This is the best animated show in years and none of you give a shit. This is why we don't get quality adult animation. No one takes it seriously
This is the best animated show in years and none of you give a shit. This is why we don't get quality adult animation...
That's not an amazing cartoon, it's a middling decent anime. The structure, tone, and animation all follow anime conventions, so it's no wonder it's not super popular here.
It's not that good, anyway. The tone is super cringey, you can tell the writer thinks he's smarter and more insightful than he is. It's not very subtle, and it's not very deep.
thats funny because anime fans really dislike it because its not anime
Because it's Castlevania for people who don't like Castlevania and anime for people who don't like anime. Why would Yas Forums rally behind it?
true. Hated from all angles. That's too bad.
>The tone is super cringey, you can tell the writer thinks he's smarter and more insightful than he is. It's not very subtle, and it's not very deep.
In other's Warren Ellis.
This thing fucking blew. Admit it anons, you hate this show.
>an edgy video game cartoon that feels ashamed it's based off of a video game and overcompensates by saying bad words every five seconds
truly groundbreaking
>Hey, fans of Castlevania, we made a show for you!
>Except we changed a bunch of the characters history racebent a bunch of characters inserted shitty OC characters who are just there to bitch about men and insert wannabe Game of Thrones plotlines oh and also we will not just fucking will not stop bitching about the church it is a running plotline and we will not shut the fuck up because nuance is hard and also fuck the original Slypha you hated her anyway right also fuck Grant because his name is stupid or something also nobody liked Hector's game right because we fucked him up hard to cater to the creepy femdom fetish of the showrunner!
>Oh and season 3 has absofuckinglutely nothing to do with Castelvania but it does have Alucard taking it up the ass because that's progress or something... why don't any of you like our show!?
And having characters get unfucked.
>No one takes it seriously
Kind of hard to take it seriously when it keeps bitching and moaning about the church every fucking season like a 12 year old who really hates his religious parents. At some point, he just needs to get over it and write actual characters, but then you remember he tried with that shitty Totally-Not-GOT section in season 2 nobody gave a shit about and really, the church bitching is the best he's got. At least he's passionate about that.
>That's not an amazing cartoon, it's a middling decent anime. The structure, tone, and animation all follow anime conventions
all of this is true
>so it's no wonder it's not super popular here.
Do you mean Yas Forums, or the west in general? Because it's been extremely well-received from Day 1
high budget church bashing is at least refreshing in the west (especially here in the states) not enough people here have the balls to go all out with religious criticism. I know its like a common theme in eastern media
>Sypha worked for the church in the game
>Warren is too much of an arrested development teenage fedora that he has to invent a super secret society that hates the church for her to be from instead while she talks about how evil and backwards the church is because Flying Spaghetti monster forbid an Xtian be a good guy.
>Did I mention how much I FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE!
>Islam is cool, though.
The fuck are you on about. Every hacky "historical" media takes lazy potshots at the Church. Let's see someone do a Simon of Trent movie.
I like the part where Alucard gets his anus penetrated by a Japanese twink while he moans like a little bitch.
>why don't you like our show?!
user season 3 is well liked and well rated by the fans. They're wrong, but they like it.
>high budget church bashing is at least refreshing in the west (especially here in the states)
Was every single major budget movie that even offhandedly mentions the church not enough for you?
Seriously, when was the last big budget movie of any form that has a clergy character NOT using it in a negative light? Name one, seriously.
Let's hear your ideas for how Alucard could've been salvaged for Season 3, Yas Forums.
>the Jiang-Shi from Order of Ecclesia has come over to Japan to take advantage of the power vacuum left by the death of the Japanese vampire general
>it's far too much for the twins, so they come to Alucard for help
>he agrees and trains them up for a while, developing a friendship with the two of them
>he thinks they're ready, so they hop off to Japan to take it out
>Alucard takes a liking to the place, planting the seeds for later becoming Arikado
>the Jiang-Shi is far more powerful than Alucard thought, and while he's able to take it out, the twins are both killed in the battle
>his grief over losing them drives him back home and off to bed until SotN
someone's will probably get pegged next season and we all know who.
basically any horror movie, members of the church are always the good guys, except maybe The Nun (havent seen it so i dunno) in Man of Steel, Super Man goes to a church to get wisdom from the pastor, church has always been equated with good, its ingrained in american culture
Alucard getting pumped n dumped was fucking kino
she was so hot. When he pulled her panties off I came
Lenore is cute
Think you posted the wrong pic, user. Castlevania is just a low-tier Western anime
Slowpoke as fuck (already spoiled most of it anyway) but I'm watching the episodes right now. How the fuck did none of you notice Ellis put the fucking Bleed into Castlevania?
he's just not in Season 3 since he went back into the coffin at the end of Season 2
Nah, i actually liked it. I thought Issac was pretty baller and also the sea captain was pretty cool.
probably because I stopped watching around Episode 3 when I realized Alucard was literally just filler
Man of Steel?
