I like Juggs, you like Juggs, post Juggs. Juggs thread

I like Juggs, you like Juggs, post Juggs. Juggs thread.

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Hey Dan Slott!

This single Panel is more memorable than your entire career.

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This is maybe my favorite Juggernaut moment.


He was a Monster in Mutant Academy 2.

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In hindsight, do you think that Stan Lee should have just made the Juggernaut be Charles' evil blood-related brother who is a mutant like him rather than his evil stepbrother who got powers by unnconected means?

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>Juggs transforms into a tank

>rather than his evil stepbrother who got powers by unnconected means?
I like it, adds nuance, also I like the Cyttorak angle, he should be discussed more.

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How do you guys feel about him?

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It's kinda redundant like giving Superman Venom/Titan.

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I can how it’s kind of redundant but it’s kind of like a natural progression. A better example would to give Spider-Man the Symbiote.


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I get yeah, His strength did double.

This is Juggernaut's new sidekick, say something nice about her.

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When will BASED Juggernaut pay the muties a visit? And can they stop him if he does?

Will Jobbernaut job again? Or will main character plot armor save him? Immortalk Hulk doesn't have a good track record with guest-appearance fights.

She gonna be a Lesbian...

Can’t wait, it’s going to be fun, Kill Crew WS badass as well.
>Immortalk Hulk doesn't have a good track record with guest-appearance fights.
Kind of answered your own question. IH jobs then wins in the end.

Hi Quicksand

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Looks like some kind of sorceress.

Bye Quicksand

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She's a mutant, with the power to fuck with Juggernaut power... but I bet that his magic will be stronger than her mutant power.


>not posting the classic first video

>When will BASED Juggernaut pay the muties a visit? And can they stop him if he does?
I hope that’s a whole arc where Juggs just runs through Krakoa and kills Xavier.

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Do you think he will fuck her? he didn't fuck a lot of girls... only Amber, Sachi and She-Hulk.

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>When will BASED Juggernaut pay the muties a visit?
Never, he will save them in issue 2 tho!

>And can they stop him if he does?
Of course, there are like 10 telepaths there, not to mention Magik that can fuck his link with Cyttorak.

The classic is classic, but everybody and their mother knows it. No one knows the equally if not superior J2

When a Animoo Fan doodle is more inkeeping with essence of the character.

In short Fuck Jason Aaron!

Attached: Screenshot_2020-04-02 𝔎𝔞𝔦𝔫𝔢 on Twitter Maybe it's just me, but I find it kind of creepy that Thor and She-Hulk are an [...].png (589x2014, 1.73M)

I've been summoned.

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Isn't she 15

Sad Juggernaut is sad!

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No. There’s already enough mutant villains, and there’s already enough super strong mutants. Part of Juggernaut’s character is that his strength is straight up unnatural, beyond any mutant’s capability in that regard. Making him a mutant lessens the impact of him.

Based and truthpilled.

I’m actually liking the art.

Also the point is that Cain was abused as a child, and considered it unfair the Charles had natural powers to protect himself(and cause his father to prefer Charles more).

Cain having to seek out powers to protect himself makes a lot more sense character wise than being given them.

>we get a based Jen and Thor ship
>both are cucked by Aaron
>Jen is a dumb ugly brutish monster with a child’s intellect
>Thor is a pussy
Fuck this gay earth.

>I recognize that buldge!!!

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>Cain having to seek out powers to protect himself makes a lot more sense character wise than being given them.
This. Cain earned his powers, Charles Always had them, didn’t earn them, yet still feels superior. Reminds me of that Doom BTFOing.

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>slott retconned it
>someone retconned it back


Same. The chaotic roughness of it works.

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Only Doom can criticize someone for being full of themselves while talking in the third person.

Aaron makes Thor into a statutory Rapist like what Singer did to Superman in Returns.

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