Bold of this hack thinking that WB would let her direct another movie

Bold of this hack thinking that WB would let her direct another movie.

>Even before the opening of “Birds of Prey,” featuring Margot Robbie’s return as the DC Comics antiheroine Harley Quinn, director Cathy Yan was already thinking about a possible follow-up.

>“I would love to see Poison Ivy and I would certainly love to see the relationship between Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy,” Yan told TheWrap’s Beatrice Verhoeven. That’d be perfect, given that Harley Quinn currently headlines her own animated show on the DC Universe streaming app featuring Poison Ivy — who does not show up in “Birds of Prey” — as her best friend and partner in crime.

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Nice tits.

I mean, we're talking about the studio that gave hack Snyder chance after chance where he lost them way more money and his shit wasn't even fan or critically liked.

Bro, literally no one watched this shit, it didn't even make $200mil WW.

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It took THREE movies with Harley Quinn to get to her lesbian coupling with Poison Ivy?

Wasn't BoP a financial flop even before the virus? It makes me wonder what WB will demand from Gunn, and what last minute "fixes" it'll undergo just like the first Suicide Squad film

>Wasn't BoP a financial flop even before the virus?
>It makes me wonder what WB will demand from Gunn, and what last minute "fixes" it'll undergo just like the first Suicide Squad film
I fucking hate Gunn but I think that since they realized that Harley isn't as much of a draw as they thought they might scale her back.

They let Zack syder head the DCEU after watchmen’s bombing

This cunt is obnoxious and full of herself, she'll be booted out of the DCEU before she knows it.

The Brooklyn accent is one of the most annoying accents there ever was, and having that character narrate the film in that accent is just fucking excruciating.

Which means it still made more than Watchmen on less budget.

It was a flop, dude, No need to shill it anymore.

Yeah but SS2 was in production how long ago? That's when WB thought Harley printed money. Last minute reshoots could happen, well, would happen if this virus wasn't a thing


They're not done yet, so I guess they'll push this one on a later release date too. Plenty of time to edit shit.

She didn't get the memo that that particular demo DOESN'T FUCKING GO TO THE MOVIES. They just like to bitch and moan on twitter and the like.
They flooded that Booster Gold and Harley tweet so much that the DC twitter page had to delete it. Total madness, just because they hinted at them being a couple and Harley wearing a fucking "J" pin.

>Bold of this hack thinking that WB would let her direct another movie.
The movie was good and you're too much of a manchild to realise. It's really sad haha

Harley will never attract the Deadpool audience they so desperately want.

She fucked over Cassandra Cain, so fuck her.

DC doesnt have any better female characters other than Batgirl

They would if they manage to make a good movie with her. SS proved that by making a large sum of cash despite it being horrible

Has anybody gotten on her ass about what was done to Cass? Taking a strong female minority character with trauma and learning difficulties to overcome and turning her into a dumb street kid loud mouth. The fuck was the logic there?

BOP proved that SS didn't make money because of Harley. Will Smith and the promise of Joker, plus bad boy + bad girl couple did the trick.

>tfw they actually greenlight a Joker/Punchline movie and twittertrannies lose their shit
I would like to see it.

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>I would love to see Poison Ivy and I would certainly love to see the relationship between Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy
This is what people wanted in the first place, why didn't they just give us that?

>Plenty of time to edit shit
That would be stupid. There's literally no reason to edit out any of her scenes. She's obviusly still more of a draw than any other character in the movie

>Oh no, he shat on Watchmen, must mean he's shilling for BoP!
Snyder's Watchmen is just as bad as BoP is the idea to walk away from this, user.

I hope she gets a sequel just to spite you, Op

>I would adore to piss my money away on a shit corporate product if it gives me the chance to dunk on those dang twitter strawpeople I've been reading about on Yas Forums!

