The name of this character from Batman?

I can't find who he is ANYWHERE, i could swear i've seen him before, maybe not in Batman but in DC, i dunno if he's hero or villain, and i've no idea what to google to find him.

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That is Lobo

Alien space biker

That's Lobo!

Who did absolutely nothing wrong

That's the fraggin' main man, bastich.

Lobo is both the main man and best boy.

That's Lobo, kind of a big deal.


You're welcome!

Oh thank god they went back to the original one and not the twink.

that's Sniktbub
he snikts bubs

I still have no idea what happened there. It was so bad it had to be some kind of joke. Someone wanting to get fired but then the production spiraled into a shitstorm or something. Does Yas Forums know?

ALL of New 52 was a ploy to draw in female readers, so turning Lobo into a tortured soul Edward Cullen type made sense to DC at the time. Then they remembered that only 3 women on the planet read comics.

You can delete this thread now.

>wanting to remove Lobo from the catalog
Get out of here with that shit.

Also, Brad Garrett made for the best VA for Lobo. Prove me wrong.

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Not gonna lie, "Lobo and Lobo" could be a great buddy cop comedy.



Lobo in the 90s was a parody of the edge culture, they tried to update it to parody the culture at the time, ie Vampire media. It just sucked.

So how did anyone ever accept this as a fair fight? I remember thinking the main man should smear Wolverine into paste when I read it. He goes toe to toe with Superman.
Also, Lobo thread.

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That's the Batman villain Lowblow he's a henchman for the Joker and always beats up Superman. He doesn't know martial arts so Batman always easily takes him down.

Lobo should be Lobo's son. Just the opposite of his dad in terms of temperment. Each Lobo will try to make the other act like hem.

no, Teenbo should just be one of his regrown clones. Teenbo is the puss Lobo squeezed out of the one zit he got as a teen.

The main man's healing factor is better, isn't it? Also I remember they didn't even show the full fight, just the aftermath.

They even kinda tried this with him at the end of new 52 were nuLobo was slowly becoming the OG Lobo by falling into despair, but in the end they just scrapped him


Yea. It was a lame fight, and also yes, Lobo can regen from a pool of blood if I remember right.

I want to be crushed by Crush

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Its thanks to this guy I still occasionally use the word "bastich".

They did him pretty dirty desu considering how many of those fights were literally popularity contests.

It was cute. Most fights were just one page so yeah there wasn't much to them.

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I want to be sandwiched into paste by both of them.

As I recall, Wolverine regenerated from his skeletal structure surviving a nuke with a single cell still alive in it or some dumb shit like that.

You are not allowed near the toilet bowl cleaner anymore.

every single cell knocked off Lobo can grow into a full Lobo. There was a story about him going to kill all those bodies

Didn't Wolverine apparently bribe Lobo?

How the fuck do you not know the /ourmainman/ Lobo?
Fucking newbastitches, I swear

Nubo wasn't originally meant to be a parody. Editorial was specifically against humor since they thought it had hurt the old Lobo's fame.

In his last few appearances they played him up as a joke though, but it was too late.

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What butthurt fanboy writer pulled that shit?


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John Dimaggio's Macho Man impression was a fun interpretation.

>tfw you read so much lobo and slobo that you unironically said “frag it” out loud
>at school
>you’re now a weirdo who uses fake swear words like some kind of Mormon autist

He can regrow clones from droplets of his blood....who will ultimately kill each other to become the one true yes?

Yay for some reason original Lobo popped back into reality and then fought against New 53 Lobo.
Then at some point New 52 Lobo got shrunk and put into a Jar by a version of Brainiac that was being controlled by Larfleeze. When the lantern core eventually arrived and defeated Larfleeze and Brainiac. They deiced it would be best for New 52 Lobo to stay in the bottle and left him there on a shelf. Thus original Lobo got to stay around while New 52 Lobo stays forever imprisoned.

Lu Bu

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That's cute, the alien recognise Wolverines.

You can probably count the number of imperfect DCAU casting choices on the fingers of one hand and still have a few left over. Andrea Romano deserved every single one of her Emmys.

In the original Young Justice series he did indeed regenerate into multiple bodies from a pool of his own blood. All the new Lobos aged to adulthood rapidly and killed each other off until only one remained (except for one flawed duplicate who stayed with the team and gained the name Slobo).
I can do a mini storytime if anybody's interested.

New 52 Lobo was regular Lobo and he fought Deathstroke. Twink Lobo came along with DCYou I think

You forgot bounty hunter, best in the galaxy

>lobo gets all nostalgic during penance stare

chicken nugget.
i don't understand why this makes me chuckle but im ok with it

Prof X

Frag isn't a fake swear word. It's slang for the use of a fragmentation grenade and evolved into just killing someone violently and with malice.

Yes, but it's what Lobo uses as a PG swear word. Like substituting "bastich" for "bastard".

>I can't find who he is ANYWHERE
you are literally 12 years old.

Lobo is a bad influence on kids

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>all these anons thinking ita from an official comic
Phausto does the best gay porn comics

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Why turn Harley Quinn into Deadpool when we’ve always had this gem?

No, double your dosage.

>Aw, you shouldn’t have...

Because the main man aint be a queer fag.

How would Lobo do in the Warhammer 40k universe?

Exactly, he only really fights Superman. The nice guy, the boy scout. Go get someone how fights dark street level crime like Daredevil and they will rip them a new one, because street fighting is another league then the nice sparring matches Lobo and Superman have. You think Superman ever pulls a hidden knife, kicks foe in the crotch or heck even kicks them while they are down? Superman doesn't know how to fight, nor does most of his villeins as they only fight him. They would all lose in a real fight.

What do you think, Lobros. Will we ever get a live-action movie starring the main man?