Girls? In my comic-books?!

Girls? In my comic-books?!

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This thread again? Seriously?

She's talking to a bratty rich kid who's like 13 and dressed like Deadpool. It's fine. My question is WHY does Jess's new costume look like Peter's?

Welcome to Yas Forums, where nobody reads comics but will gladly spend several threads complaining about a page.

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Because he's popular

I don't get how these writers think having a woman-hero as a lead is anything revolutionary.

Think it is self aggrandizement, like they're on some progressive forefront. Like how Black Panther was marketed in some spaces as the first black superhero movie, but everyone forgot Blade had a trilogy, so it wasn't even the first black lead superhero. Like, I'm fine with women and blacks or whatever having heroes, but at least don't pretend like you're some trail blazer when you're not.

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Gross, girls have cooties.

Okay, Yas Forums.

Who is the sexiest female superhero?

The strongest?

The most sexist?

Your favorite?

The coolest?

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Not only do they not read comics, they barely read any panels that arent big 2. Disgusting.

Are there any good comic forums.

Why are marvelcucks like this?

They're programmed to be, literally.

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Would it have improved the series?

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>trap shit

Wtf is this?

>most sexist
I dunno
Elsa Bloodstone
Monica Rambeau

People keep making these threads because for some reason marveldrones feel the need to defend the absolute worst shit that marvel has ever published, without exception.

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Idk, but it's not staying long I'm hoping. Seems that way with hoe it ended.

I'm a sucker for this suit.

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Is 'cripple' a bad word now?

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For me, it's Mera

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>Are there any good comic forums.

Yas Forums is the best one.

Yes, I'm telling you that says something about other comic forums.

Would it have improved the series?

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comics are dead. Why cant these talent less fucks just make their own books,

Would it have improved the series?

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>Pepe le kidnapper

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The boy in the Deadpool costume is a child, by the way.

>y-y-you don't read comics, casualgate!
If I told you I was a girl would that change your opinion?

>She's talking to a bratty rich kid who's like 13 and dressed like Deadpool. It's fine.

In-story its fine. But the writer of the comic cherrypicked a a very specific one-in-a-million loser to make a very general comment about $CURRENTYEAR$.

I've zero doubt that there is some small number of people on the planet that hold a "no irish" mentality but if that were shown in a modern comic you'd go "what the hell is the writer smoking?"

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Attached: Screenshot_2020-04-02 𝔎𝔞𝔦𝔫𝔢 on Twitter Maybe it's just me, but I find it kind of creepy that Thor and She-Hulk are an [...].png (589x2014, 1.73M)

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You know, because there hasn't been over 75 years of women starring in their own superhero book.
I wonder if the people who write this are legitimately stupid or just peddling to the legitimately stupid.

It's for twitter clout.

it is generally seen as offensive by disabled people, yes

Zatanna has always been a sexiest-hero favorite. What can I say, I like damaged goods and I'm a legs and ass man. Tits are nice but Peeg-level boobs are just more than needed.

Wanda in the books is probably the most powerful female superhero, at least non-cosmic female.

Marvel's Mankiller is a full-on misandrist. But most modern female superheroes seem to have an open dislike for men.

Coolest - I'm a science nerd at heart, I like superhero powersets that a good writer can do cool stuff with. I like Captain Marvel/Photon for the ability to turn into any EM radiation. Most writers will just make her fast and intangible though.

What would they like to be called instead? Handicapable? Lamed? People of Less Limbs?

their name, usually

How about Alex?

That's an unusual name to have for a group of people.

disabled or people with disabilities are generally accepted.

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For next few years anyhow.

>13 year old boy says something sexist
>Jess (and adult) reacts via violently throwing and anchor and yelling at the kid.
>portrays women as immature, emotionally uncontrollable and lack any sort of critical thinking about their actions
congrats Marvel. You sexist fucks still cant portray women for shit.

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She also physically throws him 15+ feet at the villain, which could have really fucked him up if he fell in to him the wrong way.

Everything in super-hero comics is ridiculous.

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user you're reaching. The main point was something clearly being wrong with Jess, her aggressiveness and vomiting acid. The kid was just to amplify that. You're kind of being an oversensitive faggot about this, unless of course you don't think bratty rich kids don't exist?

Jesus. Didn't know Marvel had such a bad view on women.

See this is why I can't take Yas Forums seriously anymore, because they don't actually read comics and will bitch without context. There's something wrong with Jess when this is happening, she's realizing she's really moody for some reason and she starts puking up acid after this.

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Whos the black chick

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Lmao, brain-damage and other great injuries for doing his job--transferring prisoners.

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>implying this is any reason to yell or act violently towards some snoot nosed brat.

I'm glad abuse towards minors can be easily justified by feeling sick and throwing up.

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So she destroyed government property, almost killed the fucking driver and broke federal law just to have someone lecture someone already heading to prison. Jesus is the writer delusional?

that'll teach him to protect rapists.

it ain't just throwing up

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Oh no! I guess it was ok for her to abuse a sexist minor after all!

Is that what you want me to say?

What part of
>Hero is clearly ill both physically and psychologically
Don't you understand? Fuck off dumbass

the part where you think this is at all justifiable for abuse at a minor.

Let's be real, if spiderman had the same affliction and acted the same way towards a lil dumb girl ya'll would fall apart saying it's out of character and horrible representation of the same.

Go beat some kids if you think you'll get away with that easily retard.

>Reddit spacing
>Can't spell "Spider-Man" correctly
>Thinks an aliment mentally impairing the main character is "out of character", something that has literally happened to Spider-Man several times

So how fucking dumb are you, or are you just fishing for attention?

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Given Japan's position on foreigners and non-Japanese, making Naruto black would have worked very well with some of the themes in the comic.

neither, im just waiting to see when you'll say "I's ok for the hero to do anything wrong and morally bankrupt as long as they're not in control". Because all of the good comics where written with ideas like these.