do you guys think africa is earth benders or fire benders?
Do you guys think africa is earth benders or fire benders?
who gives a shit?
the africans
they’re all shitbenders
>not Fire
>not Earth
What are you doing user
japan has all the whale hunting and shit so they are water, china has all the smog and them fireworks so they are fire
They don't bend.
They consider it a filthy evil practice.
They tripple down on physical training and mental techniques.
They don't bend shit.
The use super human physical abilities and psychic powers to protect themselves from the demon hordes.
>demon hoards
More like from the DINOSAURS...
egypt is earth benders because they have pyramids
iran and iraq are firedbender cause they did 9/11, trump told me so
>all the best and/or most powerful and/or most developed countries are fire nation
OP you are based.
also africa is the mud kingdom. spit.
everyone from the sahara desert is a sand bender I guess
somalia is water because they are pirates
If germany is red italy is red too.
That doesn't make any sense
all of the WWII countries are red including russia and japan, wtf OP?
oh yes and congo is water cause they are like the swamp people bending vines and shit with the gorillas
italy is earth because they have the colliseum wich is a big rock thingy
russia is water cause it snow alot up there
italy is fire because of the Roman empire you dummy.
TIL Argentina fought in WW2
alright geez I will change it
now the vietnam war are is earth because they hid in holes during the fire atacks from the american friebendes
mongolia is also earth because they have the gobi desert
im saying they should be red, obviously.
alright that's it, i'm tired, you guss finish it if you want
Murrica is burgerbenders
Political boarders shouldn't factor into alt history benders. Especially the US. Water benders should be based out of port areas, rivers and places where ice and snow are prevalent. Earth bending should be associated with farming and mining communities. People who have actual connections with the land they inhabit. Fire benders should be sparsed out but influential controlling oil lands and industry. Maybe have more laid back fire people around areas where wildfires and lightning occur naturally. Air benders should barely even exist as their core strength lies in their spirituality. Maybe around the himalayas and south west native american areas.
Canada and U.S. are air benders, literally number 1 and 2 countries on earth for tornadoes.
I think Legend of Korra's earth kingdom is the nation closest to Modern America. I don't see us having much in common with the fire nation beyond 'guns n shit'
no that would be the indians
Wait, why is Congo water tribe when only a very tiny and remote area of it actually touches a body of water
It has a rain forest
The Congo River is the second-largest river in Africa, silly.
Plantbenders. Bananabenders. Mudbenders.
Mexico and latin america should be fire benders since in the show it literally shows aztecs as the original fire benders
Eskimos are waterbenders, tibetans are airbenders, China is earthbenders, Japan is firebenders, everyone else doesn't exist
Chile should be earthbenders because we don't give a fuck about tremors until it's a fuckhuge earthquake.
More like nobody gives a shit about Chile unless it's a fucking massive earthquake or mining incidents
These all seem randomly chosen to the average person. Are you autistic?
This makes no goddamned sense. Stop this autism right now.
i got the other thread pruned
OP. Stop. You're gonna hurt yourself.
Here's your most obvious mistake: you can't assign this shit arbitrarily on the basis of political borders. Africa is hundreds of different ethnic groups, each with their own culture and society, and hundreds of different regions, each with their own climate, wildlife, and means of economic sustenance
It has to be based on culture, environment, and/or connection to the show's canon
The latter would be easiest to do, and is most justifiable, as it makes it close to canon, but excludes basically the entirety of Europe and Africa. Going by that, it would look like
Inuits and related groups
Amazon tribes
Tuaregs of North Africa
And from there, we can go on to obvious similarities among peoples not part of the above, but either distantly genetically related, or sharing the same habitat
Canadian First Nations
Modern Hispanic America
Other Indian ethnicities near Himalayas
The dicey part in all this is what about the rest of the world? We're still missing ALL of Europe and the Slavs, some of Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa, and non-indigenous North Americans. How do you classify them, and on what basis?
Don't think the rest are classiable because they didn't influence the 4 tribes. All those you named is literally the only people that would be left if you were to transcribe the world of Avatar to our world
>america is the fire benders cause they can't go more than 10 years without starting a new fucking war
>iran is the based Earth benders
Iran is also a massive dictatorship that's also still inefficient
it makes sense to me
Who cares, also
>not Fire
>not Earth
>The Netherlands
>not Water
user, fucking apply yourself
Dirt eaters
if anything, the netherlands should be earth, considering all the polders they've built.
For Europe
>Western Europe
Imperialism, highly advanced technology, naval supremacy
The Netherlands are and exception, they're obviously water benders
And I guess Scandinavia would fit as water benders too
>Eastern Europe
Earth Benders, vast stretches of land and ground, punching bag of the rest of Europe
Neutral and mountainous => Air Benders
netherlands are water, wtf bro
Which they did mostly by moving water
Netherland is water territory
The dynamic is that The Earth Kingdom is China and The Fire Nation is Imperial Japan mixed with the technology of the Germans.
The Netherlands is what water benders can be if they move out of shitty territory and utilise Fire Nation level technology
middle east and North Africa are sand benders
USA would have Benders of all types.
Don't benders have to be physically fit and study elaborate techniques?
What do you think we use firebending for?
Indians didn't invent Jenkem, that wold be Negroids.
>punching bag of the rest of Europe
A punching bag that somehow keeps ending western empires.
AIDS benders
This is a gay fucking thread for a dead franchise, but I always thought it was a shame that Avatar had very few vidyagames. An avatar rpg or mmorpg would have been fucking awesome and unironically a WoW killer back in 2006. Oh well, I'm not in fucking highschool anymore so it doesn't matter to me. Fuck Bryke.
You did to reply.
Where are the Airbenders OP?
>ending western empires
like what? Are you talking about that time when Soviets zerg rushed 3rd Reich? A country that was already waging war at every side?