What needs to happen to have european comics more wide spread in North America? I want quicker and more stuff translated to english, and to have print runs that last more than a year. And some more variety would be nice too, only the really big stuff seems to get reprints, and a lot of other stuff if it does get a translation goes strictly digital.
Will the breakdown of the comic industry in North America help european comics to eventually become bigger here?
Crushing distribution monopolies like Dismond would be a good sta- Oh, wait. Vive la rennaisance
Gabriel Myers
actual meaningful writing and less reliance on cheesecake. big two comics are at their best when they're bucking trends and being challenging and impactful, not when they suck their own tails like yuroshit and manga. pic related.
Euro stuff has a reputation in America as being for queers and people who sniff their own farts.
Benjamin Ward
Just wait for the big two to die, and we'll have no choice.
Gabriel Baker
Europe comics are better written, they just also have cheesecake that is part of the story. Just cause there is attractive people in a book doesn't mean it's badly written.
Caleb Gray
>Succubes ...is it about actual sapient cubes that suck your soul out of your dick?
Cooper Cruz
That was obvious bait. A strong stance against cheesecake is a factor in the death of marvel.
Ethan Flores
Christian Hill
RIP marvelshill.
Ayden Smith
no, it's a series where each tome is a different time period and deals with a group of women struggling to fight the oppressive societies set up by men. Lots of sex and slavery and secret societies. And amazing art.
it's the kind that drags the women through the dirt and only gives them a few wins. You never know who is going to come out on top at the end of the tome.
Caleb Flores
But it's clearly "men are the worst" in this scene.
Aiden Jackson
Something something Petit Paul.
Ian Martin
everyone is the worst, it's historical fiction not superheroes
Jonathan Wood
What's particularly feminist about this? This happened all the time.
Colton Roberts
>What needs to happen to have european comics more wide spread in North America?
They'd have to actually come out. Not as weird sized single issues that are sort of prestige sized but not really. Not as overpriced coffee table bricks. Affordable trades.
Also the writing would have to not be shit. Let's face it, a lot of European comics have gob smacking amazing art, but utterly shit writing.
Matthew Torres
far better writing that capeshit though, on average it's better art and writing.
Joseph Reyes
Yeah. Capeshit is so well written:
“Me big tuff guy me kill grrrrr. Me angst now.”
“I’m tho thenthitive and incluthiff.”
“Yo dog whuttup bix nood!”
Even the worst euro comic is miles above cape garbage.
Thomas Cox
wow thats such an original premise im sure its really great
Robert Rivera
I'm not sure about that. Most Euro characters are very stiff, cogs in the story they're part of. Or everybody in the story is mean spirited. Don't get me wrong, super hero comics are going down the tubes, but there are still attempts to make many of those characters more human and likable than I've seen out of European comics.
Also we have a lot more comics than super hero comics, you know that, right?
Bentley Ortiz
Image? Oni press? Dark horse? The heck are those user? Marvel and DC are the only American comics that matter.
A good amount of Euro comics I've seen have art like this. The artists involved are clearly skilled, but it looks bland as hell. I'm not motivated to pick up comics that look like these. The Euro comics I like look like this >Even the worst euro comic is miles above cape garbage. While I agree for the most part, Euro comics have not yet reached the heights that the greatest cape comics have. At least, not from what I've read.
Hudson Sullivan
>Will the breakdown of the comic industry in North America help european comics to eventually become bigger here Doubtful.
Owen Gray
I love Metabarons. Can't wait for the next issue!
Nicholas Bennett
I skimmed through some of these from the library, the art was good but the story wasn't.
Pic related is one of the best comic series I know, lots of consistently great reads. Elves is good as well.
Eurofags are the most insecure people while being the most unimaginative. All they do is copy the US and Japan without understanding what makes franchises from both companies so successful. But anons will never listen and forever proclaim their comics are the best while the truth is that they're just good.
>While I agree for the most part, Euro comics have not yet reached the heights that the greatest cape comics have. At least, not from what I've read. such as?
Dominic Flores
Americans barely read their own comics. Let alone euro ones.
I think superheros dominating American comics so completely is what is killing the medium here. There should be a recognizable Western comic book in the USA for fucks sake but there isn't one. People don't recognize Jonah Hex and he's tied into the shared universe capeshit genre too.
>I love Metabarons. Can't wait for the next issue!
Too soon.
Jose Peterson
They need to create their own a long running battle shonen. At the moment all they have is a long running comedy like Asterix & Obelixor or Lucky Luck.
Honestly aside from vydia Americans just don't consume any foreign entertainment products in large numbers. Even with a "breakdown of the comic industry" (which would realistically only be a collapse of the direct market and maybe a couple of publishers) you're looking at a smaller niche of an already niche market. Doesn't seem worth the investment except for "the really big stuff" precisely.
Nicholas Howard
>Or everybody in the story is mean spirited.
Stop reading francobelgian comics then. And honestly it is not just comics, it is even their literature and culture as whole. French and their subvariants are vile people.
Jaxon Reyes
At least Jodorowsky is still around
Jayden James
>Not as weird sized single issues that are sort of prestige sized but not really. Not as overpriced coffee table bricks. Affordable trades. They're never going to change their entire format to appeal to your autism. As for price you might be right, not sure how they compare in terms of pagecount to price ration.
Justin Turner
>superheros dominating American comics so completely It's becoming less and less true.
I thought most Americans didn't find westerns as appealing as us Euros because it's just not as exotic to them.