>All it took was a hug... even though all those characters were already trying to console and comfort Steven >They just had to... do it together? I guess?
Okay, so let's try making this better.
>Events leading up to Monster more or less stay the same >Jasper stays shattered. This is the final straw that causes Steven to turn into his monster. >Steven turns into his monster, but nobody knows it's Steven >He overpowers all the gems and diamonds and destroys his own home >He looks around and sees all the destruction and pain he's causing his friends and decides for himself that he doesn't want to be a monster >Cut to real Steven, fighting his inner demons inside the monster >Steven's friends realize that Steven is the monster >Hug commences >All is well, everything else plays out the same except for a montage of Steven and the gems rebuilding the house
Here's my Ending idea >everything happens the same >But instead of the hug they will talk to him >they immobilize Stevenzilla by Lapis and Blue Diamond combined waterkinesis >They all start to talk about how much Steven mattered to them in all their lives and how a simple "I love you" wasn't enough >Garnet rants about how much they hurted him even if they didn't wanted to >all the gems tells their story and how now it's their turn to help Steven >Connie apologizes to Steven, realizing how she contributed to Steven's trauma and how she shouldn't have played with his feelings >Spinel talks how he was the first person he could call friend >Even Jasper joins telling him how much his love mattered and only now she understood it >Diamonds talks about how much they love him unrelated to PD >Greg reads the letters he sent to his parents talking about how much he loves Steven >Ends the same with Steven reverting back >But... >He will have horns and pink spots in his skin forever.... >He still leaves Beach City >The gems don't play "we faked to not miss you" and will say the things they say to him after they stopped lying. Timeskip >Adult Steven with pink colored dreadlocks returns to Beach City >He goes with his vans to the temple >We see townies grown up (even Onion) >Then he will exit from the van >he hears familiar voices STEVEN! >He cries
And it ends like this. It would still be bittersweet and sadpilled. But we would get Steven's trauma printed in his skin forever as symbol that will never leave him And the end will be open to your fic. Maybe Lapidot got permafusioned? Maybe Jasper will have something else in life? Maybe the gems changed? Just my 2 cents
Was it ever confirmed whether Steven ages like a normal human? Wasn't it just so long as he feels young, he'll stay young?
Jaxon Jenkins
He can live forever as long as he thinks he’s not an old cunt
Blake Miller
>Connie apologising Am I misremembering? What did she do wrong? >The Diamonds and Jasper telling Steven how much his love matters That's a little too much >Greg reads the letters he sent to his parents talking about how much he loves Steven This is great, wish we could have gotten any closure at all with what happened between Greg and Steven
Cameron Wood
>Connie apologizing Knowing some anons here, probably for not being Spinel or Lapis.
I think that that's fine but I also think that Jasper deserves a better arc than just staying shattered. I also think his issues still need to be obsessed in recovery episodes.
Kayden Sullivan
Some believed it was inconsiderate for Connie to brush off Steven's fucked up marriage request so casually and not look at the bigger picture of why he was doing it in the first place. She chose to ignore Steven's obviously serious problems until it was too late instead of actively trying to help him or tell others about how potentially fucked up he's gotten mentally.
Lucas Evans
>gotta make monster steven cry by reminding him of his humanity >his family comforts him and the tears in the oceon cure him of his corruption this ending is perfect. if you wanted a kamehameha struggle, you want to watch a lesser show
Noah Brown
Forget rewriting the ending. We need to rewrite the entire series. Too much towny shit that needs to be struck out, not enough opportunities to learn more about the gems.
