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supervillain gf ftw
self starter
focus is outside of the relationship
graveside humor
likely daddy issues
if she gets too out of hand you can call the authorities

>imagine wanting Lex Luthor to be your waifu
This meme was made by Gang Weed

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>if she gets too out of hand you can call the authorities
Faggot, you don’t deserve a supervillian gf

can i have a sidekick bf?

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What kind of plebeian doesn't choose Super Villain GF?

>You can pilot my killer giant robot if you want to

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you think she wouldn't turn on you if the roles were reversed? you're too naive for a supervillain gf

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>if she gets too out of hand you can call the authorities
>betraying your GF
You treacherous cur.

and she'll love me all the more for it

>I'll give you Australia
Honey, if I wanted to rule a 3rd world shithole, I wouldn't need you to take it over for me.

According to venture bros supervillain relationships are ironclad as fuck
>Monarch lets other men fuck his wife on multiple occasions
>Their relationship is still ironclad and she still wants him more than any other human being on the planet


Or she will execute you.

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Big Dick Alpha Chad energy. That and he's probably a good cuddler.

the game of love is perilous, no?

Supervillain is the only one who would actually enjoy her job. Much healthier in the long run

>gets cucked on the regular
Supervillain gf with sidekick as sidechick

Not him but read his post again. Carefully this time.

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>Let's do an evil laugh together
Fucking sold. Australia is just a bonus at that point.

>Supervillain gf with sidekick as sidechick

Taking the superhero gf is cucked af

To be fair he fucks other women too. They're swingers, but I don't think they've done that in a long time.

look on the bright side user...
40 cakes

Just to pilot a giant killer robot

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Supervillain gf, she a qt redhead and dating a villain means you don't get horribly killed and she most likely doesn't turn into an edgefag.

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>no minion GF
>I’m currently writing a story where the main character is a minion to a villain
>her relationship later in the story is really cute
Why does nobody go for the minion GF

>all these villan-abetting replies
>oh and some sidekicks I guess
Why does no one want a superhero gf?

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superhero gf
>wants you to be out of the way all time
>says she cares but secretly hangs out with her other superpowered friends
>sex is meh, she doesn't wsnt that much commitment
shes the epitome of a bible thumper


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You are based. Keep being that way

Wrong type of minion! I’m not talking about the little deformed yellow things
I’m talking about the army of somewhat well paid uniformed mooks

>you will never be a superhero and have a supervillain who's madly in love with you and you'd be cool with that if she wasn't evil

nothing can beat a cute redhead who genuinely likes you despite being a villain

dat's preddy cliche mate
instead, be the non-powered normie happily dating the super-villainess, to the surprise of everyone.

isn't that kinda dangerous?
you either have some Crazed vigilante looking to strike at the villain or the feds hot on your ass as a "person of interest"

There's a difference between dating a supervillain and dating a cartel boss.
One of them has death robots.

and uh, the fact that supervillains tend to be way better and less brutal than cartel bosses.
Those guys are a horrible bunch.

Wouldn't the Death robots give them more reason to chase her down and you by extension?
one sec you are watching tv in your living room the next a bunch of heroes come trough the door ready to beat your ass senseless to capture her and stop the robot army

Yeah, but you really gotta wonder. Are those paragons of justice really going to feel ok at night if they take a kind and loving person hostage, when that man’s only crime was loving someone evil?

sounds like a cool premise
>dude starts dating some hot, but extremely forceful lady
>normal relationship stuff, until she texts him out of the blue that she won't be able to see him for a while
>on the news he sees that power-guy finally put away that dastardly doom-inatrix
>the lady in the battle footage looks strangely familiar
>he gets a text roughly saying 'hey I managed to clear things up, want to go grab some drinks?'
>breaking news! doom-inatrix has escaped from the metro supermax jail!
>closeup of guy as he realizes what's going on
>end of first installment
probably a comedy with some serious moments down the line as he grapples with the fact that he genuinely loves her and the fact that her newest plan is genuinely going to wipe out most of the city

I don't think we're dealing with the edgy 'torture and kill!" type of 'heroes' considering stuff like giant killer robots exist.
Most likely what happens is that you're watching TV and a hero bursts down the door to find some normal guy with a bowl of cheese croquets. Then i don't now, the hero probably asks some questions and then leaves. Not that i'd actually rat on her plans.

It's interesting, except for the forceful dominatrix part
does it not sound better for the dude to be like the one guy she trusts enough to be soft around.
Also, it'd be fun to see something like where they find you expecting to meet some right-hand commander just to find a normie

Nice try
We are all dead inside

Maybe forceful was the wrong word, perhaps assertive would be the better term. Doom-inatrix was just me trying to come up with some cheesy name for a female supervillain. I like the idea of some normal guy in a normal-ish relationship thrust into the world of superpowered antagonism, getting more and more involved as the story progressed, dealing with groups such as the not-GCI.

that sounds fun, like if you're the one civvie in the middle of some big battle
>Oh shit a building is about to fall on top of me
>The giant robot ignores the hero to run to your aid
>Oh shit and explosion went off and now you're about to fall to your death
>The hero has to leave your gf alone for a bit to save your stupid ass
>Both cops and minnions trying to get you to safety while thinking the other side wants to capture you

she a cute

haha, very nice
wish i was a writefag to write something like one of those long greentexts of pastebin fics with the plot

You've got it lad

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>harem comedy with these three archetypes and the protagonist is a Batman wannabe
fund it

no, haremfags get the bullet
i just wanna see normal dude and cute redhead villain together

Laugh with me, Yas Forums! Laugh with me!

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you shouldn't be laughing that hard, your throat's gonna start hurting again and i'm worried