What makes her such an amazing and memorable character?

What makes her such an amazing and memorable character?

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She herself isn't good or memorable, the only thing memorable about her is the outrage from making her lesbian.


you Jarcofags need to move on

the fact that you're a COOMer

Stop letting Jackie threads die

Fuck off. Jackie is pure

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pure dyke

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The purest dyke you've ever seen

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This is now a Chlokie thread

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Pure slut

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How can Jackie COMPETE

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the fact that there are people that STILL try to tear Jackie down is a fucking disgrace, she deserves so much better

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Jesus christ guys, post SOMETHING! Don't let a fucking Jackie thread die.

She was hot.

Star is a flat cockroach.

Are you blind user

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She's amazing because her father is black and you'll never have to meet him, and she's memorable because she manages to suppress her nigger side.

She had a very different approach to the weird things Star introduced to their world. Unlike most characters in both SVTFOE and in cartoons, her and Janna had fun with Star's shenanigans and were good additions of the cast because of it. Jackie also feels like she develops and grows a connection for Marco as the story progresses as well as having the most mature and reasonable approach to Marco's repressed feelings for Star. Her being a great supporting and temporary main character is also why a lot of people were upset to see her turned into a throw away self insert. She's a great benchmark character for Marco's maturity and its sad that they undid all that the story worked towards just to spend 2 seasons focusing on shipping instead of character growth.

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How is Jackie a self insert

Jackie was always shit as a character. Literally just a plot device

Just Friends was unironically the peak of the show

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Half of the characters in star vs were plot devices. Jackie was the best one.

Director went to France and found out she was gay so she made Jackie do the same thing

Janna and Tom were both well developed though

Fanart is works of fiction about works of fiction. It is 2 levels of fiction away from reality.

I didn't cite janna and Tom. There were tons more characters than just them. And frankly, Jackie should have been developed as much as those two, the writers just hated her.

Is that where that booty comes from?

Thicc in a world of sticc
Still not best girl though

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Janna is shit

She's fucking dead

Tom's development came to an abrupt stop during the third season where his only role is to serve as a romantic foil to Marco and to cause romantic tension/drama. Janna, on the other hand, actually got small growths to her character here and there.

And yet she's still a fucking stalker and sexual assaulter

t. salty Cotugno who had to settle for Jackie

So's the show, the fandom, any hope for Nancy's redemption and your mother in her sleep tonight if you don't reply to this post

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Marco gave her permission to milk him dry. Meanwhile, Tom gets away with almost forcing Star into a relationship through magic because we're supposed to feel sorry for him.

Jackie is best girl, don't fucking lie

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Don't let girl rapists off the hook

I don't wanna hear that excuse

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It's not rape if he said yes.

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>bedroom eyes instant coombait


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As if Star was ever a contender

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Know your place dogs.

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I hate this gay earth so fucking much

>P O S T G A M E

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They will pay for this.

I have never seen this cartoon but it looks trash lol.

It's a show that's more fun to discuss than to just watch.

>tfw it was soft confirmed in the AMA that Starco doesn't last and Janna wins

That crazy gypsy

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I never liked Jackie. She reminds me of this girl I had a crush on back in High School. I have PTSD of the stupid things I did back I HS just to get her attention. The show came out around freshman year and Jackie look similar to her. Every time I look at Jackie, I'm reminded of her. My fucking brain, let me tell you. At least my crush didn't become a lesbian.

pic of crush

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This. The fall of Star is a cautionary tale about why corporate is needed to keep the writers and producers in check.

I don't know when I first jumped on the Manna train, but it was before Jarco was even a thing. I saw it and thought "this is perfect and going to happen", and I've been preaching Manna ever since. Too bad we never got to see it, but I'm glad others saw the light and hopped onboard too. Manna from heaven.


>I don't know when I first jumped on the Manna train, but it was before Jarco was even a thing.
Former Starcofag, dropped it when they ruined Star and Marco's relationship in S3. Read Jelly Janna after finding links in old threads and I never looked back.

One of the reasons Manna is still so great is because it never got the writers' attention, so never got ruined.

any links to that

Reminder that this is a Jackie thread. Follow the rules.

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