Nicholas Martinez
Ok how about >after Jasper bows to Steven he keeps panicking and asks for further explaination (ykno this "b-but why??" bullshit) >Jasper tells him about how serving Diamonds feels to her and Steven begins to feel himself powerful like in the battle with her again >Walks out of bathroom but plays it almost normal >Next few episodes he develops himself as a Diamond (on his own mainly) and also comes to the thought that this world bids on a conflict and all and everyone are best working under a threat >finally gets how miserable little homeworld is >talks to Jasper and disappears with her >next few episodes are firstly to give some character development to some secondary boyos by strange dangerous occasions that happen in Beach City they are involved in (of course in some episodes must be clues that it's Steven's work even tho it's obvious) and to show that Diamonds get some serious work at Homeworld with rebels against era3 rules or whatever >now here's the main thing: when they find out the truth not only gems are confused bc Steven as Diamond looks and acts horrid but also because his aim is not to pose a real threat (prolly he builds an organized group to which u'll need a few more episodes) but to stimulate people to team up and work better so he does his thing very precisly and usually doesn't harm anyone so gems always feel unsure of what they should do and how to bring Steven back >this is the main part, gems (or who will it be) fight through Steven's allies by which they are always asked what is Steven doing wrong >when they finally get to him they convenience him that violence aint cool and he's doing what he's doing because of his personal issues (i don't know how) >happy end
this is raw af and something has to be done with Diamonds in the story and maybe the fighting through is not a good idea and it would be better if they catch Steven every time wuth a new ally and by convincing the ally they slowly convince Steven
Oliver Richardson
yea cathing is better because fighting through is some JoJo shit most likely it will be Connie and/or Spinel to be doing it: Connie because obvious, Spinel because she need character development and can be not doing well with Connie
Andrew Nguyen
i mean MAINLY them
Blake Lopez
Steven's human and gem form split apart. Defeated, the gem lays seemingly inert on the ground. Steven now fully human, must face the world as if it were a new place to him.
This is just the early seasons when Steven was being just a happy boy exploring this world the difference is that now if you do this you'll get more little homeworld gayshit, you'll even get rid of Steven's "being a monster" trauna because he won't have to deal with it anymore
Samuel Bell
I wanted this ending too. Like why not embrace it and go around different planets helping people like WD.
Blake Diaz
A few changed and longer runtime and it would have been perfect for me.
>Throughout Future, Steven show signs of shiting into a monster (not just growing randomly big/more diamond-like) >Steven tries to hide it and fix it himself by trying to subdue his gem-half and bottling up his emotion, pretty much like it happens in the actual show. >Steven begins training with Jasper earlier, the change from neckSteven to Chad/DiamondSteven happens over a longer period of time and Jasper has a more prominent mentor role >Crystal gems have a stronger reaction to the revelation that Steven shattered Jasper (more questions asked, Pearl in denial etc) >While Steven is shapeshifted into a monster his subconsciousness is trapped in some sort of mental space >While the monster is rampaging Steven confronts the diamond half/part of himself he's been trying to deny and subdue >They fight, but eventually reconcile as Steven realises he needs to accept that his gem half is part of him >Steven regains control of his form >This happens as his family and friends are hugging him >Steven reverts back >Instead of regarding Jasper's wish to follow him on his trip as something unhealthy, Steven recognizes it as a choice she's making for herself and something that could very well help her discover meaning with her new life on earth >Steven and Jasper leave to travel the states >Happy end
Justin Lewis
The only thing it needed was more action really.
He's done that for 14 years minus the planet hopping shit. Let the boy rest for a bit.
Ryan Perry
since he moved into the temple when the show started, he really only did gem stuff for about what? 3-4 years?
Evan Brooks
FUCK Why do you want to prove I have not standards? I just... GOD!
>Pink Steven and Steven mental fight >Jaspiven Is this, dare I say, kino?
Levi Cook
>Am I misremembering? What did she do wrong? She would apologize by saying that she wronged him by ignoring how alone he was and how much he needed someone. Either that or her just not saying that only the gems wronged Steven >That's a little too much that's how it works >This is great, wish we could have gotten any closure at all with what happened between Greg and Steven yep me too.
