ITT-post extinct animals that deserve to be in Yas Forums more

ITT-post extinct animals that deserve to be in Yas Forums more

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"sniff sniff"

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in this case it means cry

Ever since I found out about this fucker, I've been lamenting it's extinction.


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There is a DC heroine called Thylacine

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I wanna see my boy Opabinia in a cartoon.

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The dodo is easily the most overrepresented of those though, simply because it was used as a symbol of recently extinct species back when boomers grew up.

That was the Panda dude

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Stop kiddo

Are you high?

Pandas aren't even extinct dumdum

Remember that scene in the first Ice Age movie where the dodos fall into geysers and are explicitly said to have died? That was hilarious.

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GOAT comedy scene. So many fantastic lines.
>So you got three melons?
>There goes our last female.
>Hey, look, dinner and a show.

boomers still believe Panda is gonna extinct

There are comic characters called Mammoth


Based ice ageposters

Terror birds in general should be in everything.

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She'd look better if she had the stripe pattern that Thylacines actually had.

On her normal skin or costume?

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I swear the last time Dodos were relevant in animation was the first Ice Age movie.

To do the latter you'd have to expose her back to her calves and also come up with a reasonable explanation of why a presumably abbo girl has skin patterns like that. I mean, I'm down, but I imagine a pattern on her costume's legs would be easier.

I’m surprised no one posted either YoYo or GoGo yet

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so skin or costume?

>Land Crocodiles
>ancient whales that looked kinda like reptiles
>those weird elephants with chin teeth

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It's even sadder if you consider how recently they got extinct. The last one died around the early XX century.

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I really need more of these little fellas. They are the chaddest chickens that ever existed.

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> not posting bathornithids aka the superior MURICAN version

>Passenger pigeons used to be so numerous they'd literally blacken the sky
>Numbers whittled down drastically
>Eventually the last two surviving individuals were both found by ornithologists on the same day in two parts of the country
>They both shot them
I'm not down with the hippy-dippy 'humans are the REAL virus" crap but stuff like this does boil my blood a bit.

Great Auk have similarly sad end.
>last known 2 have eggs
>rare egg collector wants rare egg
>hires thugs to steal one
>also hires them to smash all the others so his will be rarer
>they do
Fucking shit,dude.

The Dodo was pretty great.

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Doc Frankenstein did feature a Dodo bird, it was the pet of one of the kids working at the docs city.

post it

Personal favorite. I even did a report on them for school.

I'm guessing Archibald McLeach was based on that bellend.

These are fucking Monsters WTF

Megafauna in general is greatly underappreciated.
Sure, Genndy made a cool dino and caveman show, but it would be awesome if, instead of random giant bats, he also put shit like andrewsarchus or terror birds in.
There's a human, mammoths and giant spiders alongside dinosaurs in there, anything should be fair game.

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Gorgonopsids really need more representation.

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So what do you think will go extinct next?
>inb4 man

The series is placed in ancient america.
There can't be other animals

Gorillas aren't native to North America.

>The western black rhino and northern white rhino have recently become extinct in the wild. The only two remaining northern white rhino are kept under 24-hour guard in Ol Pejeta Conservancy in Kenya.

there was an episode of penguins of madagascar where they killed several dozen Dodo's

Auks were often burned alive because their feathers and flesh were very oily and there was no wood where they lived so settlers burned to cook other auks. Also, since they were so goofy looking sailors just bashed them to death for the thrill of it.

Cheetahs. All of them are inbred

First Ice Age is an underrated gem.

Cheetahs are to cute to truly go extinct
They're also the only big cat you can safely approach and have some rather house-cat like behavior when you do so

people will keep them going

That's so fucked that it's funny. Poor bastards.

They have been trying to recreate them with selective breeding for a while now.

this thing is cool af.
also i'm glad it is not around anymore.

issue with recreating them is that there's no good relatively to try the cloning+implant technique on
mammoths may actually come back through it as the indian elephant is close enough

The selective breeding and the implant are different thing.
With the selective breeding they take an species closer to the extincted creature and start to breed them with other similar species until they get an individual that is closer to the animal they are trying to "recreate".
It is not cloning, but it is also as good as they can get given that they did it to some species already (they are never going to be genetically the same as the extincted species, but neither would cloning)

Although the problem you pointed out is real for this procedure too.

How can you forget Polly? She was the McGuffin of the whole movie too!

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>Koala, maybe? Didn't the fires completely fuck their numbers?

I like terror birds and synapsid.

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>No results on reverse image search
Link to the full drawing, please?

Giant sloths are like something out of Avatar.

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Wasn’t there a cartoon episode where they keep reviving the dodo because they have the natural instinct to kill himself?

>when your genus has been around long enough to opportunistically prey upon the two dominant species on earth

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