How did people react when it came out?
How did people react when it came out?
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>Good, but not as good as TLA.
It showed a lot of promise. If I remember it right the biggest eye roll was the obvious ship tease at the end with Korra and Mako at the end of the pilot. I liked it all the same, the world building alone at the start was really neat.
Then it turned out to be a huge piece of shit.
I completely lost my shit and this was unironically one of the things I was most anticipated for in my life.
There was a decent amount of hype. For all the shit Korra gets now, season 1 was not that bad and the show had potential.
season 1 was legit shit, everyone hated pro bending and the love triangle
The first 3 episodes of Korra were so good that I'm not convinced that Bryke had anything to do with them. The rest of the season were definitely Bryke because of how shit they were.
Everyone loved the first five seconds of Bumi and then was disappointed in the rest of his presentation.
>Amon did nothing wrong
>Amon is cool
>Who is Amon?
>I want a qt stacked muscle tomboy gf
>love triangle is dumb
>finale ruined Amon
>but that explosion tho
I thought pro bending was cool. I just wish it stayed in the ring and didn't permeate all of bending in the rest of the world. Having a slightly different style for that particular circumstance was interesting and it helping Korra learn to be light on her feet to learn air bending was a good angle.
Most people litterally thought that Korra was a bishie dude.
They actually had to spend months going back and creating new characters and damn near remake the series to undyke her and made mako and bolin specifically to make her look less masculine and fem in comparison.
It mostly failed because everyohe hated her, took apart the world building, thought the gaang were fucking retards and shit parents, and they paid that one stupid bitch on twitter a small fortune to make and sell shitty dyke porn of her and the boring plank of wood chick.
Later when they realize that no one gave a fuck they decided to go ham on the gay shit. But realized that her being a butch lezbo = outright death in terms of marketability to anyone and they had to go full skinnimax.
So they made her less hot, more youthful and obviously smaller then the plank of wood chick and then went hard on the dyke shit.
But not real dyke shit but skinnimax cock tease stuff.
She is the most obvious young highschool girl/college dykebrainwashing skinnimax lez ever.
People are still pissed about how much of the admittedly crap story and paper thin world building the series is famous for being ruined by the exposed for their lack of talent and obvious allegiance to ((them)) losers who created this disaster.
Also, the last second gay agenda brainwashign thing was an attempt to get another season or more eps.
And it worked because Netflix is infamous for wanting and demanding that in all of the children shows they back.
kek amazing post but what the fuck is a skinnimax?
i remember hating it from the very first episode. None of the characters were good. Republic City is a disgusting shit setting.
We were fucking pumped, excited as all get out
Then it actually aired and everyone's smiles slowly faded
The best parts of that season was speculating about Amon, but I think everyone was super disappointed with how everything ended.
>start as kino
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand ruined
>that I'm not convinced that Bryke had anything to do with them
Bryke actually wrote every episode of season 1 and the majority of Korra episodes overall. Compare that to last airbender where they only wrote about 20% of them (mostly just the beginning, the eclipse, and sozin's comet).
They were too obsessed with trying to differentiate it from the original series and forgot to ask themselves why anyone would even want that.
Also they lost people who second-guessed them and kept their dumber impulses in check on the original show. For example, the love triangle that everyone hates, that's exactly what they wanted to do with the original show (Toph was going to be a buff dude who fights with Aang over Katara) and some of their writers shot them down. Those writers were not involved with the production of Korra.
people loved it. And continued to love it till the very end and beyond.
Then the normal people left after the show ended and Yas Forums was left with salty faggots who remained salty from day one.
*It's bizarrely similar to what happened to George Lucas with the star wars prequels
Weren't the ratings kind of poor in later seasons? I thought I remember it getting pulled from tv and made online-only towards the end.
Makorra may have been the one thing that brought down the show the most because it detracted from so much and was ultimately ditched in a last effort to latch onto the tumblr crowd which to no ones surprise didn't work.
First thing upon seeing OP pic?
Wondered what her face looked like.
Then wondered what her titties looked like.
You sound like one of those self inserters who are furious to discover their waifu canonically wouldn't be interested in them. That's not healthy, user. You should get some help.
Korra has beautiful animations and an awesome soundtrack. Its fight choreography is some of the best in all of animation. Amon and Zaheer were scary and imposing villains.
That being said the series suffered from a lack of overall direction and gross mismanagement by Nickelodeon. You can tell that if the team had had more time and resources that they could have really made the most out of it.
It's flawed, but still a great show that is definitely worth watching. Also Korra is hot.
Idk what they were thinking with Makorra. Was it because of the rabid Zutara shippers and shippers in general who admittedly helped keep ATLA relevant on the internet long after it ended?
Agreed, one of the best things the original show had going for it was that there was an actual plan and overarching story. Amon as a long-term bad guy would have been great.
>awesome soundtrack
Easily the best thing about it.
This about sums it up. Everyone was really enraptured with the Equalist stuff and mostly ignored everything else.