>Everything leading up to Jasper getting shattered remains, except he can't fix her >From there it still plays out the same, except this time him running away and trying to pretend everything's alright with "Steven's here to help/fix things" is to hide the fact that he killed Jasper >Connie, Greg, and the gems corner him and he admits what he did >Palkia.png >His rampaging and the gems trying to stop him plays out the same >But while all that's happening Steven's in a sort of mental space similar to the rose room, being haunted by his past memories and recent actions >Around the time Lapis restrains Steven his form starts to go nuclear, growing bigger and more monstrous >Back in his head space, Rose's voice slowly starts to cut through all the noise until a faded visage of her appears in front of him >Steven looks happy for a moment, but then devolves into a long, angry rant about everything she did, left behind, and what he had to go through >Towards the end of his rant, while he's still venting and crying, it's Rose that goes in and gives him a hug >Instead of getting defensive or angry, she comforts him and laments everything she's caused, and how it affected Steven >She admits (in less of a "I was using you" way) that even her wanting to make/be part of Steven was just another childish "wouldn't that be neat" decision like the ones that lead to a lot of her mistakes >She decides to set things right and permanently defuse from Steven, freeing him from her baggage >In the process of doing so (cause reasons) her gem fades away once she's separated and Steven's returned to normal >From there the finale plays out the same, with Steven leaving to travel the world and discover himself, rather than living out the abandoned role of Rose/Pink
I've never seen a show get as much flak for its writing and art as Steven Universe to the point where we have threads and there are blogs out there dedicated to re-writing the show or pointing out its visual inconsistencies.
Maybe the closest is Star Vs. But I don't think it has the same amount, I think it's just a few dozen dedicated fans whereas Steven feels like it dips into hundreds.
>Jasper stays shattered >Steven uses his empath abilities to travel into the shards >Absolute chaos, constant screaming, a literal hellscape >Steven gets out, realizes how fucked and how much torture broken gems are in >Hides shards, "No one can ever know", mirroring pink's evil/secretive nature >Gems find out >Crystal gems throw away any development since they found out steven was pink diamond >Become blood thristy to the diamond class again >Little homeworld rebels >Steven escapes to homeworld >Fuses with diamonds, releases diamond blast >Except with pink, it's actually successful >Everyone dead >Steven kills himself >Pink is back >Stronger than you (undertale version) plays and screen fades to black.
Cameron Ortiz
They should've just ended it with the movie.
Noah Hill
So basically, similar to what happened but a bit more of a mental cut-back-and-forth similar to Cluster to have some visual creativity in how Steven is processing what's happening in the real world?
Yeah, that sounds like a nice fix that wouldn't require throwing away half the season.
(None of this is sarcastic btw, I know it probably sounds like it)
David Flores
Ryan Adams
The final 3 episodes needed to be double length. The 10 minute runtime kills the pacing of more drama-oriented and serious episodes. There isn't time enough for the characters to properly react to what's happening or resolve it in a satisfying manner.
Robert Foster
>Lapis notices Steven is troubled and invites him to a secluded area of the beach for a swim. Doesn't take no for an answer >When he gets there he sees pic related >He hotdogs her blue bubblebutt and blows a load all over her back with some spatters of white even clinging to her gem >Feels completely better and all his issues are resolved
Alright, so what is so bad about Steven doing >Accepting his humanity exclusively, thus cutting ties with the diamonds or at least not being in the same mood for 'diamond bullshit as before' or >Accepting his diamond heritage, while not leaving Earth permanently, he finds his new home on Homeworld comforting after actually getting to know it Why did they think he needed to balance shit that was clearly not out of whack to begin with?
Matthew Collins
this kek
Thomas Richardson
Bentley Evans
>>Accepting his humanity exclusively, Because he isn't exclusively human and this would mean denying part of himself, which goes against everything the show is trying to say about self-acceptance and love.
>he finds his new home on Homeworld comforting after actually getting to know it Why should he leave earth, when he loves it and big part of his shtick is to highlight to gems how great earth is?
Luke Peterson
Okay, but he's constantly denying the diamond part of himself even before the controversial SU:F season. And i'm only saying this of course with the hindsight that he did NOT balance this out well at all, or rather, the show didn't display a proper balance as much as it should have either. If he can deny the part of him that was meant to use the charisma he possess to lead effectively, but not the part of him that gives him his overly optimistic to a fault and self-sacrificing personality then why can he not be open to both possibilities? Now, truthfully, he really doesn't need to leave Earth even if he hypothetically accepted being a diamond, just thinking that's more of him accepting his heritage and not being bounded to his humble beginnings. Honestly, this might have turned more into how the seemingly nice balance he found by the end of SU is completely shattered in SU:F.
