RIP Owl.
Simon Hanselman's Instagram conics have been great.
Did he move back in with those cunts?
It's non-canon
Good. canon is shhit.
Post the whole thing
it's all on simon's instagram
haha get fucked
Post everything
I don't like this weird shit he's doing with parenthesis and colons in the fucking dialogue boxes.
>That non-canon time when Owl caught the covid and still lived with his fuck-up friends.
Crazy times.
I interpreted it as mumbling
I thought it wasn't a real strip because of it. That it was some fan making a parody strip.
yo everyone asking for this to be dumped, yeah some user could do it but it would take such a long time, these comics are being posted panel by panel, as individual images on simon's instagram, anyone who wanted to dump it would have to go through saving each panel one by one then arranging them into pages. i'm sure someone will do it when the story finishes, cause it's doubtful this will come out in a print collection, but until then just read it on instagram.
for the instagram-illiterate: go to
Whats going on?
I imagine it'll show up in a future zine collection, if Seeds & Stems sells well enough. Only thing I can't see being collected is probably Truth Zone.
Love that Owl has been manning up to the limit throughout this. Shame it's non-canon
>Log in to view posts from simon.hanselmann.
You just know that this was written by the creator.
you don't have to, you're probably trying to view his story
nah i ain't simon bro, just trying to be helpful and get the comic out to people, we all need some MM&O in these times.
shit yeah i think instagram doesn't let you scroll very far down someone's page if you're not logged in/don't have an account. i thought the first post of the comic might be close enough to the top that it wouldn't matter
it's the best MMO has been in a while
The zines come out regularly and have been great
last one i read was the one in playboy which was disappointing and felt like hanselmann on autopilot
Canon is terrible, the story should just exist in a permanent 2010 where nothing ever changes because otherwise WWJ is dead in 2017 and he's the best character (but his death is really predictable and surprising he didn't die earlier). 35 is pretty old for a drug addict.
Still waiting for a scan of that one
Also need:
Megahex 2020
Below Ambition
Knife Crime
WWJ & Sons 3
I just found WWJ & Sons 3
Don't have 2 though.
Just found Knife Crime too.
There's thread on 420 where I posted all the panels of this as pages. And I'll continue dumping them over there as new ones come out. I'd dump it here, but got no time for it.
>several published books
>70k followers on Instagram
> begging for views on a dying board
Seems legit.
He just posted a new batch on Instagram.
>all the recovered people saying the fever dreams are really intense
New Alpha Owl pleases me
owl please, please get your life together
megg and mogg are basically fucked if they don't do something
werewolf jones is already dead
love these comics but they are anxiety inducing
>being able to dream
sounds nice
God I fucking hate Hanselman for doing this shit. Chrissakes just MAKE YOUR FUCKING CONTENT ACCESSIBLE THROUGH A FUCKING NORMAL, NON-GIMMICK MEANS
Werewolf Jones died in an alternate timeline, they got the infinity stones in this one.
You can use JDownloader to grab entire Instagram accounts.
Give me a few minutes and I'll grab the current entirety of Simon's Insta.
You'd have a harder time finding his stuff if he did, you stupid fag.
relax he'll compile it all for a zine or book later on
He's just being actively a cunt rather than passively.
The thing is that after Tumblr died, Instagram has become a de-facto place for webcomics. Individual panels for each slide, and one final image with the original page. Also, Patreon/socmed plugs.
Seriously, dig around on Instagram for a while and you'll find hella mo webcomics. Even "Perry Bible Fellowship" has a presence.
as long as i live i will never forgive the suits for killing tumblr's porn scene
Post em
They really should have taken PornHub's buyout offer when they had the chance.
If I recall, Yahoo! bought Tumblr for $1.1B, and after the Verizon buyout it was sold to Wordpress for $3M.
From a billion-dollar company to a few-million-dollar company. Still crazy to me.
tumblr was a fucking awful place to host webcomics though, and I hated sorting through Hanselman's tumblr since the archive is fucking garbage.
Just because these platforms are preferred doesn't mean they are the "best". Which is why individual sites or platforms like hiveworks that are actually formatted to be read like a normal goddamn book are objectively better than playing into these lazy fucking artists' social media addictions.
more importantly it was a containment site. now all those deranged psychos are out on the wider web getting up to god knows what.
if i wanted to make a webcomic, what's a good site or template to use then?
Everyone dreams. It's super easy to start remembering it. Step one is to get enough sleep, dreams is what happens when you're between sleep and being awake, if you don't get enough sleep, you sleep too deeply to dream. Step two is to meditate before and also after sleep, thinking that you want to remember your dreams, even saying it out loud, the thing is your brain might just be discarding these memories because it thinks they are useless crap (which they subjectively are). Step three is to start a dream diary once you start remembering bits of dreams, this helps solidify step 2 and helps you remember more dreams and eventually leads to lucid dreaming which is the step you really start enjoying dreams on.
Here's all the pages some random user made of this over at 420. Who konws how long Hanselmann is keeping this going. But the guy at 420 says he'll keep updating with new pages.
I did not know about this.
Do you think it would be a good place to put one's webcomic on?
>yfw still posting here in 2020
Actually, yes. You'd have to treat it more like a daily/thrice-weekly newspaper or web comic, but if you can do it right then you can reach a sizeable audience.
I believe the Instagram-based webcomic community is pretty welcoming as well; I believe there have been some small crossovers between comics, especially around holidays.
Reminder: they've only ever wanted to herd people like cattle, and now they have an excuse.
im going to cough on you and i hope you die like the retarded fat british pm is currently doing
Sorry that it took longer than a few minutes. But here's every Instagram post. It's about 500MB or so. There's a few videos in there.
Whatever you can afford easily that features the audience you wish to attract.
I'm not going to say I'm an expert, but content congregation sites like hiveworks are fine since it has a built-in audience of webcomic readers that will more than likely click on your bullshit once they get caught up on whatever their preferred reading is, depending on the genre. Otherwise, make your own site. Shit, tumblr isn't that bad, YOU JUST NEED TO SET YOURS UP SO I CAN ACTUALLY NAVIGATE THE FUCKING THING WITHOUT HAVING AN ANUERISM.
Just make sure that it can be read in a decent, linear manner.
but if you want to make this a serious venture, you have to think about what audience you're most likely going to attract, and just deal with whatever platform THEIRS is of choice instead of taking the angry advice of a 26 year old boomer that doesn't like downloading social media apps.
>platforms like hiveworks
Hiveworks isn't a platform. They just teach their affiliates to use the same ComicsPress layout for their individual sites.
Though they might be using something else these days. I've dropped all the HW comics I used to read.
Empty threats only change the feeblest of minds.
Do you have any download/links or such, please?
Knife Crime got a storytime here when it first came out but nothing else since