What are your expectations for the America Chavez reboot?

What are your expectations for the America Chavez reboot?

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Have these people ever been to a latino neighborhood? Latinas always dress in skimpy clothes because Miami/LA/San Antonio are hot as fuck, and they're not worried about getting molested/raped because they know they have an extended family who will literally kill a guy who tries anything. Chavez dressing like a slut is entirely realistic, honestly the only realistic thing about her as a character.

t. cuban from miami

America Chavez should be a hot latina not some ugly brown dyke

A way more boring comic than Gabby's trainwreck but a lot of shitposting regardless.

She's not latina and she doesn't have a family around.

will she no longer be a dyke?

It will get storytimed here for 2-3 issues and not mentioned again

Also that's not skimpy clothing. That's skin tight clothing that doesn't breathe.

Oh no, they're making her attractive! Someone contact the Human Rights Commission!

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Exactly. The media is oversaturated with ugly dykes enough as it is.

- Lesbian status will stay the same
-She will not do anything heroic or struggle in any way
- Design-wise, she will be toned down in the interior art of the comics. Marvel editors will edit Gomez art
-her powers will be change ever so slightly
-her alien origin will still be intact
-she will have no new cool original villianesses
-expect alot of slice-of-life

>America Chavez

But will we still have memes?

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She'll remain a manhating hateful dyke and walking racist stereotype.
She'll garner no new fans and her inclusion into dr.strange 2 will infuriate the latin community and het normie community.
With the gates disease and 5g victims thing still taking place people will have time to fully think about and discuss what's going on in hollywood.
It won't be pretty and the MCU's current...debacle, of a phase will be it's last.

They're leggings, all they do is breathe

Nobody knows who the racelift of Miss America is let alone the original.
Practically nobody reads comics anymore.
Nobody especially worth their salt reads peachy bullshit that only exists for fiction based affirmative action reasons.
The diversity hire they instructed to work on this is clearly trying to create some incentive in it for the heterosexual community aka normal fucking people.
However the left won the culture war and one of their pillars is weirdly sex-negativity.
This leads as always to whatever sad group of onions lactating cretins that like pretend they give a shit to complain on twitter that a female character with breasts and a waist, posed in a manner befitting a character with such physical attributes, is derogatory.

I expect nobody to even talk about the comic unless the writer (like practically all diversity comic writers) makes something absurdly cringe.

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There's no chance they'll play her anywhere near Gabby characterization in the MCU. She'll probably be gay as in having an off-hand mention of her girlfriend.

Not really sure why everyone's getting mad about tight short shorts. Especially when these two pieces of shit are wearing shorts that are about as long.

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Neck yourself.

>However the left won the culture war and one of their pillars is weirdly sex-negativity.
You wot mate? Leftists are cum brains. Right-wingers are the ones siding with religious extremists.

They're mad that the way her ass is drawn is meant to make people horny. Which goddamnit Safespace, do some squats or something, that's a sad ass for an athletic gay-coded young man.

Well I can appreciate the article calling out the faggots complaining don't even read/purchase comics. Not really sure what they could do to make me care about the character. I just miss Robbie Reyes

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I'm also a Cuban in Miami and I can confirm this. Tbh, the skimpy outfit ladies are the only reason I like this shitty city.

isn't he in Aaron Avengers? not that that's any better than him being gone

Yes and like Jen, Aaron fucked him up. It's bad enough that Robbie's last book was shit because he was hardly in the fucking thing (book was mainly shilling other characters), but now he's devoid of any character that he once had. Aaron writes him as a generic teen rookie

>the left won the culture war
The industry is pretty much on its death bed because it's been driving away the kind of people who actually buy comics for years now, when they eventually realize just how bad shit's gonna crash around them they're gonna try to turn this around real fast (or just die)

So the Left never gets upset about female characters being sexy? They never say that women are treated like sex objects? They don't get upset about the very topic of this thread?


>Castro kicks out the rich plantation owners and their families
>They go to Miami
>Miami is a shitty city
I'm starting to connect the dots here.

Here is another ones
>Just wanted elections and education reforms.Instead got angered by murder attempts and pushed to find the only Ally his enemies created.

>The industry is pretty much on its death bed because it's been driving away the kind of people who actually buy comics for years now

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Miami was shitty before the Cubans showed up.

>Never gets upset about characters being sexy
They typically don't.
>They never say that women are treated like sex objects?
They typically did. Because some female characters were just trophies and leftists, typically, don't like it when human characters are dehumanised.
They don't get upset about the very topic of this thread?
It's doubtful.

maybe Ewing will write a grand Ghost Rider saga after Hulk and save Robbie

it's on its death bed because there's a global pandemic shutting down all non-essential businesses and the publishers are being idiots about moving to digital

Stay in denial, kid

>They don't get upset about the very topic of this thread?
>It's doubtful.
Considering the clickbaity headline in the OP didn't even manage triple digits retweets, and that the article is probably a screencap of a couple of twitter threads, you're right that it's doubtful any significant amount of people got upset about it regardless of their political orientation.

You honestly think right wingers are the ones who start crying and making dozens of articles any time a female character is depicted as anything but a shapeless blob?

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pretty sure the article is just screencaps of literally four tweets

So what would make them happy

>baggy sweatpants
>oversized hoodie

do they not understand that people with self confidence, which Chavez most definitely have, like to fucking show off?

Not a rebuttal.
Yes. Not a shapeless blob exactly. But I do remember the right-wingers crying when she-ra wasn't depicted as femininity incarnate. Still crying about it, actually, if you go to any she-ra thread.

