I miss this little nigga like you wouldn't believe

I miss this little nigga like you wouldn't believe

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Nah, his comic sucked. That whole “Not-Marvel” movement was so odd.

he was of the young justice comic recently

Which spider-man is this? Ive lost track

Same. Kind of wish Morrison took over.
Fuck you, user. Silencer was good too, and that line gave us The Terrifics too

I'd rather him be forgotten forever than written by Bendis.

The latino one. No not that one the other one

DC's Latino spot spiderman

Disappointed we never got her MJ moment in the story

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I never finished reading this.
It was kinda interesting, but I could never shake the feeling that it was such a blatant spiderman derivative.

Would it kill you to spell "Spider-Man" right? Second, he's not really like Peter. Or does Parker suddenly have a monopoly on teen heroes now?

>he's not really like Peter

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>Peter and Derek both talk to people at doors therefore they're the same

That's his biological mom you fucking dingus

That’s right, fucking love me some Terrifics

Yeah use some words or context or something.

It was really just the suit design and highschool setting that did it for me.

Speaking of which I miss Silencer. It was nice to see Honor in Wonder Woman. Although her story had a nice book end

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It's mostly the costume but he also has his own uncle ben and came around the same time as the not-hulk and Terrifics came out.

When this issue came out the consensus here was it was a deliberate homage. This happened right after Uncle Mom died, remember? Oh that's right, you were still on reddit.

I wish we got more of him and kill speed

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The suit I'll give you, meant to invoke the imagery, but the "uncle ben" thing is kind of a stretch given the plot they were setting up what with alt universe stepmom.
>When this issue came out the consensus
Bullshit. I was here for every storytime thread you liar.
>You were still on reddit
>If I lie out my ass and call others reddit it helps me blend in

>e-everyone else thought it too
Fuck yourself a couple people brought it up but it's still not the same at all. The only thing they have in common is a surprise person at the door.

killspeed was wasted far too quickly.

She's not dead. Assuming Derek ever gets another solo, she could come back with a sweet cybernetic arm.

>Assuming Derek ever gets another solo, she could come back with a sweet cybernetic arm.

Hopefully, she got a pretty bad deal, getting speed force powers only to find out that it also speeds up her cancer cells and then losing an arm was really tragic.

Young Justice is average, I lack a hateboner for Bendis some in this board have so I can read it like normal.

My brother.

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You lying sack of shit

Are you implying that Derek's gonna fuck his mom?

I gotta say, Sideways always felt superficial in a way
A lot of the dialogue was very "fellow kids" and characters lacked a kind of chemistry.
It was like they wanted Spider-Man but didnt build up any depth. Derek doesnt have a reason to be a Superhero other than it's cool, but he never really learns that it's about more than that. Problems that he face tend to just solve themselves.
I dunno, maybe I just have to go back and read it but in the end it was an awkward attempt at a character they didnt really understand.

>A lot of the dialogue was very "fellow kids
What dialogue?
>Derek doesnt have a reason to be a Superhero other than it's cool
Did you even read the book?

It's been a while but yea
He got his powers from the dark verse and then decided to be a Superhero. I think there's a part where he says he wants to be famous for his heroics.
And it was usually the dialogue between him and Ernie. Whatever personality they was lost when they got into a loop
>snarky comment
>laugh, snarky comment
>laugh, snarky comment
But I guess I'm forgetting something.

DC keeping ripping off Marvel. How surprising

>It was like they wanted Spider-Man but didnt build up any depth. Derek doesnt have a reason to be a Superhero other than it's cool, but he never really learns that it's about more than that. Problems that he face tend to just solve themselves.

I get that too. That's why I was glad they dropped the selfie-youtube shit after the first issue. DC and Marvel seem lost on the idea of a superhero now. Like they're too meta into normie world and thinking about celebrities and super hero movies. They forgot all the tragedy and pain involved in super hero origins. It's cliche but there is always some kind of traumatic event that sets the heroes on their path too.

The model these days is "I randomly got super powers=super hero"... If they explored why that is a dumb and shallow idea with Sideways, that could be an interesting book.

Imagine having such a bad taste.

People denying that it was a rip-off are hilarious, it is literally a shittier Ultimate Spider-Man.

So do I.

>Derek going to get Bendis'd in his young justice book

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Are you implying Derek isn't a huge Momcon?

Attached: Momma's boy.jpg (935x355, 281.04K)

>Sideways always felt superficial in a way
That's because it was never Didio's baby in the first place. Kenneth Rocafort is the man behind Sideways and he never got to put any of his ideas into play. The Sideways we got is a pale shadow of what it was supposed to be.

Was that Morrison taking over rumor ever true?

He wrote the annual so people just hoped

That's false advertising, I remember people talking like he was gonna take over for Didio.

I wish I had two hot moms I could fuck.

How do you forget the "Be a hero or else the entire universe is fucked!" part?

>I miss this little nigga like you wouldn't believe
Where did this meme phrase come from? I never figured it out. I'm guessing some black person on twitter said it first and then everyone started repeating it.

Yes because it wasn't very memorable.

That's worse than being killed off.

Quit chimping out over bendis, you're acting like a little brother who tries way too hard to fit in.

Just bing it man

I need her ass on my face IMMEDIATELY.

At first he didn't even want to be a superhero, just famous. He started making Youtube videos, then Tempus showed up, then he reluctantly tried the hero thing to save his stepmom/friend, after that it was trying to find out who killed his stepmom, which after all of that he decided to be a hero. I don't really recall snarky comment stuff.
I don't really understand the issue with Youtube shit. It was one issue, and of course a teenager is going to try and get famous off superpowers

>I don't really understand the issue with Youtube shit
It's a real "how do you do fellow kids" moment that doesn't truly inform of us of anything.

>"how do you do fellow kids"
user you're not using that term right, and you're wrong on it not informing us of anything. HDYDFKs is basically using already outdated terms or trends to appeal to a younger generation. A teenager being a social media star is a thing, and is going to be a thing for a foreseeable future, so I think this is you just feeling old, or some other underlying issue at this point. Furthermore, the setup gave the writer a good chance to introduce the protagonist to the reader, as Derek's video introduction in an attempt to gain an internet following also provided the reader a quick rundown of who he is, and what his powers are. It's a standard literary trope wherein the main character addresses an ignorant party with the benefit of providing context for the reader. It's kind of like when Marty McFly from Back To The Future is the audience vessel that needs plot points explained to

Make it three. There's the dark multiverse version of his mom as well.

What was the damage? I fear what Bendis would do to Derek

>user you're not using that term right
Yeah I am. this is from the perspective that Didio added it because that's the only thing he knows about kids today.

There is no damage you mindless drone with your knee jerk meme response of DUR BENDIS BAD.

No, you're not. Now you're just projecting your hateboner of Dan Didio (a valid person to be pissed about I might add) and are reaching for things to shit on this book for.
user there's a valid concern to be wary of Bendis. He did absolutely no favors to Superman, has bad habits in his writing, and knowing him he would have had Derek speaking shit Spanish for no reason. Not saying he has "ruined" Derek, but his reputation has earned the hatred in most cases

It's great that when Marvel strayed away from their tried and true characters, DC jumped at the chance to write Marvel titles, and did it in a better way than most Marvel titles have in the past 10 years.

I fucking wish.

Dan Didio did more damage to Sideways than Bendis ever will.

pretty much every super is used to hearing that.
To be effective there needs to also be more personal reasons for a hero to exist, people and places close to them that they want to protect.