Fuck cartoonists for giving kids degenerate fetishes. I'm not going to post any examples because I would never save that crap onto my devices but you all know what I'm talking about. I'm lucky that I wasn't raised on that shit and that my parents knew better. The breeds of autism that some of you have make me more uncomfortable than any of the other sfw boards
Fuck cartoonists for giving kids degenerate fetishes...
Other urls found in this thread:
So why come here?
>Fuck cartoonists for giving kids degenerate fetishes
I didn't get mine from cartoons.
Shut up loser, and post more snakes with legs.
Fetishes stem from sexual repression. Americans are prudish about sex so they try to keep their kids away from the idea of it as long as possible. But that doesn't stop the brain from developing, and when kids sexually mature, they're going to latch those feelings onto something they were exposed to (Often, something fictional). If the culture was more open and honest about sex and didn't treat it like taboo, we would end up like the French who have regular libidos and think about tits and ass all the time. Not weirdo Americans or Japanese who obsess over waifus or develop kinks for serpent girls or tentacle porn or Wonder bread shit.
>normie REE'ing because he can't handle the sexy new fetishes Yas Forums is exposing him to
I think it says more about you than it does Yas Forums that you felt the need to create a barely on-topic thread just to bitch about "degeneracy".
Get the fuck outta here then.
>Fetishes stem from sexual repression.
Most of the fucked up weirdos that jack it to dumb shit like planes in diapers aren't "repressed" you mong. Its autistic kids being exposed to emotionally arousing content that sometimes gives them a boner to the point they want to see more of it. e.g. inflation fetishes and bullshit.
>Wanting to be like the French.
OP just gave me a fetish for snakes with feet. Requesting lewds of snakes with feet
>Tickling feet is arousing content!!! It's the cartoonists fault for not seeing it!
Sounds like you're repressed and now you see sex everywhere to make up for the fact that you weren't allowed to talk about sex unless it was to not have it for the first 18 years of your life.
How the fuck does inflation link to the sexy-sexy gland?
>Its autistic kids
So your point is already moot since they by definition aren't normal.
>I'm not going to post any examples
>*posts example*
My kid's not watching any TV or getting on the internet until they are >18.
My brother is literally autistic and I walk in to him jacking it to "Pluto's Quin-Puplet's" off of fucking youtube of all things all the goddamn time. Specifically, that fucking bee scene. I am privy to things you are barely cognizant of you fucking peasant.
I'm not saying that tickling feet and whatnot is inherently arousing, the point is it is emotionally arousing to them and being abnormal they get a fucking boner. Rinse and repeat. You see a lot of this shit in furfags.
see above
Now how many of those could you flip into torture techniques?
Your weewee inflates, so yeah...
Because I'm running out of thread ideas for other boards and I have some vague knowledge of cartoons
But you could have
I don't like thinking about sex, and I am old enough to not be as influenced by that sort of stuff
The image isn't from a kid's cartoon though
I've been there multiple times but it's a nsfw board so it's to be expected
What does your retarded brother have to do with normal kids who also develop fetishes?
>They have a genuine fetish
THEY ARE FUCKING AUTISTIC NUMNUTS. You see this with fans who write 2 million page stories, people who are hyper into a trade, or faggots that build a life sized house out of q-tips. Retarded fetishes is just another path they unfortunately fall down.
my current nigger level is 9
No I couldn't cause instead I got them from horror movies.
What is your current moveset?
That sucks user, why were your parents letting you watch horror movies at that age?
Obviously they are not all that normal if they're getting off to weird, off the wall bullshit that's only tangentially related to sex. Unless you're whining about garbage paraphilias like fucking feet or something, in which case, go read a fucking book on it.
I'm just pointing out the human mind does weird shit sometimes when it is exposed to crap at an early enough age. Because honestly, we're all born retarded to a degree.
the machanism is still the same
>get exposed to weirdo bullshit
>this is emotionally arousing
>young kid cannot properly digest the high amount of emotional arousal
>pops a boner or gets processed in such a way that it becomes boner inducing
Stop being a repressed prude and fucking go to tumblr if you can't deal.
Because they had work and not every moive is just softcore porn with blood.
The fuck are you talking about? More than just retarded kids develop fetishes.
"Normal people with fetishes" is an oxymoron. Unless you're talking about the modern usage of the term where everyone says they have a "fetish" simply because they jack it to more shit than just doggystyle.
Ignorant prudes, all of ye
I was saying normal as in normally developed brains, not someone with a diagnosed disorder. Normal relative to someone with autism. A fetish isn't really a brain disorder anymore than someone enjoying the taste of chalk is a tastebud disorder.