A sad portrayal, but unfortunately realistic due to one fatal flaw in his character, putting others above himself, even when it was not entirely necessary, just an easy way to progress in life.
Honestly I would prefer anything in this thread to what we got.
Isaiah Smith
>steven destroys little homeschool >all the gems and people evacuate >eventually he circles back around to the beach >lapis locks him in the sea but it isnt enough >all the homeworld gems show up with nephrite at the front >they didnt actually evacuate >random gems thanking him for freeing them from a corrupt empire, other random gems fusing and holding him in the water >each main gem takes turns talking to him >he eventually goes back to normal after connie explains she just wants to sort her own plans out and wont ever actually drift away from him >steven puts the rose quarts painting back up in the house and leaves beach city >Jasper says she wants to go with steven >He accepts, saying she could do with learning about the world too
>if I could, begin to be, half of what you think of me
the end
Justin Wood
>if you wanted a kamehameha struggle, you want to watch a lesser show
Are you fucking serious? Hugging it out is just as childish and simplistic as a big DBZ battle where everyone yells at each other. SU isn't the kind of show that can have an actually complex non-violent solution to a conflict.
Jayden Morales
All of stevens friends and family leave him and he goes insane. He then rips his clothes in an uncontrollable fit of rage and starts shitting in his hand and throws it like a banshee while screaming at the top of his lungs.
Needed a fusion of the diamonds or everyone including the diamonds to create a ridiculously huge and cool looking fusion. The plot would have to be very different, but it would've been nicer if the show could've gone out on a more impressive note. Future was okay but underwhelming.
Combine these two ideas and I think we can make something amazing,
Aiden Baker
It doesn't work because Steven's problems were obviously bigger than "hugging it out." We see multiple times that all the gems tried to comfort Steven before.
John Brooks
>Some believed it was inconsiderate for Connie to brush off Steven's fucked up marriage request so casually and not look at the bigger picture of why he was doing it in the first place. Before I watched the episode but read the discussions I thought it was something like that. But then I saw the episode where Steven was like "LET'S BE STEVONNIE FOREVER" and I thought no yeah actually a bit too early for that, that would freak any teenager out.
Easton Parker
So still a shit ending but Steven gets away with destroying his hometown? Well Jasper dying would upset Jasperfags so 10/10
Zachary Edwards
You could make the ending about the same, but since Steven has empathy powers maybe he starts sending out his emotions and its effects the cluster. It is unable to maintain it's bubble and begins to take form. It's too late not even the diamonds cant stop it from forming. So in a last attempt the hug at the end of normal Future still happens but this time instead of just making Steven normal they make the colossal fusion of a mega obsidian diamond, and the fusion manages to push the cluster back and reform it's bubble.
