Was this necessary in a children's movie?

Was this necessary in a children's movie?

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Manchildren are not real children.

they litearlly can't help themselves
they made wonder woman a dyke too in superman red son

those films arent for children

Those movies were written by sjw pushers. and Wonder Woman is still not a dyke nor bi. She have Never kissed any gal, it's all lies and slander.

Whit leftist always using black bodies to push their white lbgt faggot ideology.

>implying you'd go out with some fat ape blob if you looked like a topmodel


>what are mafia/cartel wives

>Children's movie
Dude what.

>t. a white supremacist projecting very hard who would abandon a black at the first given opportunity
>inb4 pretends to be black as if anyone believes them

Retarded concept art
Literally the same face

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you can tell its people who dont actually watch cartoons whining about it when they think
cartoon=for children

this one even brings up a completely different thing to get mad about

Kids are pervs

>Women are worthless sexual objects even for other women.
What about it? Is just a realistic representation of reality.

They all looked the same and just as ugly.

It was rated pg 13.

>uses 4chins
Good one user

>all these plebs jealous of based Etta getting all that mad island puss
Cry more.

I don't understand what you mean by necessary. Unless you mean that the archetype for all characters needs to be a straight white man. Therefore any deviation from that needs to be explained. Which not everyone believes.

It's true.
Black people are used to push gay stuff because they don't want to show whites or jews as gays.

They won't even admit that ww is a massive dyke and should logically be retarded when it comes to men and a massive rapey lesbo.

>fisted to useless unwashed hairy island dyke pussy

Writer's have been implying that Diana's bi since the 90s.

Forgot the image

Attached: diana's bi.jpg (1041x1600, 598.7K)

What's the matter, you jealous?

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There are a lot of gay white characters, usually twinks. But I dont know any gay jew character (unless steven universe counts as a jew)

Marsten has outright stated that she's bi from fucking inception.

Hinting at somethign that is a part of that creepy perverts meat beat/but dildoing fantasy and outright stated is stupid.
It's like hinting that superman comes from another planet.

Me on the left.


You can always tell that there's always some tranny retard flocking to this kind of thread to give some half-assed retarded excuse to defend whatever shit that SJW peddle in recent years

Was this bait thread really necessary, Op?

We must "normalize" homosexuality to children
it's not social engineering we swear

So Diana is full unironic dyke but is politically straight/has a dick fetish.

>gay jew character
He exists look it up

>No one lives life differently than I do!

The supposed SJW are just the useful tools and paid shills of very evil very monsterous people.
This is being pushed as part of a way to destablize families cause emotional dischord and destroy socieities.

There is nothing wrong with normalizing LGBTQA.
There is everythign wrong with lionizing it and gtrying to convince children they are gay or trans

t.lgbtqa child brainwashing shill.

She's an Amazon created by the Gods. She'd probably fuck anything because that's what the ancient greek gods do, but since she's on amazonia she limits herself to puss. It's like when you're raised in the deep south, you leave home and then you get the dick.

It's called Propaganda.

I hate when casuals thinks WW is greek accurate.
Yeah, she fucks everything, but not because she is gods related

>I must push my fetishes onto others, especially children
I'm okay with people living the way they want, just stop forcing it onto everyone else

You dont understand the character, greece, or human beings in general.
You are a creep pushing a gay brainswashing angle onto ignorants.

I hope you don't try to imply that teaching "gay is bad" is NOT an example of social engineering.

She's accurate to the ancient real history of the amazons.
But the super powers and fuckign dudes and wanting to see mans world thing is the recent stuff added by marsten and his lesbian mistress who cucks and pegs him and made him live with her and her girlfriend.

>She's accurate to the ancient real history of the amazons.
Moulton didn't care about amazon's "real" mythology
>But the super powers and fuckign dudes and wanting to see mans world thing is the recent stuff added by marsten and his lesbian mistress who cucks and pegs him and made him live with her and her girlfriend

I want to know the aftermath of that image...

