Going through old comics and I found this ad for a fucking switch blade

Going through old comics and I found this ad for a fucking switch blade.
Post insane ads.
I've got a few more.

Attached: SAF-T-SHEATH hunting knife.png (1500x1000, 2.92M)

Other urls found in this thread:


Does this count?

Attached: The-Right-Way-With-Guns-15.jpg (900x1304, 1.31M)



Attached: RCO034_1584619839.jpg (1280x1807, 942.04K)

>plug this into the pre-GFCI outlet above your sink and get it wet inside and out.
>gets "Real hot."

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>you get a gay colored beanie

Attached: RCO023_1583445638.jpg (1000x1519, 608.36K)

>ha ha gay means homo now so it did back then too

Attached: RCO009_1461936472.jpg (1000x1552, 313.41K)

>Thousands of clueless, yet well intentioned grannies and parents bought this shitty toy for their kids and grandkids thinking it was a genuine Transformer.

Attached: RCO036_1461928270.jpg (1000x1548, 359.27K)

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Attached: monkey1.jpg (441x357, 79.69K)

>being this much of a simp
I understand you're most likely some city-slicker, but you misunderstand how handy a goddamn switchblade is when you actually have daily use for a knife. Takes up less space and is easier to keep safely on your person than a fixed blade, and you don't have to have a belt on to carry said fixed blade in a sheathe in order to carry the damn thing properly.
granted this is all fixed in just carrying a folding blade, but the fact of the matter is- you sound like a whitebread pussy user.

>b-b-but the media told me GUNS R BAD
I don't see how an ad promoting kids to get into a supervised club that will allow them to be taught how to safely handle firearms is somehow "insane".

Most likely some form of ampthetamine or just fucking tapeworm eggs.

Peak fashion design.

Attached: RCO027_1558316841.jpg (1615x2300, 2.77M)

Attached: The Incredible Hulk T-Shirt.jpg (918x934, 281.92K)

>She-Hulk SHE-MAIL
Shanna had it too

Attached: She-Hulk She-Mail.png (1000x1534, 2.91M)

Hold the fuck up, Tootsie Rolls used to make fudge?

That's a butterfly knife, not a switchblade. Both are legal in my state. Did you know that you used to be able to buy actual machine guns through catalogues? Or own warships with naval artillery?

That's why I asked if it counted. It's not so much that the message is insane as it is that you'd never see this ad in a modern book aimed at kids.

Back when I was a kid lots of us had knives. Yeah you don't give ones to the sociopath or the retard, and the ADHD kid might lose a digit but hey, can't win them all.



>Did you know that you used to be able to buy actual machine guns through catalogues?
Wandering /k/ommando here: yep.

Attached: atg gun ad.gif (821x1088, 156.34K)

I imagine those must not be very durable because while you see them a lot in fiction of that era they aren't present in any non-fiction I've seen.

>gun lamps
I always assumed those were fiction.

Okay so I looked it up.
NUMAL was a powder you stir into milk with "Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin D, and Vitamin B12, malt diastase, tricalcium phosphate, iron pyrophosphate, sugar and cocoa with vanilla flavoring."
It was the subject of a mail fraud order and the company challenged the Postmaster General in court and won.
There were probably other legal troubles but needless to say, it's no longer available.

Basically it's ovaltine

I had one. Well, a cap, not a beanie, but same thing. And yeah, those propellers snap off easy.

Attached: Superincrediblebreakfastgun.png (1290x1950, 1.43M)

Was picture done that way on purpose?

Like when I discovered Jughead's hat was a real thing.

Attached: George_Lindsey_1970.jpg (461x683, 51.39K)

Attached: adjectives fail me.gif (654x210, 60.88K)


Still in use in some places, as Big Clive explains.

Might as well post a link to this thread since it's relevant

Actually had good background gradients by 1983 standards.

Now what if you made a lava gun lamp

>Still in use in some places
It's something of a /diy/ meme relating to the state of infrastructure in the third world.

In the '80s, were people as tired of that font in the main text as we are of Comic Sans today? Did comic geeks make jokey Usenet posts about banning it?

How many people back in the day actually had pet monkeys? Seems like pet monkey ads were actually somewhat common for a while.

What the fucks on the back now i'm intrigued

1950's /k/

Must have been more common when shipping live animals through the mail was legal.

Attached: hulk shirt back.jpg (850x569, 54.83K)

Who else thought of this?

Attached: some-girls-4-album-cover-sticker__78190.1539264925.jpg (1280x1280, 1.64M)

Sounds kitch and dangerous.

>has many practical uses
like what

would make a sweet bong

Okay, what practical applications does a 50mm mortar have?
Sit Pa on the front porch with a crate of flares for light up your midnight ranching?

Jesus H. Christ.
This lasted right until a child shot itself, didn't it?

Obviously fake, user.

>Did you know that you used to be able to buy actual machine guns through catalogues?
You could still buy one depending on your state's laws.

Blowing up police helicopters.

Attached: shanna04ad2.jpg (1070x1594, 1.19M)

Behold history's greatest comic book villain.

You will never own a "I hate parades" sweatshirt.

Attached: paradehatingpete.jpg (750x567, 246.83K)

Reading old editions of Popular Mechanics for the ads is far more entertaining than should be possible