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Birds of Prey is the 4th highest grossing R rated superhero movie of all time

>her best friend and partner in crime.
oh no oh no oh no yuriniggers

Gotham City Sirens wouldn't *technically* be a sequel lol

>mfw the next Suicide Squad movie is a big success so they give Harley her own movie again and it flops again

To this day I am stunned. How did this movie flop? It was directed by a woman with no real accolades! They could have grabbed any other female director, but instead they picked one who had never proven herself! And she was a journalist! She even hated the Tangerine in Chief! How did this fail? HOW???
We'll get them in the next one, bros.

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'Partner in crime' is slang for homosexual partner, dating back to when being homosexual was illegal

Where did I say it wasn't a flop? I just pointed out that WB is the studio that kept giving Snyder films despite making bigger flops that were also embarrassingly bad.

What, after Joker, Deadpool and Deadpool 2?
That's literally like all of the R Rated superhero movies

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It isn't even on that list.
Deadpool 2
Also, for good measure, both Kingsmen films out grossed it

>Blade II
>Blade Trinity
>Kick-Ass 2
Birds of Prey made more than all of them
Joker and Kingsman aren't superhero movies

Also Punisher: War Zone and The Crow

Adjusted for inflation?

user, the comic book movie that saved the comic book movies and started marvels comic book movies in earnest and made the matrix what it was was BLADE.

While Joker isn't a "superhero" movie in any meaningful sense not that capeshit has ever had any real meaning anyway to argue that it isn't set in the same sphere while namedropping properties from it is just kinda retarded.

Joker is capeshit, and also deserves special mention for being the thing behind Harley Quinn's popularity in the first place.
Adjusted for inflation, Blade II made 222,904,426.016 in 2020 dollarydoos.

That really doesn't mean anything when the budget was 80-100 million, which you could safely double for advertisement. So yes, it grossed a relatively high amount for its minuscule modern niche, note how nearly all the films you named like a decade old, but it made almost zero revenue, potentially, nay probably, actually losing money. If you think that means anything, you're beyond smoothbrained.
Meanwhile, Joker makes a billion off of 50-70 million

of course, that's just the natural arc of her sexuality. One movie where she's in a relationship with the Joker, one movie where she's single, and one last movie where she's in a relationship with Ivy

>The Brooklyn accent is one of the most annoying accents there ever was, and having that character narrate the film in that accent is just fucking excruciating.
The Brooklyn accent is great. Margot Robbie's version of it just sucks.

I can still see them making Gotham City Sirens since it would have Poison Ivy and maybe Catwoman who are much more popular and iconic than Huntress and Black Canary. Although probably not directed by Cathy Yan and definetly won't be R-rated

>Hollywood tries to portray les banes
>just winds up illustrating how many of them jump from one abusive relationship to another
Its stunning the lack of braincells people have

Nowadays I see nearly every engagement post on fb include "my best friend & partner in crime." It's just a thing for everyone now.

Nigga. There's no such thing as a mere coincidence or mindless post.

Bitch said that for a reason.

>t.posted by Cathy Yan from her iphone

Are you seething because this is going to be highest grossing comicbook movie of 2020?

>highest grossing comicbook movie of 2020 is a commercial failure
You're proud of this?

Tranny spotted

Power Girl. Wonder Woman, who even had a more succesful movie. Poison Ivy who is an interesting villain. Raven. Starfire. Big Barda.

I think you're trying to attribute a deeper meaning to just a common phrase.
I don't doubt it was used as homosexual slang but in just about every other context it is indeed used to just mean "a very close friend".
Again, context is what matters, and I think you're giving to much credit if you think every social media post isn't "mindless" to some degree.
See, this is the kind of mindless bullshit speak we're talking about.

>Oh no someone isn't engaging in my bullshit must be a troon
I'm just a shitposter that loves watching DCucks and Marveldrones seeth over which brand of childrens media is somehow better.

>The movie was good and you're too much of a manchild to realise. It's really sad haha

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Clean your room

Lady Shiva
Talia Al Ghul
Cassie Sandsmark Wonder Girl is superior to Wonderwoman in every way
Big Barda
YOung Granny Goodness(GODDAMN!!!! SHE WAS FINE)
Dumb Bunny

Interesting Villain?
Original topical Ivy who is basically Amberheard but given plant powers or modern evil monster movie rapist cunt?