Josiah Ortiz
Here's how I would write it: >early future is mostly the same, Steven leaves being a teacher earlier and decides to go on a road trip >Steven struggles with finding something to do now that his gem problems have been fixed >tries doing mundane human things, such as working mundane jobs and the like in other cities >he cant relate at all to humans and his personality pushes people away since they dont get gem/alien stuff and just think he's a weirdo >figures hes too weird and starts to repress his Gem side mentally >sees someone getting mugged, loses his shit and goes pink for the first time and puts the robber in a hospital >scared, he begins running back to beach city, and asks the Gems whats happening to him but they dont know but will try to help him out >he tells them not to worry and hell figure it out on his own, even though the three CGs all share a look and say "we'll take your word for it" about it, and he goes to see Jasper >training arc over 2-3 episodes >Jasper fight goes as usual, she gets shattered >rather than heal her right away, he keeps the shards in his pocket and goes to homeworld >spinel sheanigans ensue >when Steven controls white, the 'pinkified white' he tries to shatter flickers between normal and Pink Steven, showing that Steven's suppression of his other half is taking its toll on him >he runs off, asks Spinel how she stopped having vengeful thoughts since she seems so happy now >she starts laughing, but it dies down, she tells him she still has them but is trying to be happy for him >she takes him to the garden, which is flourishing and has a statue of Steven in the center
Ryan Jackson
>she says she still struggles with her emotions and that the diamonds have been helping her, but he made her realize that just because she did bad things doesnt mean shes a bad person >steven says not to give him his own advice and starts glowing >she puts a hand on his shoulder but he snaps and poofs her >appalled, he runs back to beach city, everythings fine happens the same more or less >"I mean sure, maybe I thought about you know, shattering White Diamond and hurting myself. And maybe I kinda hit and poofed Spinel, but I everything's fine!" >Garnet turns on her future vision >Jasper's shards fall out of his pocket and everyone is shocked >"What did you do?" >"Hah guess I'm no longer your little angel anymore am I? I...I put a guy in the hospital, I keep having these toxic feelings...I killed Jasper! I' no hero...I'm a monster!" >Garnet pulls everyone away just in time as Steven's volatile repressed emotions corrupt him and he destroys half the temple >Connie helps people evacuate the city as the Gems fight Steven (animated by Takafumi Hori) >The diamonds and a reformed Spinel in a new outfit arrive to help since Spinel told them she was worried about him >Using the a tri-Diamond fusion the Gems and Greg enter Steven's mindscape via basically hugging, where he's fighting Pink Steven >PS thinks S is weak, S thinks PS is a monster
Angel Ross
>the Gems have to have a heart to heart with the two Stevens as they fight off shadows that look like a fusion between Rose and Pink as the instrumental of Love Like You plays >eventually Steven and Pink Steven realize that they need to stop fighting to fix things >both cry and fuse back into one as they mindscape fades and Gemzilla's tears combined with the tri-fusion's own crying fixes him >he looks like a middle ground between chad steven and 16 YO Steven, but with Diamond pupils and a streak of pink in his hair >future is kind of the same but takes a few weeks after instead of months, but more melancholic since Steven feels more upset about his actions >Jasper is revealed to have been revived using all four Diamonds, but has gone off to find her own place >Steven drives off as the credits play >after credits, a kid is watching the TV as a news reel plays >"The crime rate of Empire City has dropped significantly since the rise of the vigilante known to the public as --" The kids parents tell him its time for dinner and he turns off the TV just before the name is said >cut to a scene of Steven on top of a tall building, smiling in the night sky
Daniel Bailey
>Jasper stays shattered*** >Steven turns into a monster >Bunch of rampaging, bunch of implied death >Diamonds arrive, sacrificing themselves in some deus ex to heal Steven >Bunch of supporting characters actually do shit during an evacuation of the town, including voiced lines of Dewey, Greg, and others >Greg has some variant of a reconciliation with Steven, amounting to "I fucked up, I was a bad father. Turns out isolating my son from human society and his family is a terrible idea." >Pearl, Amemyst, and Garnet sacrifice themselves in a battle to contain Steven >Steven heals, regains consciousness and sees Beach City in ruins, and freaks out. >Bunch of characters MIA, both Gem and Human buildings fucked up >Steven reluctantly leaves Beach City with doubts about his ability to protect the people he cares about, and his joined by Connie, who stays with him.
Flash forward ??? amount of time. Could be months, could be fucking years, Steven is visibly older. But based on the way Steven ages its impossible to tell how long, and there's no indication how long that time jump was.
>Steven returns to the Cluster, and reveals he's collected the last of the shards of the shattered Gems who fell in the destruction of Beach City >Final shot pans out, leaving it ambiguous if Steven succeeded resurrecting his friends or was merely paying respects.
>Accepting his diamond heritage, while not leaving Earth permanently, he finds his new home on Homeworld comforting after actually getting to know it That would have been an interesting trajectory, considering he spent 2 years in Homeworld helping dismantle an empire. The entire season could have been about cosmic threats and new characters instead of what we got
Asher Hughes
What he should have done was erect his own palace on Earth and do what his mother could not.