Tom King

What happened to Tom King, Yas Forums?

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But that was before he had what may have been the best debut year for a writer in comics history. Up until Batman he basically never wrote a bad book. Then its Batman & Heroes in Crisis

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He’s like if Richard Linklater wrote comics. At first his “slice of life” pseudo-intellectual characters seem interesting and fresh, but then you see that’s the only face card in his deck, and doesn’t-and shouldn’t-work with every character and story.

This. His books are fine at worst besides HiC.

Yeah, it couldn't be that he burned his goodwill with a horrible run and an event that highlighted all of his problems as a writer.
He's just too popular


His Batman run was atrocious.

It's a combination of how his Batman run was the moment people started noticing he was repeating the same trick, and Batman being a much more popular and important character than anyone else he'd tried the superhero with PTSD story on, the fanbase outright rejected his take on Batman, but he was on the book for years. Contrast this with Vision, where it only lasted a year, it was the first time he'd done this, and the fanbase was small enough that the critical acclaim made more noise than their pleading that they did not want this.

Vision and Mister Miracle are obscure enough characters that he had more room to play with them(even though I think Mister Miracle showed his limits, no one was angry about it because it’s Mister Miracle)Batman was not the character to do a hipster banter, shoegaze-y treatment with.

Mental Breakdown

With Vision it's not even that writing him as suffering PTSD is wrong, it's how King wrote him and his dialogue as if he'd never read anything with him in before, and how fans wanted him to re-connect with his family, King gave him a new family instead just to show he was all messed up.

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Honestly I dropped his Miracle I think 4th issue in, it was probably one of the worst things I’ve ever read

The wedding that didn't happen got people angry a year or two before that, especially since DC made it into an event with a lot of tie-ins. This feels like something that I can't believe is real, something that will get undone within a few years, no matter how much DC insist it's permanent.

It was really bad. a hack writer self fellating about overcoming his struggles and pontificating how deep and substantial his philosophy is. Really it just comes off as a guy with tremendous daddy issues, probably why he was so easily indoctrinated into the CIA

Two things. One he leaned into trauma-as-pathos almost exclusively and two he seemed to start writing for Twitter or for the Eisners or something. A little too cute, a little to pseud.

Is Sheriff of Babylon worth it? His Vision was mediocre and I'm not touching his Batman.

>it's how King wrote him and his dialogue as if he'd never read anything with him in before
I haven't read Vision, and generally not a fan of King, but NOT MUH is not a legitimate criticism and might be the biggest thing holding modern cape comics back.

The only thing he wrote that I even like was Grayson.

If you're going to write characters that have been around for 40+ years, ignoring all that history and writing them however you want is absolutely valid grounds for criticism.

>the biggest thing holding modern cape comics back.
Holding them back from what, user? A complete lack of any coherence? If you don't want to stay consistent to a character, don't use them, create something new. If you want to reboot a character so they're whoever you say they are, actually do the reboot and start over.

None of this is particularly good.

Sheriff of Babylon is probably top 5 most overrated non-cape comics of the 10s

I tried to give his Batman run a go. Up through War of Jokes and Riddles it's honestly bearable... but then the wedding stuff ramps up and it turns to shit. It's so astonishingly bad. And what's with all the fucking poetry? He literally just copies and pastes poems from Google onto the page, and you have to sit there and read that shit.

Why does Batgirl stand there and watch Harley Quinn try to murder Booster Gold in HiC?

Fuck Tom King.

I honestly think Tim Seeley is the real reason Grayson is so great

His Nightwing run was great

He's kind of a one hit wonder who milked muh mental health for every project he was given.
Mister Miracle was also shit.

This. He even talked about it and how it changed his view on things and that became his focus in writing comics.

He OD'd on his wife's boyfriend's semen.

>best debut for a writer in comics history
Read more comics you fucking casual. Alan Moore or Harvey Kurtzman had much better starts in comics. Did you mean best debut in recent comics history?


And that's the problem.

Alan Moore's takes on swamp-thing and miracleman are vast departures from what came before but are some of the best monthly comic runs of all time. It isn't valid grounds for actual comics criticism you casual fuck. Good writing paired with good art is far more important than consistent characterization for superheroes. Are you seriously that shallow?

But Everybody Wants Some was just as enjoyable as Dazed and Confused...

>the only face card in his deck
He might have one of the more diverse careers among the Gen X directors -- School of Rock -- A Scanner Darkly -- Bernie -- not a good example at all m8

Reminder he kept wanting to write Dick as dark and depressed but Seeley had to tell him to cut that shit out because Dick wasn't a depressing character

Except Moore actually wrote Swamp Thing and Miracleman as if the stories before him happened and "counted", they just didn't happen the way you thought they did. #20 has been omitted from collections until like ten years ago simply because it had very little to do with the rest of his run and too much with the closure of plot threads from the preceeding one.

Continuity is in the DNA of the superhero fiction, if you can't write well within the existing constraints you're not going to pull a Moore out of nowhere once they're lifted.

