rigid black and white moral system because of Rorschach missed the point of the comic.
He may not be facist, but in the beggining in the comic he said that’s he isn’t going to help whores when the world is in danger, so maybe he’s kinda close
I like comic books and I like Watchmen. Casual Dr. Manhattan and Casual Rorschach are the best parts of the books.
Rorschach just looks tired and would be satisfied. People like Rorschach because he brought the bantz
Rorschach is Holden Caulified from Catcher in the Rye. He's a bully that attacks phonies. Moore thinks he's the protagonist from the Turner Diaries
I understand calling Moore's thematic stuff boilerplate even if I don't necessarily agree but you have to admit that there's little if nothing else in the comics medium that can say it's more sophisticated than him on that front. If you compare him to a great novelist, sure, I guess he comes up short, but he's much more thematically deep than anything else within his own wheelhouse, and he's obviously got a great sense of design.
Moore is too dumb to understand that Facists are self destructive and it's easy to just leave them alone.
This is why Attack on Titan and Moore are losing, they are being ousted from power by women
He isn't, but the comics industry screwed him over. So much rubbish being made based off of his work, not to mention all the crappy Hollywood adaptations(From Hell being the prime example of missing the point, even describing how they'd mess it up before it was even made). Disowning it all and giving any proceeds of Watchmen to Dave Gibbons shows extreme integrity.
If by "fascists" you mean literal neo-Nazis and the like, sure, but a fair few European countries are making it obvious that a troubling populist right-wing movement is a legitimate force to consider.
Right Wing Groups are too small to unionize in America. They would be killed by the Klan, Bloods, Crips, the Mafia, and the Cartel
Rorschach cock-suckers and left-wing idiots are the two main groups, yes.
>Holden Caulified
>troubling populist right-wing movement i
Yas Forumsmblr.
Death is literally scared of moore
how is Attack on Titan losing? The author is probably a millionaire at this point, regardless of how the comic ends
Imagine thinking that being opposed to people like Orban is tumblr.
If corona keeps DC's printer shut down for the whole year will he get Watchmen back?
The only troubling part is that in most European countries they are far too late to stop the white suicide which the EU manoeuvred them into.
Well absent a new continent spanning war at any rate, which I don't think is worth it. I hope the collapse comes sooner rather than later though. We need to serve as an example at this point of what not to do, not use the last vestiges of our wealth to pull the east down with us.
Because he shoves at least one rape scene in basically every comic he makes.
People like Rorschach because he refused to compromise on his beliefs, no idea why someone would think thats facisism.
>He's a good writer
>"superheroes are kinda silly aren't they lmao"
He's a pseudo-intellectual contrarian supreme.
t. pseudo-intellectual contrarian supreme
>gottem XD
Seriously though, he's literally so contrarian he starts shitting on his own work the moment it gets too popular. You can't top that.
he gives me myazaki vibes.
it should be
America has more land mass than Britain and Japan, which allows Facists to start their own social club without bothering anyone.
Rorschach is literally Timothy McVeigh, Son of Sam. He's a serial killer as a superhero. That's what makes him dangerous.
>tfw everyone is either:
>hahaha he deserved to get btfo
>alt right
>doesn't understand watchmen
>takes all Alan's quotes out of context
>takes the worshipping snake gods shit seriously
>gets insulted by Alan's comments
>triggered to easily
I would say someone like Orban is fairly troubling. I wasn't saying they were troubling because they're against mass immigration, I just have a feeling that a lot of backsliding would take place if they came to power. That those parties are full of antisemites.
Everything sounds stupid when you reductively summarize it like that, user.
He isn't. People just get too easily triggered by him. He's a pretty chill person who is content with being left alone but gives people crazy old man quotes every so often because they seek him out.
>regurgitating tired ideas in a somewhat clever way
90% of writing is regurtiating and repackaging it.
>The first two League of Extraordinary Gentlemen books are mildly entertaining. The Black Dossier is incomprehensible gibberish.
>Watchmen is about 1/3rd as deep as it thinks it is, but I'd probably like it better if it wasn't treated like holy writ.
I know it is fun to be contrarian but Watchmen is still great. And given how most people seem to misunderstand it, I would say it is "deep" for normal audiences.
>He's a man who's had people telling him how smart he is for too goddamn long, and it's rotted his brain.
He's a perfectly alright bloke desu. And you're all mischaracterising him on the basis of some half baked quotes out of context.
>Yas Forums is corporate stooges general. I fully believe that if Jack Kirby were still alive today moaning about the MCU then all his supporters would dry up and people would attack him.
This desu.
>I'm so contrarian I will accuse everyone else of being contrarian
Good post.