Sort of. I feel bad for him because it's obvious he's out of his fucking mind shouldn't be around anybody, let alone shitty teens raised in a vampire charnel house. Dude needs a hug and a shrink
I really hope they up the master-slave shit they have going on next season. The second hottest scene they have together was the one where she beat the absolute shit out of him before stepping on him like a piece of trash.
Yeah it’s ”anime inspired”. It’s what Americans marketed ”Japanimation” to be in the 90s. But it lacks the cultural context of anime so you can tell the difference.
That fucking April Fools episode was metal as fuck, genuinely sold the entire story of a zombie outbreak in the span of just 20 minutes.
I'd say Ellis should take a lot more notes on showing and not telling, but its clear from the show he can't write well enough to pull it off.
I’m not watching it because of Adi Shankar
now this is the worst post i've ever read
is this show worth giving a shot? whats it about anyway? i want american cartoons that look similar detailed to a show like Avatar but this show seems like its a little too close to a wannabe anime.
it's about three chucklefucks going through 8 episodes of filler and one episode of action per season
yeah but thats less than 1/3rd of an other wise pretty middling season, which is the whole problem with this show. For every Isaac subplot, there is hector and carmilla.
its the witcher but better
i heard the witcher show was trash though
yeah its like a 6. This is a 7
listen. Sword and sorcery shit is hard to come by so get what you can. And Adult animated shit is hard to come by too so I don't get why everyone is hating so fucking hard. If there is other stuff like this and better out there please send it my way I would love to know.
>there's not a lot of adult animation
>so that means we need to slobber all over any garbage scraps that get thrown our way
>whats it about anyway?
The first season is about a disgraced vampire hunter meeting an apostate witch right as Dracula begins going to war with humans for burning his wife at the stake on false pretenses, and them trying to save a town being overran by Dracula's demons.
The second season is about them joining with Dracula's estranged half-human son to bring down Dracula, his army of vampire lords, their demon armies, and his magitek teleporting castle
Third season is about the fallout of that war and is mostly there to set up whatever happens in the 4th season, but deals heavily with loss of innocence and faith in anything
If its worth your time or not depends on how you feel about Warren Ellis as a writer
They hate it because it's not the games or exactly like the plot of one of them. The games are still there for them any time they want to play them. Doesn't change them at all.
yes. We will never get anything actually good with that attitude
>gay shit
Something like Primal or Samurai Jack for Simon's arc would be great, but I fear they're just gonna focus on Dracula and some OCs.
I hate it because it's just poorly made. Low-quality animation, FAR too little plot stretched over too many episodes (which is baffling considering how few episodes there are per season), and it's only season 3 and already an entire plot arc is literally just filler to give one of the main characters something to do.
What the fuck is the cultural context of anime
we literally got something good recently in Primal. I realize there's a temptation to praise garbage because it's all we have, and the siren song of "if we praise it we might get something good later," but it's more important to praise quality while calling trash what it is. Praising trash just gets you more trash.
dunno but you can tell the difference between eastern and western storytelling
I'm sorry about your shit taste, OP. It must suck.
>basically any horror movie
Name one
>Man of Steel
That's one movie. And for that there's piles of edgy garbage.
you literally asked him to name one
>This is the best animated show in years and none of you give a shit.
Because we agree, faggot.
The issue is all the differences between the games and the series are just insertions of fetish shit and fedoralord philosphy.
The irony being that the Castlevania games show more care in producing historical fiction elements than the show.
Man of Steel doesn't show the church as good, it shows the church to hammer home the Jesus imagery that was being pushed.
moving the goalposts
He was supposed to save it...
>The irony being that the Castlevania games show more care in producing historical fiction elements than the show.
You can just say you don't like Ellis without making up total bullshit
What happened to him? I thought he was going to save the show with the only other interesting character