Westaboo thread?

Westaboo thread?
Westaboo thread

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Other urls found in this thread:

zerochan.net/Gravity Falls

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Hey bro I know the sauce of that and you fucking stop right now

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Dare I ask for sauce?

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zerochan.net/Gravity Falls

Attached: Gravity.Falls.full.1976583.jpg (1000x609, 354.19K)


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>discarded clothes and shoes are literal LEGO blocks the model can't put on
>hair popping off as a shocked expression

this is quality material lewd nonwithstanding

Attached: mato.png (550x518, 475.15K)

I hate the painted waist silhouettes they sometimes do for female characters, couldn't they make them painted clear bricks so the excess is see-through?

Attached: 20.jpg (500x500, 73.64K)

>that second to last panel with bricks coming loose because he squeezes the seat too hard
Gashi-gashi is a treasure.
Shame he had to endure the onslaught of the mentally ill SU retards.

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now i need this but with quintessential anime characters

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Goku and Konata or Yotsuba. Doesn't get more recognizable than that.

is yotsuba really on par in popularity with goku with the general population?

Fair point: Goku and Vegeta it is!

I'd wager you'd be hard pressed to find a nip that doesn't instantly recognize Yotsuba.

I'd wager you'd be hard pressed to find a Latvian that doesn't instantly recognize the president of Latvia

nips are not the general population
the average non-weeb american/european probably doesn't know anpanman, which is 10x more popular then yotsuba even in japland

But this wasn't about popularity, dumbdumb. It was about picking two quentessential anime characters to spoof a painting of a 19-20th century 'murrican farmer couple.

Of course Anpanman, Doraemon, Luffy or a trillion other characters are more popular currently.

>But this wasn't about popularity
i was responding specifically to
>Doesn't get more recognizable than that


you are right tho, there's a fine line between recognizable and quintessential

in fact, anpanman design doesn't even adhere to what most people would call anime, like big ass hairstyles of wild colors and huge ass eyes

Not really. "Popular" implies it's something you like. Me recognizing the McDicks logo doesn't mean I like their "food".

>"Popular" implies it's something you like
with fictional characters there's barely any difference
it's not like people go to mcdonald for the lulz or ironically
i hate their shitty food, but there's millions of people who gladly eat there

You don't represent everyone. You may not like McDonalds, but a LOT of people do.

Don't be daft, I could've made a million other comparisons.

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Painted bricks age much worse than non-painted bricks (paint would chip off). They probably were considering what would look better after a long time or after rough play. If paint chips off, it's better to have black underneath than to have a transparent hole in the stomach.

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Everything of this is awesome.

Ask one in the drawthread

As a AT hater, i like this.

Do it.

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I didn’t know I needed this.

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What anime is this?

Secret of St. Lily’s Academy.

Thank you.

user is lying. It's Pico x Chico x Coco, a modern classic.

The joke is on you, I already saw most shota anime like that, Natsuyasumi, and Otokonoko Delivery. Get a better meme.

I wonder how they felt about the ending.

japs are used to things getting god awful endings

No user, just no...

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