Not him but there's probably been 3 articles about this max because that's how many comics news websites are shitty enough to publish culture war tweets criticizing some Z-character's design as articles. There's already been easily 10 times as many threads on this board about how silly twitter leftists are, which granted they are but that's pretty disproportionate.
And America didn't look like a blob before, even in Gabby's shitty book.

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lord only knows

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Not be gay

>muh left and right
You do realize anti- and pro-sexualization camps exist in both groups? Right-wingers have conservatives and libertarians, and leftists have sex-positive and sex-negative feminists. Not everything is about your little Twitter "culture war"

Wait, you're going against your own point here user, earlier you said right wingers are puritans whining about overly sexualized characters and now you're saying they're whining about a character not being sexualized enough.

Wasn't trying to rebute anything, as you didn't make a point worth rebuting.
And WHY is She-Ra devoid of any sexuality? Surely it isn't because it's written and drawn by SJWs, surely.

Doesn't she have a dick?

This is a false narrative promoted by Castro and swallowed up by retarded American college freshmen who haven't taken their first econ course yet. Negotiations between Fidel and the US government broke down over the issue of sugar refinery nationalization. Fidel decided this was worth throwing his lot in with the USSR entirely, despite the fact that the US government had indirectly aided his revolution in the first place by refusing to arm Batista.

>Castro kicks out the rich plantation owners and their families
Castro also kicked out many working class Cubans, including Afro-Cubans who had the guts to point out that his government was even more racist than the previous one (Fidel declared that racism was over when he took power and any black Cuban who pointed out that his regime was 100% white was promptly tossed in prison).

>Accounting for inflation in the year 2018

2012 = 0.880B
2013 = 0.938B
2014 = 0.992B
2015 = 1.091B
2016 = 1.135B
2017 = 1.040B
2018 = 1.095B

At best, the industry as a whole has been stagnant since 2015.

I am honestly very curious if she will have her lantix lesbian GF from the old series or she will go back to her blond GF from another dimension

>So what would make them happy
They want her to be obese, just like them. Nothing less will make them happy.

Not sure where you got your numbers. Inflation over that period was 9.4% and 2018 sales are 37% higher than 2012.
Regardless even if it was stagnating, it certainly blows a hole in the "drove away people who actually buy comics" narrative.

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user, I'm a leftist and even I know you're full of shit. Assuming you're not just baiting/falseflagging, stahp.

Based schizoposter

>Not sure where you got your numbers.
Based on your screencap, the same site. Plug in the numbers and round up to the nearest million.
>2018 sales are 37% higher than 2012
I said sales have been stagnant between 2015~2018. These statements are not contradictory.
>it certainly blows a hole in the "drove away people who actually buy comics" narrative
That's okay, I'm not the same poster you were responding to.
I just want you to look at the data more closely. The image shows that profits have remained stagnant while the direct market portion of that has gone down. Actual growth came from the book channel. You can both be right under different contexts.

You gotta love how they put the word fans in quotes. Even the writer doubts America Chavez has any reader

it's Bounding Into Comics, anyone who doesn't like Cyberfrog and Jawbreakers is a fake comic fan

Ah shit dont gotta call me out like this

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Has anyone here actually read the Gabby Rivera comics or just seen out of context pages/panels? I honestly might check it out myself to see if it's as bad as they same. Same for the Conner/Palmiotti Harley Quinn and Unbeatable Squire Girl.

I missed the part where you said "since 2015", my bad.
>the the direct market portion of that has gone down. Actual growth came from the book channel.
That's genuinely a good thing. The direct market has survived solely through shoddy business practices by Diamond and the Big 2. I would like for LCS to find a way to survive that but I don't know if they'll be able to, though they themselves have largely transitionned to other means of revenue over the past 20 years.
Part of my point was "people who buy comics" isn't limited to people who used to buy Marvel comics in the 90s or in 2008. The early 2010s were pretty damn shitty for the big 2, while indie comics were succeeding in finding new young readers and appealing to people the big 2 never appealed to, that's why the big 2 then subsequently did all this progressivism stunting.

>Most likely, you consider yourself a liberal. When, in reality, you're a neo-liberal and that's if I consider you an honest actor.
Hmm no, I'm a continental European, "liberal" literally means "right winger" here.

the storytimes were pretty popular for quite a few issues but started falling off as it stopped being funny and just started being sad

still, probably a good chunk of Yas Forums that was around then read it, and it became part of the annual Storytime of Pain weekend

So you're a bad actor? I mean. You could just grow a pair and tell me why you know I'm full of shit. Instead of just claiming authority, whilst dodging what you're claiming authority on.

They got storytimed a ton back then. Which really is the best way to experience that, it's like watching a bad movie with the lads. Watching a bad movie on your own really isn't as fun.
It'll probably be storytimed during the weekend of pain, whenever that is (summer time apparently).

It gets worse as it goes on and eventually becomes white noise, though the author would say it's Latinx noise instead.

You're certainly not dissipating my idea that you're fishing for (You)s user.

America (vol.1, 2017-2018) is a brave, political comic, tackling complex social issues.

America (vol.2, "Made in the USA", 2020-Present) WILL BE an exciting, fresh look at evolving societal trends and progression.

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>That's genuinely a good thing.
No argument there, I just wouldn't look at this data to mean "readers have increased" or even remained stable. Bookstore channel is selling the more expensive collections, so you can certainly have a situation where the higher price offsets the number of real readers lost. Again, not putting a value judgement on this, just the question of readers.

Most of those books are children books wholly divorced from "Cape Comics".

That pic holy fuck.

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