Nobody can deny that Soundwave is the coolest character of the Transformers

Nobody can deny that Soundwave is the coolest character of the Transformers

Attached: Soundwave15.jpg (640x480, 34.43K)

Other urls found in this thread:

For me: Shockwave.

Attached: vlcsnap-00113.png (512x384, 267.62K)

How? He's so uncharismatic.


Attached: Swindle10.jpg (720x540, 49.86K)

For me it's Starscream

I like most versions of Grimlock and I think he's cooler than Soundwave.

Attached: Dinobot Grimlock1.jpg (1280x1811, 306.94K)

Logical choice.

Never underestimate the power of a cool voice

More than any other character, Soundwave has been fucked over by the Transformers franchise shifting away from cartooniness. Specifically, the deemphasizing of mass-shifting. It's easy to give Megatron another alt mode if he can't be a gun. He can just be something that HAS a gun, like a tank or a helicopter gunship or something. But what do you turn Soundwave into if he can't be a music player? It's just awkward.

The coolest transforms always seem to be the jets or the helis.

He can just have rectangles in his chest, no big deal.

I think you also have to factor in cassettes being outdated his modern viable mass-shifting form is a stereo
I think his cybertronian street light alt mode in WFC/FoC worked
and for a mobile alt mode pic related

Attached: Soundwave.jpg (993x758, 124.96K)

Was he the original Nigga Lamp?

Attached: Soundwavemplampost.jpg (1022x666, 123.23K)

No argument there

Attached: Soundwave runs away.webm (720x540, 1.33M)

I'll give you that Soundwave was awesome, but I love me some Blaster.

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I always loved their fights.

Overall yes.

Once you start getting into categories like best toy by transformation, color scheme, use in comics, specific incarnation, best in each generation/series, and so on then Soundwave may only appear once or twice.

For the record, the guy that made most of the original Transformers toys likes Perceptor the best.

Attached: 85CE8A35-710B-4D63-8123-34602F7067DF.jpg (480x640, 93.8K)

>Pic related
He headed the call of the Last Prime

Can Grimlock move his little T-rex arms while they're on his back?

Dangerously based.

If you have to reinvent the wheel then you dont believe in your own product. Transformers is a silly concept by itself, even bayformers of all AUs have even cellphones that throw rockets. Megatron losing his gun form was a mistake.

Yeah, he wishes.

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>Megatron losing his gun form was a mistake.
You can't sell a toy gun. And the toys--and their capability to sell--will always come first

It was always Scoop, the working-man's Autobot.

Attached: nobody wants Scoop.jpg (2592x1936, 1.17M)

I love the Kanada style twitchy animation when he's launched in the sky.

Soundwave Superior? Omega... SUPREME

Attached: Omega Supreme.jpg (1482x1230, 268.24K)

I like him being a surveillance truck, alternatively there was that old micro-cassette recorder design.

A well-made cartoon parent is always a winner.

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Does anyone know if that mad man on /toy/ managed to make a Devastator made entirely of Scoops? I know he managed to make the legs but lost track after that.

I can turn Scoop into either an arm or a leg for CW teams, but I only own one of the orange boy and moved onto fucking around with printed
CW adapter parts for 5mm pegs
I wonder if that other user who wanted to make a Slicer custom ever got passed his engineering roadblock?

Let's see him make this impressive of an entrance.

Attached: ShockwaveSecondGeneration1.jpg (340x510, 46.54K)

Attached: Soundwave vs Blaster.webm (640x480, 2.06M)

Attached: Soundwave vs Blaster2.webm (640x480, 2.9M)

Attached: Soundblaster.webm (640x480, 2.62M)

Hell yeah dude

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Thats the worst approach to transformers, it makes it stagnant and boring. Transformers should be all about getting cool new ideas and designs. you're boring and would probably work for Hasbro.

Based as fuck

Attached: Tud3_starscream_smirkiest.jpg (567x443, 51.18K)

So who is the best Autobot that isn't Optimus Prime?

Simple brains.

Attached: Wheeljack.jpg (720x540, 58.54K)

Attached: warpath.jpg (768x1024, 102.07K)

Whheljack, Jetfire, or Nightbeat.

and yet he still looks cooler
All other waves BTFO

>Pretending it isn't Metroplex
>Pretending that even after Metroplex anyone comes with in energon cube distance of Grimlock

Omega Supreme > Metroplex

it's no "Till All Are One" user

best soundwave

Attached: Vocal percussion on a whole 'nother level Coming from my mind.gif (361x240, 3.64M)

this makes "Auto Bop" look down right Shakespearean

I think Scoop is only $5 on BBTS.

that is a strong bridge

Attached: Soundwave dance.webm (1920x1080, 2.4M)

Go merge yourself, Constructicons.

What was he planning to do here?

Attached: Cybertron Alliance 2.png (1197x414, 679.38K)

Totally worth it. He is a nice orange lad.

I always wondered to myself what if he and Blaster were besties with each other (à la Professor X and Magneto from X-Men) before some sort of incident turned Soundwave to the dark side.

Attached: Blaster and Soundwave.jpg (650x387, 304.76K)

I dig this.

Picture it
>Microbots are discriminated against in Cybertron
>Soundblaster and Wave are the one of the few that befriend/respect them
>Soundwave meets Megatron while helping/healing Laserbeak Megatron also respects him/treats him equitably
>Soundwave starts warming up to him
>Both Soundwave and Blaster are lower class
>Megatron suggests the join him in the Arena
>Soundwave signs up but Blaster doesn't want to
>Soundwave wants to join with his cassettes the manager laughs him off and says "Sure it'll be good for a laugh"
>Ravage wrecks the compitetion
>After the fight Megatron tells Soundwave his plans and generally demogauges to him
>Soundwave joins up becomes his most loyal ally but starts drifting apart from Blaster until the day Megatron gives his speech in the Arena and things pop off

Do Combiners count?

Wait a minute.

That’s Clever Girl Slash. She’s only been a thing for like two years, and as far as I know only in one toy.

Is this fanart or a new comic?

I agree.

Attached: Soundwave_Prime.jpg (550x811, 51.96K)

I'm a Roadbuster fan myself. It's just a shame that he's not in much stuff and when he is, he's usually a punching bag.

Attached: roadbuster.jpg (300x397, 45.37K)