Autism is a spectrum my dude, and if you want to actually engage in a conversation about that end then let us do so, otherwise it seems to me you just want to call anything having to do with sex a "fetish" and continue to misuse the term. Someone likes to see panties?
Thats the impression I'm getting at least.
>Because I'm running out of thread ideas for other boards and I have some vague knowledge of cartoons
You could just not make threads until you have a good idea for one. Ideas that have to be better than "come to the cartoon board to throw shade about the weird shit we jack it too."
cool virtue signalling thread
Not wanting people to develop disgusting fetishes isn't being prudish
from the google
>a form of sexual desire in which gratification is linked to an abnormal degree to a particular object, item of clothing, part of the body, etc.
There is still an amount of abnormal brain activity going on and I've already described the general model of how an otherwise relatively normal person could become attached to random off the wall horseshit stemming from exposure to cartoons specifically. You have any examples you want to discuss or do you want to keep going with your current line of bullshittery that anybody posting softcore porn to Yas Forums is a degenerate fetish-addled freak instead of just a regular coomer?
Because god forbid you see the shit that goes on over at /aco/.
What do you consider a disgusting fetish? As much as we bash feet I'd rather have that then like shit.
You can't stop it and whining about it makes you look like a moron. You're trying to shame people on fucking Yas Forums of all places.
Clearly you either have a fetish for being called retarded or are indeed, retarded.
I thought that virtue signaling was to build a reputation, how does that work if I'm anonymous?
My other threads are moving slower right now and I'm procrastinating from my real-world responsibilities so no can do user
Giants (not as gross but impossible to fully realize irl)
All prevalent in cartoons
>I thought that virtue signaling was to build a reputation, how does that work if I'm anonymous?
You clearly have a large amount of repressed sexuality and you are attempting to virtue-signal to your own ego that "no, I-I'm not like those FREAKS on Yas Forums, I-I only e-ever jerk it to missionary position for the sole purpose of recreation with the lights off".
You're literally such a Yas Forums-addicted spastic you made a thread to bitch about "fetishes" on Yas Forums for gods sake, go clean your fucking room of those cum rags that are obviously haunting your subconscious.
die black nigger
All funny so again this is a case of autism unless kids in middle school are just perverts
That's a common story idea. You know there are books (more descriptive and well written) about this right?
You're right that I don't want to be sexual, but I recognize my privilege of not having a net negative fetish and want to Express my anger at the people who spread them
I am white and I want to keep living
Those storytellers were probably well-intentioned too, just tell a normal love story to your kids for Pete's sake
>being this autistic
Mr. Enter is that you?
>love story
We weren't talking about love. All those things are for comedy.
>Giants (not as gross but impossible to fully realize irl)
I'm not into this at all but I don't really seem the problem. As in, since it won't happen IRL it seems pretty harmless to get off to/fantasize about it.
Unless you mean it's a problem because it could mean the person with it will never have an ordinary sex life, but then I think that's true for pretty much all fetishes outside of vanilla stuff like big boobies, if that even counts as a fetish
Why does everyone namedrop him? Is it that hard to believe that there are other people like him?
It's not so funny when you become conditioned to want that as a reality
I see other anons post about their impossible fetishes with the "tfw no" method so I based my argument off of that
Again this is a problem for the mentally unhealthy. Inform local mental health officials instead of crying on board for pedophiles.
>Why does everyone namedrop him? Is it that hard to believe that there are other people like him?
We hope and pray that he's the only high caliber retard of his genre but clearly he isn't with idiots like you whinging about how Yas Forums doesn't conform to your stupid want for a hugbox.
I don't use a persona to voice my opinions and I've heard of other stuff he's done that's even more autistic so I disagree with your claim
Are you really trying this hard to equate a fetish to autism, retard?
When everyone's autistic, no one is.
Off topic threads are cancer and against >>>Yas Forumsrules/1
OP is a faggot.
Do your part to help purge this board of subhumans like him by reporting this thread.
Here's a link so you don't have to scroll up to the top of the page.
I can't help but feel singled out.
>been watching a metric shitload of The Sopranos
>read this in Tony's voice
Is someone really taking my side? And they actually have a Yas Forums-related image? Thank you user, you made this thread worth it!
I am not like him at all but it's cool that you did that user, this is better than getting called a sociopath based on the way that I type
>taking my side
I don't know who side that is. I'm just having fun.
I think it's because of how often Tony rails against "degenerates". Like the only real people I know who use it regularly are my Yas Forumsfag gun club buddies.
Are you really going to ignore that the two have quite a lot in common?