No one is actually saying "gay is bad" we are saying that lionizing homosex to children and making it seem heroic while at the same time spitting on heteronormativity and het men and women is not problematic.
It's evil as fuck and stinks of social manipulation of children, idiots, and people who have their guard down psychologically.
Do you think women here would be okay if it was a black guy standing between two white women...sorry raciall ambiguous island dykes?

Hell no. There'd be screaming from the outrage baiters and queers like you and bitchy cunts who've been hard trained to have certain kneejerk reactions who're looking for something to be angry about because they aren't getting dicked properly if at all.

>She's accurate to the ancient real history of the amazons.

In the real world, this is absolute bullshit, since there IS no 'real history of the Amazons'. They are a fictional people.

Now if you are talking about the mythical Amazons - it's still total bullshit. Why would you write something so dumb?

>No one is actually saying "gay is bad"
Thanks for lying so early in your post, so I can safely ignore the rest.

We aren't forcing anything. You are doing that by saying that anything that deviates from your definition of normal is a "fetish".

I miss OG Etta Candy

Show me.
Show me where I said gay is bad.
And no, don't point to an obvious fucking strawman erected to make me look like a full on bigot.
I've plowed many a lesbian and allowed a twink to suck my dick once and took a transmans virginity. Both of them.
I have no qualms with lgbtqa. I'm...a ho.

But I'll be damned if you think I'm going to fall for this shit or not say anything about what's going on here.

Homosexuality isn't evil, but is not youth appropriate. As homosexuality in general is about sexual attraction and that is on the grounds of said guardians to teach. Not to be thought by anyone else. Not in public schools, not in church, and especially not even mentally ill mass media boot-lickers.

>We aren't forcing anything. You are doing that by saying that anything that deviates from your definition of normal is a "fetish".

You are in fact forcing this
And no one said this is a fetish.
We all know that this is an abhorrent sexuality and oft a negative reaction to some past event or chemical fuck up.

The way this was portrayed while they demonized normale heterosexuality and heteronormativity in the same work speaks volumes. It's also why WW isn't really liked despite how hard WB and ((those people)) try to push her.

I'll do you better, Diana indicating she's done romantic slow dancing with other amazons, in the 70's comic.

>You've never done this before?
>Not with a man, steve

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By that argument any romantic subplot in children's media should be banned because they all deal with sexual attraction. The reason little timmy likes little susie is because genetics are telling him that he likes her, otherwise he wouldn't bother with that crap and spend all day chasing frogs.

>Show me where I said gay is bad.
>I said
>No one is actually saying "gay is bad"
>No one is actually saying
>No one
Not the user you are quoting, but you are acting disingenuous, switching the point from "no one" to acting like it was only about YOU being solely accused of saying gay is bad.

this was a very bad deflect you did, there.

Genetics is the truest form of life. Male on female is not as deviant as male on male or vice versa. That is just the facts of life.

why would i entertain a liar?

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>Genetics is the truest form of life.
Truth has nothing to do with genetic or life. biology exist outside of any abstract concept.

>My worthless opinion is "the facts of life"

You are where you belong.

Deviancy has no place in a discussion about genetics. Genetics has no morality only existence. Someone with brown hair is not more or less moral than someone with red hair. Morality is determined by the society that the individual is born into not the fact of their birth.

Moving goal post in a desperate attempt to find something to hide your bullshit behind. Okay.
Then show the post then.
I'll wait.
Don't go back and point to an obvious strawman.
Show a post that says "GAY IS BAD".
I'll wait.

I actually said it's a fetish to piss these people off.
>we just want to be treated normally
fucking basards lied and now demand everyone use their made up words. I'll use any damn pronouns I want how I want and where I want

the one moving goal posts is (you)

Basically every society you can name has almost the same basic moralities.
And if a society has morality that is so abhorrent and self destructive that their own society can not function or functions horribly.
Then it is a morality and society that we should not be a part of or take steps to destroy.

You are moving goal posts.
My goal posts is that this being pushed onto kids and mentally weak people to brainwash them.
That's it.

Never changed in position once.

Thank you strawman user. You really helped your friends on the other side of the aisle

they can't provide evidence because they can only strawman and use buzzwords, you're wrong in the fact that you think you will get a real answer out of them.