Also, after all the Yas Forums speculation about season 1 turned-out to be wrong, I saved some of the season 2 speculation on a notepad file to see how wrong Yas Forums turned-out to be.
I forgot all about that until just now. I'll try looking for it.
user...what fucking part of my post gave you the idea that I liked that character?
Did you fuck up your weekend class in online shilling or something?
Given how Mako and Korra's characters developed them being endgame wouldn't have been bad IMO, but it was initially written when they only had 12 episodes and they decided to make their journey to becoming canon extremely painful and awkward. If they just cut out all the love triangle stuff I don't think people would've hated it so much.
See, back when the only way to get porn was through cable, Cinnemax used to have softcore porn on late at night.
Good chunk of it was girls making out for the benefit of men porno.
Which was hot.
i remember everyone hated it, i saw controversy surrounding it way after i quit watching the show and hung out in other fandoms.
completely destroyed the mostly medieval setting by moving it to the 1920's
The whole 'Amon is really Aang' thing was hilarious.
>there was an actual plan and overarching story.
No there wasn't.
Tbf the industrial revolution was clearly already underway in the show. The Fire Nation had steam engines that worked independent of their magic powers. Stuff like the giant penis that Azula uses to penetrate Ba Singe Se was clearly 1800s/1900s technology.
They bring up Sozin's Comet all the way back in S1 and never come anywhere close to it in that season, there was definitely a long-term story there.
That's not a plan or overarching story.
That's a wish list with everything in the middle greyed out.
excitement followed by increasing disappointment
People hate their exes all the time.
>Korra ended over half a decade ago
When the fuck are we going to get more martial arts kino?
Anyone have the pic of Amon, Princess Cookie, and Golf Cart all suiciding together?
there will never be more korra exept shitty comics and thank god for that.
Are there any more western cartoons that showcase martial arts like Korra?ATLA?
I miss the speculation threads before it came out. All the hype jazz themed bar brawls that we wanted to get.
back when nobody realized yet how talentless bryke actually were
Months Prior to Season 1
The hype train was getting out of control but some saw the signs and disembarked early. The remaining passengers threw on overalls and grabbed shovels.
Up to Season 1
The hype train only accelerated.
Season 1
Hype train crashed and bodies were everywhere.
Season 2
The wreckage of the hype train caught fire and burned down the local town. Only Mr. Wan walked away unscathed.
Season 3
The nearby town rebuilt and celebrated at the distillery. Hype train wreckage continued shoveling fuel onto its fire.
Season 4
Train exploded. Distillery exploded. Everyone in the county burned to death.
...fuck it really has been that long.
netflix live action series
>If they just cut out all the love triangle stuff I don't think people would've hated it so much.
Yes that is exactly it. The action scenes and story were enough to carry the show. The romance angle was all around poorly handled and devoid of realistic actions and reactions by the characters.
They had the giant metal ships in sozins time though and maybe other stuff
Probending was literally the coolest thing Korra did. Really the only cool thing other than showing the very first avatar. Season 1 was the only decent thing and they shot themselves in the foot with the ending and had nothing else to go on for the other seasons.
Indeed perhaps the only thing Korra did right was give us a brown waifu to masturbate to.
People hated probending but it was cool. I'd watch a series about probending and not about another teenager being put through the trauma obstacle course.
We were ultra-hyped and the early warning signs were ignored until towards the end of the season when it became very apparent that Bryke had either lost their touch or never had it to begin with.
Indeed. Could have just as easily left things somewhat open ended because after season 1 you get the distinct feeling that everything else is flying by the seat of their pants as far as the story goes.
Ignore all those retards. People liked it because the first season was unironically good. Ending was kinf of cheesy but you have to remember, it was supposed to be a one season thing
>netflix live action series
God help us.
>Probending was literally the coolest thing Korra did.
Conceptually it was very cool. How they actually executed it was not. Instead of bending being elevated into a competitive artform it was neutered into some kind of fucking stupid dodgeball with only lame beginner moves allowed.
Koreans can animate well.
>People liked it because the first season was unironically good.
People were furious as early as episode 5.
I mean if you wanted to see just regular bending fights there's two series filled with that.
I hate it when I remember I'm old
Suki randomly coming back was always a weird choice.
Not to hate on the girl or anything.
There are UNVERIFIED RUMORS that she was only brought back to sink Tokka.
One series. Which we wanted more of, not this garbage.
Probending was only actually in like three episodes anyway and it stopped being relevant after the fifth one. There was lots of good bending fights in LOK.
>I mean if you wanted to see exciting or entertaining content you shouldn't have watched Korra.
You're right, I was a fool.
Me personally, I was excited at first, I could buy the technology leap and didn't mind a female avatar, though I never liked her personality. several episodes in I didn't really care for the fact that we never left the city, and there's romance shit. By the end I loathed the love triangle, hated Korra, hated the city, but loved the villain and the murder/suicide they ended on. Didn't care for season 2, 3 was pretty good, and 4 I hardly watched.
Shill please.
No one is at work and everyone is at home.
We can all go take a fucking look at the old co threads when this shit fest started.