all girls are the same
All girls are the same
Yea that's facts
They...all have eyelashes?
They all have begonias, not pepises
Um, wow! Like, check your fucking privilege shitlord, women can have pepises.
honestly wish I was a faggot so I don't have to feel anymore, bros
Imagine wasting your life pining for a relationship. Humans don't mate for life, marriage was invented as means to compel/force people to do so. Once you have kids, the passion's gone, and if you don't, both of you are inevitably going to get bored of one another and drift apart.
Don't fall for the meme, stay single and get a dog.
What about prison "girls" or traps?
good question
even fucking worse then the normal ones
>tfw "she" wasn't and to this day you have yet to meat another like her
palm skinned hands typed this post
Have sex, incel.
oh sure
Why is Spinel there?
its the only thing that makes me happy right now
You haven't met enough girls.
There is a wide spectrum of behavior.
maybe im a little obsessive
Modecai is an "all women are queens" guy
Actually, everybody I don't like is identical and also non-sentient.
Gay dudes have a harder time settling down though
Stop being a faggot and suck a dick already.
Straight people don’t have feelings you’ve been gay this whole time.
Men have i lashes too
i have the biggest lashes.
Your bloodline lasted thousands of years just so you could be the one who ends it being weak faggot and getting a dog.
Pathetic but i'm sure you'll spit up some "quirky" comback to further "justify" your decision.
It's true, each and every one of them is a queen
Animate spinel and this would be a picture or more specifically a gif worth saving.
imo you don't owe anybody anything for any reason.
not the user you responded to, but still. if he doesn't give a fuck, what else is there to say? try to guilt trip him all you want, he's not gonna change.
My problem is he's encouraging the childless life style like a bitch. He can end his bloodline if he wants but trying to get others to do it aswell is vile. He's a faggot.
There's no shame in not having kids, user. Bloodlines mean nothing. If your line ended before you you'd be too busy not existing to care, and nobody would grieve your lack of being. Families aren't for everyone and they sure as hell shouldn't be made just for continuing a last name or anything.
Yes there is and you're pathetic.
I have two brothers who both had 2 sons, the "bloodline" is secured.
>normalfag problems
Just get a waifu, faggot
Post pussy
Roastie whore
Just get with Rigby
Fuck my bloodline.
>coping this hard
Literally the purpose of life is to procreate. Unless you're a self replicating organism then I doubt it
Sounds like a great job for someone else.
You are verminous.
I did but with men. Boypussy > normal pussy
>Don't fall for the meme, stay single and get a dog.
White women fuck dogs.
he can say whatever he wants, just like you can call him a faggot online while being a whiny faggot
let people commit to their life decisions, it's not like anyone should take anything said on Yas Forums seriously
In my experience, yeah, they are. You really cannot trust them.
>Get burned by a(one, singular) Woman
>Boohoo all Women are the same and are evil boohoo
Fuckin' pathetic.
>t. Woman who can easily get sex
>Humans don't mate for life, marriage was invented as means to compel/force people to do so.
Because without a cohesive family unit, humanity would have never advanced to the stage we're at now. People who lack either parent are more prone to violence, more prone to criminal acts, more likely to commit suicide etc. It is a detriment in every way to not have strong family bonds.
Yeah the statement still stands
shut up simp
>Mordecai x Rigby ship