I said his takes on Swamp-thing and Miracleman were vast departures from what came before not that they ignored what came before them. I was obviously talking about characterization as that's what prompted the conversation in the first place regarding Tom King's Batman run. Moore's characterization of Miracleman and Swamp-thing are very different from what came before. Stick to what the conversation started with and learn to read. I would rather read great writing paired with great art then read something just because it acknowledges continuity. You're seriously the worst thing about this hobby. Capeshit faggots who only care about continuity and wont grow up and appreciate the craft.

>Capeshit faggots who only care about continuity and wont grow up and appreciate the craft.
Funny thing, those great stories that may or may not be departures from the usual can only exist because a baseline for the characters exists. And guess what's the glue that holds it all together?

He was writing the same characters expressing the same basic attitudes and behavior as before, just with more depth. I think it's you who should learn to read my boy.

It’s strange people got mad when the wedding didn’t happen in #50, but when his Batman title ends, many people hated BatCat.
Didn’t they got mad because they love the ship? Why l see so much hate now?

Miracleman's characterization in the Moore run is a far cry from what he was like in the orginal comics. Same for Swamp-thing. Have you actually read those earlier issues? Moore's writing elevates the wor. The fact that it has some continuity referencing earlier issues and the crossovers to other DC characters doesn't make it better. Capeshit faggots yet again prove they cant read and that they're the worst

The writing and art should be the main take away's from that run. It wasn't made a better run just because referenced older issues and had batman and the justice league show up.

The praise went to his head. All 4 of those comics have flaws and nobody thought to address them, instead everyone just called him the second coming of Christ.

>but NOT MUH is not a legitimate criticism
Maybe, but recycling a story he'd already been a part of sure is. Vision is crap, starts out well for the first few issues but it's just a very dumb comic.

>His Nightwing run was great
No it wasn't. It was below average capeshit. His Grayson issues were also easily weaker than King's. Seeley is genuinely one of the many mediocre middle aged white men in comics, he is average on his best day.

Just dropping by in this thread to remind everyone that there's nothing wrong with marrying your own mom, it's actually big brain.

Where did that meme come from anyway? An interview?

When we noticed he self inserted himself and his wife into all his stories, even if it didn't fit at all.

Also Batman was the first time he got a run that was long. No wonder DC cut it short when they realized he sucked at long plots.

Heroes in Crisis should have been better because it was short, but the only relevant parts where the first issue and the last two, and man were those garbage.

After Batman and HiC I can't help but feel like his writing is pretentious and repetitive. He only talks about one topic and changes the characters to suit his narrative, he doesn't adjust his plot to fit the characters. That way you end up with things like a ruined Wally West and a version of Batman and Catwoman I wanted to push off a tower because I hated them that much.

He has mommy issues

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kino sherif is

Alan Moore debuted doing random freelance stories with 2kad and warrior.

King launched out the gate with multiple critical darlings.

It would be like if Watchmen, Miracleman, and Supreme all came out in the same 2 year period that was also his first comic.

>It would be like if Watchmen, Miracleman, and Supreme all came out in the same 2 year period that was also his first comic.
You think that would suddenly make them bad comics? You're a fucking retard.
King is bad because he's a bad writer. Fundamentally, he sucks at his job. That's it.
These retarded arguments of "hurr durr he isn't giving us more of the same, look at how different his take is" when you faggots eat up Frank Miller totally revamping Daredevil is... moronic.
Same as trying to imply just because his characters suffer from ptsd or depression, the little shit can't write about depression or ptsd simply because he is not a deep person, he can only touch upon these subjects at surface level and because of this he does a terrible job writing about said depression and ptsd, if he was a good writer he could freely write about these things and it would be great.
There's no meat in his works, it's all shallow shit and he tries to make it look deep by using minimalist dialogue and lots of empty repetitive scenes. Fucker is just pretentious.

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he tried to be creative when working on a stale concept that is only successful because its readers want to read the sae rehashed concepts that have been used over and over again in the past.

>the sae rehashed concepts that have been used over and over again in the past.
You mean like


No seriously, he got too hot too quick, leading him to stuff he wasn't ready for as a writer like a giant Batman run or leading up a full event.

What like Batman being sad and brought to the breaking point? Because that's been the last twenty years since writers realized that's way easier than coming up with unique, interesting crimes for him to solve.

Or oh shit I guess Wally West suddenly murdering people and elaborately covering it up, fuck man if there's one thing I haven't gotten enough of it's my heroes being hamfistedly deconstructed by being shoved into a square peg while the writer insists miserable circumstances he created out of whole cloth were there all along. That hasn't been a huge chunk of entertainment since at least the 00s, with comics getting on the break it down for parts train way earlier.

Maybe it's the writer they hate and not the ship.

His mom molested him.

What? No. My argument was King's first 1-2 years of comics being critically acclaimed hit after hit is a rarity in the industry. Dude came in HOT in a way it took guys like Moore and Morrison years to build up. That was my point.

>Victory has defeated him.

>The big bad of his run was Bane

Truly Tom King was CIA all along.

Only because shill sites wanked him off. Miracle man alone shit all over King's first 4 comics.

Great job ignoring the point, retard.